June 2023

Waterville UMC Ambassador

Join us on Tuesday, June 20th for our
Toledo Mud Hens Outing!

Please contact the church office with any questions.

WUMC Chair Yoga & Light Weight Strength Class for Seniors
If you’re looking for an opportunity to increase your flexibility and range of motion, change up your routine, or just get some additional mental clarity, this is the class for you!
Join us on Wednesdays at 2:00pm

The cost is $12 per month or $3 per session.

VBS at Zion Lutheran

Ice Cream Tour: Sweet Retreat

Missions Committee Focus for June 2023

Our June Mission Focus is the two local food pantries in the AW Community. The AWCFM is right at the end of Waterville Monclova Rd, and the Zion UMC Food Pantry is in Whitehouse. Your donations will support both pantries.

Relying on the generosity of churches, individuals, and local businesses, the two pantries assist over 140 area families every two weeks. The weekend Bookbag Program for AW students serves over 90 students each weekend with individual breakfast, lunch, and quick snack ideas when these students, who most likely receive free and reduced lunches during the school year, receive food to fill the weekend gap.

Just within the last week, the food pantry received a grant that will allow them to continue the Weekend Bookbag Distribution for a portion of the summer with a little help from area churches, businesses, and individuals. Donations of any non-perishable food is happily accepted for the food pantry, but if you are able, individually packaged food items will truly be a blessing to the Bookbag Program and assist throughout June, July and August.

Suggestions for individual servings:

  • Fruit: Peaches, Pears, Mandarin Oranges, Pineapple, etc.
  • Cereal: Any type of individually boxed cereal
  • Other Breakfast Items: Pop Tarts, Granola Bars, Breakfast Bars, Oatmeal packets
  • Individual Peanut Butter Packages or those with crackers: Plain Preferred, Cheese and crackers, peanut butter crackers
  • Other Lunch Items: Mac and cheese, Ramen Noodles (Believe it or not kids LOVE Ramen Noodles again!), soups, Spagettio’s, pasta cups, Ravioli, Cup of Noodles, Mini Salami sticks
  • Sweet or salty items for snack: Chips, cookies, pretzels, trail mix, Doritos, Chex Mix, Cheez-its, Microwave Popcorn, Fruit Snacks

“Neighbors feeding neighbors in the love of Christ” is the purpose of these outreach locations manned completely by volunteers. With the rising cost of groceries, more than ever, they serve to meet the needs of families in the surrounding area. It’s easy for us to forget that so close to home there are families with food insecurities. Be the hands and feet of Jesus by serving those in our community. Just another way for us to BE THE CHURCH!

June Focus: Quality Toys

Guide to Operation Christmas Child Year-Round Shoebox Shopping, Packing, & Tips

Savvy shoebox packers know that it’s never too early to start shopping, packing, personalizing, and fundraising for shoebox gifts. By preparing shoebox gifts all year long, you can send the Good News of Jesus Christ and the great joy of receiving an Operation Christmas Child shoebox to more boys and girls around the world! Use this year-round guide to maximize your impact for the Gospel
OCC Year-Round Shopping PDF


May 7: 121

May 14: 137

May 21: 172

May 28: 148

April Card Ministry Liaison is Mary Williams

Please reach out to her at

if you know of someone who needs encouraging words through a card.

Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.

Happy Birthday!

(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)

David Nightingale June 2

Cruz Westfall June 5

Caleb Gregory June 8

Kip Studer June 10

Shirley Paison June 13

Jean Warner June 14

Sandra Clark June 18

Yvonne Lammon June 18

Glen Lammon June 18

Ben Long June 18

Katie Beakas June 19

Sara Kirby June 19

Emma Beakas June 21

Russ Robertson June 21

Paul Croy June 22

John Nicholson June 22

Sarah Shoemaker June 23

Karen Longnecker June 24

Thad Jones June 26

Zora Ariel Odette Bollinger June 28

Click here to see the daily Bible readings!

If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Teresa Wenrick at 937-726-3758 or .

Office hours have changed for the summer. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645, or email if you need to visit the office.

Praises to the Lord!

10:30 AM

Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:

  • In Sanctuary
  • Live Stream via You Tube at
  • Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |