Dear Church Family,
Have you ever asked yourself this question; is my relationship with God what I want it to be? Another question, is God pleased with your relationship with him? If you answered no to either of these questions, what are you doing in your life to be able answer both questions with a yes?
Paul wrote to the romans these words in Romans 10:9, “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” This step of faith begins our journey of an ever growing relationship with God.
As we read in the gospels the way Jesus taught his disciples we discovery that meeting and following Jesus is the beginning not the end. As Christ called his disciples they left everything behind to follow and learn from the master. As Jesus was about to go to the Cross he introduced the teaching of the coming Holy Spirit. We see the most concise teaching in John 14 and 15.
Jesus declares that the very presence of God would be with the disciples through the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit would continue to teach them and empower them for fulfilling God’s plan for their lives.
Jesus often would demonstrate the power of God through signs and wonders. It was not uncommon for Jesus to teach and demonstrate the way of a disciple then send His disciples out to serve through the same power with signs and wonders. One of the common struggles for us as disciples is the going out and doing what God is teaching in the season of life we find ourselves in.
Our daughter Kristin tells of the youth group trip in which the youth were taught a spiritual truth in the morning and then being dropped off in Chicago to practice what she had learned. One of the lessons taught how to begin a conversation with a person that would ultimately lead to the discovery as to their faith in Christ. Our family enjoys fishing. Kristin went into a city park and began a conversation with a person who was fishing off of a bridge. Before the afternoon was done Kristin was fishing with the young man and discovered he was unchurched.
So, back to the original questions. What is the condition of your relationship with God? Every relationship requires work. For our God relationship to grow we must interact with God. This interaction includes reading and studying God’s word, learning to hear God speak as we pray and ultimately basing every decision upon two or more questions. Is this God’s plan for my life and will I bring Glory to God in every action?
Any of us who live by faith in Jesus will be taught by the Holy Spirit and then have the opportunity to put the lesson into practice. Jesus sent first disciples out to practice their lessons. As Jesus’s disciples today are we willing to practice what Jesus is teaching?
Pastor Mike