October 2020
Waterville UMC Ambassador
Dear Church Family,
2nd Corinthians 9:7b-10 reads, "“For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.” For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.”
Paul is reminding the church in Corinth to follow through on their commitment to provide for the poor. This reminder shares an important promise. If the Body of Christ in Corinth would give cheerfully God will provide generously for their every need. God will also provide an increase to the faithful that produce a “harvest” that is the believer will bear much fruit.
Let each of us ask ourselves, am I being generous in planting the seeds that will bear fruit? Jesus, in the parable of the sower, found in Matthew 13 describes what happens when the seeds are sown generously. The promise is when the seed is sown in prepared soil the harvest will be great. Yet, if one sows generously, there will be some seed that will not fall on prepared soil. The seed that is not sown in prepared soil will not bear fruit.
Do we have family members, neighbors and/or co-workers that do not know God’s love? We will likely all answer this question yes. How are you preparing the soil of their spirit to receive the seed and bear much fruit? Are we sowing God’s seeds of love, grace and salvation?
In our spiritual lives in this world we are all to sow God’s seeds. The harvest on earth depends upon the generous way we love others without qualifiers.
Let’s all become generous sowers of the seed of life in Jesus. God will bless our generosity with His generosity.
My prayer for us all is that we experience God’s generosity, God’s provision for our every need.
Pastor Mike
October is Pastor Appreciation Month
As has been said so many times this year, during these difficult times.... And we have grown to know even more the importance of the support of the Lord and our church. To show our appreciation, let us shower Pastor Mike with cards and prayers throughout the month to let him know our thankfulness for his caring outreach and his service to the Lord. Start today and let's keep it going...
Waterville UMC's
Vision and Mission
Please click on the button below for Waterville UMC's Vision, Mission and Core Values and the related scripture.
Finance & Stewardship
Facts, Figures, FYI’s
Even though this year has been like no other with all the COVID-19 issues and resulting changes that have affected each one of us, our “New Beginning Journey” continues. No matter what, God is in charge and He will lead us through this and toward the future and His will for us. There is so much potential and so many opportunities to spread the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the community and the surrounding area. As members of WUMC we have all committed both as individuals and as a congregation to support His work through our time, our talents, our gifts, our service and our witness.
October 11, 2020, will be the kick off for our 2021 General Fund Stewardship Campaign, which supports our operational budget / expenses for the coming year. The budgeting process and campaign planning has already begun and we ask for your prayers during this all-important annual endeavor.
It is also a time for each of us to prayerfully consider not only our financial commitment, but also what part you may play in support of God’s work. Let us all truly focus on looking at our world through God’s eyes, seeking the answer to the question: What does God want to do through me?
Our Vision – Share, Celebrate, and Teach God’s Love
Quarterly Statements: Your 3rd Quarter Giving Statements will be emailed on Monday, October 5th. For those who receive hardcopies, they will be mailed during that week.
Please contact Tom Wiggins, financialsec@watervilleumc.org if you have any questions about anything related to financial giving, the Stewardship Campaign or the Capital Campaign.
Our worship services begin at 11:00 am and are limited to about 30 minutes. There are 5 options available at this time.
In the Sanctuary (wearing a mask and maintaining social distancing unless it is a family or have traveled together for worship).
In the courtyard. Please bring your own chair and maintain social distancing.
Park within a block of the church and listen to the service on FM 106.9. (Watch for an update to the FM frequency.)
Live Stream via You Tube (link will be provided).
Watch the recording of the worship service when available on-line at www.watervilleumc.org
M&M (Mary and Martha) Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM. The study is "Paul the Apostle - What Culture Doesn't Want You to Hear". Americans live in a culture that places high emphasis on entertainment, achievement, and self. It's increasingly difficult for Scriptural Truth to cut through the noise and sink into our hearts. But, when we stop and study scripture, the culture we live in faces the same problems as the early church. In four sessions, David Nasser uses the life of Paul to highlight how followers of Christ can stand up to cultural "norms" and stand firm in Christ. Please contact the Church Office at wumcoffice@watervilleumc.org to learn more.
B & B (Bible and Breakfast) Bible Study meets via Zoom on Thursdays at 8 AM: We are studying My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers This book provides thought-provoking meditations to cultivate a closer walk with God. Readers can gain a fresh perspective on how to grow in faith as they discover more about God and their relationship in Him. Please contact Pastor Mike at pastormike@watervilleumc.org to join.
Children's Sunday School will return on Sunday, October 4th! The children will meet in the Community Room from 11:00-11:30. The kids will not go into the sanctuary first, but come straight to the community room. Covid guidelines will be followed and we ask that you take your child's temperature before arriving. Children will need to wear a mask. Sunday School is for children ages 4 - sixth grade. We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Currently there is no nursery available for younger children, however, the Fireside Room in the basement can be used if families need a place to go with their little ones.
Youth Alive and Families attended Casting Crowns Drive In concert on September 27th! Sharing some photos....
Thank you to all who made this possible. Seven adults and seven youth attended!
We have included the October HomeTouch in this Ambassador. Click on HomeTouch picture to open.
Operation Christmas Child
October Collection Items... MORE "Older Boys" items Balls, playing cards. tools, water bottles, focus on Boys items again for ages 10-14, Dominoes, Rubik Cube's
Pray for shopping wisdom and your purchase your items. The Lord knows who will receive your gifts and He can guide your shopping.
Waterville UMC has once again volunteered to be a collection site!
Watch for updates on the safety procedures for volunteers such as wearing gloves and masks.
We look forward to supporting this life changing ministry.
A big thank you!
We collected 21 Hygiene Kits and 38 School Kits.
We will keep them safely stored until they can be utilized.
The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.
October’s Theme: Health – Part II
Weekly Topics:
October 4 – A Spiritual Dimension to Health
October 11– Exercise, Too
October 18 – Drug and Alcohol Abuse
October 25 – Praying for the Health of Ourselves & Others
We were able to have the sanctuary available for the live streaming of the National and Global Day of Prayer on September 26th. Thank you to all who attended and to all who helped make it happen.
For if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14
Click on the picture to listen to
The Voice of Truth By Casting Crowns
A Church Bulletin Funny...The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'
September 6...97
September 13...93
September 20...98
September 27...100
Members, please plan to be present at 9:45 AM on Sunday, October 11th for the Special Church Conference. You must be present and be a member of WUMC to vote.
You may be in the sanctuary with social distancing and a mask, in the courtyard (bring your own chair) or in your vehicle. Ballots will be handed out during the conference. The ballots will then be collected, counted and the results will be announced.
Kristin Kahl October 1
Dick Warner October 4
Dan Stevens October 5
Tracy Suchocki October 6
Seth Kirby October 7
Emily May October 7
Edith Sobecki October 11
David Stafford October 13
Lily Peel October 14
Tom Wielgopolski October 14
Barb Crandall October 15
Ron Peyton October 18
Bob Deardurff October 19
Randy Reihing October 23
Rebecca Allison October 28
Tony Mazzarella October 30
Michelle Vernon October 30
Brian Schultz October 31
Happy Birthday to you!
(If you have an October Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
The church office has reduced hours. We regularly check voicemail & email. If you need to reach us please call 419-878-3645 and leave a voicemail or send us an email at wumcoffice@watervilleumc.org. If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need please call Pastor Mike Denman at 419-469-0156 .
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