November 2020
Waterville UMC Ambassador
Dear Church Family,

May God pour out His great love through Jesus upon you.

Here is a quick update on the New Building. The architect, builder and building contractor are working on updating the timeline for our build. This is an important step as they care for the changes made to reduce the budget. When the timelines are available the leadership team will let you know.

Please continue to pray for God’s ongoing provision with the new building and our general fund. As we live out our mission to Serve, Connect, Love and Give. Our vision to Share, Celebrate, and Teach God’s love.

In looking towards Thanksgiving some of us already know that our traditional gatherings are not going to be possible. So, how do we stay connected when we will not be setting down at our Thanksgiving feast? The importance of staying connected is one aspect of our giving thanks to God for our family, friends and church family.

Here is a thought: my mother in law looks forward every year for each person at the table to share one thing for which they are thankful. How about a conference call or any of the other ways we have learned to stay connected, to all those that would normally get together so that each one may share the love and thanksgiving we have for one another?

It is also imperative that we stay connected to God during this time. Paul writes in the 1st letter to the Church of Thessaloniki in Chapter 5 these words,

“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

Are we willing to trust God during this season and give thanks for all circumstances?

How would life be different if someone or a family are remaining isolated were to receive a call from you during Thanksgiving Day? Sharing your love with them and your thankfulness to God for them? You may even consider praying for God’s blessing for them.

Giving thanks to God in all circumstances is a way that shifts our focus from the circumstances we are in to a focus on God. God’s promise is to always be with us. No matter what is happening in our lives, our nation and our world giving thanks shifts when we keep our eyes on Jesus we will have peace.

Blessings to all,
Pastor Mike
Waterville UMC's
Vision and Mission

Please click on the button below for Waterville UMC's Vision, Mission and Core Values and the related scripture.
Remember to set your clocks back an hour before you go to bed TONIGHT. You may get an extra hour of sleep...but even better you may come to church at 9:30 am and join the Prayer Group or take the time to pray on your own. We have many blessings to thank the Lord for and many concerns to pray to Him about.
        Finance & Stewardship
Our 2021 General Fund Stewardship Campaign continues along with our journey towards “A New Beginning” trusting in God to show us the way. As we have pointed out, Stewardship is more than just your financial commitment. It includes your commitment of prayer, service, presence and witness. 

The Church Council (Leadership Team) is responsible for all operations & functions of the various ministry teams. Its membership consists of Chair, Education, Missions, Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Treasurer, Celebration, Outreach, Finance and at large members. There are many positions available for you to assist and participate in these ministry teams. 

Listed below are several non-financial opportunities and areas of interest for your prayerful consideration. Even though the future is not clear due to continuing COVID issues, we need to cover these areas and be ready when it is safe to do so and as needed. Please contact Pastor Mike or the Church Office if you would like more information.

Our VisionShare, Celebrate, and Teach God’s Love 
Our MissionServe. Connect. Love. Give. 
Operate PowerPoint
Be on the Live Streaming Team
Operate Sound
Lead Children’s Moment
Prepare altar for Sundays
Restock pew supplies
Communion preparation/cleanup
Communion servers
Special and seasonal decorations
Learning & Spiritual Growth

Attend Sunday School
Attend a Bible Study
Invite a friend to church
Learn to share my faith
Lead a small group study
Lead where needed, with training

 Education & Children’s Ministry
(Youth – requires a Background Check)

Teach Children Sunday School Class
Adult Teacher’s Assistant
Assist with Vacation Bible School
Assist with craft projects & preparations
I have a special skill or interest I’d like to share with children/youth: _____________________________
Volunteer for youth program
Chaperone mission events
Youth Mission Trip volunteer
Work with youth on ongoing basis
Prepare meal for youth group
Provide snacks / drinks for youth group
Will share my testimony with youth group
Nursery Ministry
(Requires a Background Check)

Early service nursery helper (Sunday school)
Later service nursery helper (Worship)


Congregational Care
Visit homebound members
Visit hospital patients with Pastor
Card Ministry: Write/send cards
Provide meals for families in need
Prepare food for funerals meals at church
Work with senior adults
Drive for those needing transportation
Do light home maintenance
Music/Arts Ministries

Sing in Sanctuary choir
Handbell choir
Assist in children’s music
Serve as accompanist
Participate in Theatre productions
Play special musical instruments: __________________
Hospitality & Fellowship Ministries

Follow up with visitors
Adopt a new member
Host Fellowship Time
Browning Bus Driver (Sunday)

Volunteer for Mission projects
Local missions________________________
Welcome a Neighbor Bags
Disaster relief/ISOH-Impact
Bake Cookies for outreach events

Volunteer for office help
Update WUMC's Facebook page
Update WUMC's Twitter page
Assist with Web site / Ambassador
Newspaper communications

Member of Offering Counting Team
Assist Finance Team
Church Building and Grounds Care

Adopt a flower bed
Rake leaves
Prune shrubs
Participate in seasonal clean up


Wherever the church needs me
Member of Church Council
Our worship services begin at 11:00 am and are limited to about 30 minutes. There are 5 options available at this time.

In the Sanctuary (wearing a mask and maintaining social distancing unless it is a family or have traveled together for worship).

In the courtyard. Please bring your own chair and maintain social distancing.

Park within a block of the church and listen to the service on FM 90.5. (This is our NEW frequency!!)

Live Stream via You Tube (link will be provided).

Watch the recording of the worship service when available on-line at
Woman’s Monday Night Bible Study is studying Galatians. They meet at 7 PM at a residence or via Zoom. Contact Delores Young 419-878-8238 if you are interested.
Tuesday Night Bible Study has begun again! We meet at 7 PM on TUESDAY NIGHTS in the Community Room, in a safe manner. We are getting ready to start a **NEW** Bible Study, so please join us!
M&M (Mary and Martha) Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM. We are starting a **NEW** study by Max Lucado called GRACE. Join us! Please contact the Church Office at to learn more.
B & B (Bible and Breakfast) Bible Study meets via Zoom on Thursdays at 8 AM: We are studying My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers This book provides thought-provoking meditations to cultivate a closer walk with God. Readers can gain a fresh perspective on how to grow in faith as they discover more about God and their relationship in Him. Please contact Pastor Mike at to join.

Children's Sunday School for children ages 4 to sixth grade has returned! The children meet in the Community Room from 11:00-11:30. Covid guidelines are followed and we ask that you take your child's temperature before arriving. Children will need to wear a mask. 

Currently there is no nursery available for younger children, however, the Fireside Room in the basement can be used if families need a place to go with their little ones.
LEAF RAKING HELP!!! The youth will be raking leaves on November 8 after church. If you are interested in having your leaves raked, please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or 

There is also a sign up sheet on the bulletin board. Donations can be made to the Youth Mission Trip Fund.
The Youth carved pumpkins and helped at John Nicholson's Garden...God's Garden!
Thanks to all those who bought produce from my vegetable stand, JOHN'S VEGGIES, this summer. As the season comes to a close, I have receipts of $15,300 as of Oct. 26. In the 15 years I have been keeping records, it is $2000 over the highest income of any other year. Last year was the lowest at $9,500. The Lord blest us this year with a great year for planting and the heat of July made it the best watermelon year ever. 

I want to personally thank the Sheltons and the WUMC youth group for helping me carry the 80 heavy pumpkins from the back of the field out to the trailer for transport to the stand. It saved me a lot of back breaking work.

If you know any needy families without their pumpkins, let me know and I will give pumpkins to them. 

Ph: 419-944-6468
John Nicholson
We have included the November HomeTouch in this Ambassador. Click on HomeTouch picture to open.
Operation Christmas Child
OCC Logo
Pray for shopping wisdom and your purchase your items. The Lord knows who will receive your gifts and He can guide your shopping.
WUMC Operation Christmas Child Dedication Sunday is November 15th.
4-5 Volunteers needed for each time slot this year as we will have CURBSIDE COLLECTION the week of November 16-23.

Here are the dates and times:

Nov. 16: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Nov. 17: 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Nov. 18: 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Nov. 19: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Nov. 20: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Nov. 21: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Nov. 22: 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Nov. 23: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

SIGN UP on the bulletin board or email the church office and we can sign you up!

Susie's Coats will be our December Mission Focus. Susie will be speaking to WUMC on Sunday, December 6th. This is a reminder that they are now focusing on NEW or SLIGHTLY USED COATS for KIDS!
Ring a bell……help change a life

It is time again for our annual participation in the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Bell Ringing! Our date is set for Saturday, December 5, 2020 at the Waterville Kroger location. Times are one-hour slots (though you may take two) running from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. Grab a buddy (always more fun that way!) and sign up for a time that works for you. 

This year we are asked to wear masks and must stand a bit further away from the kettle to allow people to deposit their donations comfortably, but everything else is the same. Bells, kettle, and sign are provided. Dress warmly as you will be standing in the Kroger Lobby. 
Sign-up sheet is posted on the hallway bulletin board, or you may call the office to see if a slot is open. 

Thank you from the Missions Team!
The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.

November’s Theme

Lord, Help Our Nation

Weekly Topics
November 01 – How much more can our nation take?
November 08 – It is time to confess our sins
November 15 – It is time to repent and beg for mercy
November 22 – It is time to Thank our Lord
November 29 – It is time to change our ways               
that will grace the altar on Christmas Eve!!!


Starting Sunday November 1, we will have order envelopes by the Offering Boxes and on the bulletin board to order your poinsettias. You will have the choice of Red or White. The cost will be $7.00 each.

Please fill out the envelope and include either a check or cash. Please clearly write the information for who your poinsettia is in memory or honor of. Thank you!
Click on the picture to listen to
Give Thanks by Don Moen
A Church Bulletin Funny...The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.

October 4... 129
October 11...101
October 18...102
October 25... 92
Days to Remember in November!
Happy Birthday to you!

(If you have an November Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
Melva Robinson November 1
Aiden David Wittenmyer November 3
Pastor Mike Denman November 4
Janet Quinn November 4
Stephanie Shelton November 4
Maddock Hires November 8
David Landis November 8
Wendell Welker November 10
Lindsey Laurie November 11
Hailey Kahl November 14
Lauren May November 14
Caitlin May November 14
Steve Rath November 14
Marny Mazzarella November 16
Zoe Rose November 17
Heather Rose November 18
Jan Sheridan November 18
Hazel McCausland November 19
Delores Young November 19
Shamarr Lipinski November 20
Thomas McCausland November 20
Karen Wiggins November 20
Chase Kirby November 21
Rowen Underwood November 21
Seth Hudson November 22
Thomas Kahl November 23
Gage McMIllan November 24
Elaine Colyer November 25
Matt Gingery November 25
Jamel Lipinski November 26
Ella May Kimball November 27
Tommy Laurie November 27
Michael Page November 27
Jacob Kahl November 28
Donna Martin November 28
Terry Myers November 28
Ted Myers November 30
If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need please call Pastor Mike Denman at 419-469-0156 .
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Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |