February 2021
Waterville UMC Ambassador
Dear Church Family,

May the blessings of God be with you, may the glory of God shine upon you and may the Holy Spirit equip you as a faithful servant.

God promises to supply our every need. What is your greatest need today? The need may be spiritual, emotional or physical. Our relationship with God in Jesus is based upon God’s love and our willingness to participate in our own relationship with God. The more we are willing to depend upon God, the more God can do in and with our daily lives.

The key is being led by the Holy Spirit. The only way that the Holy Spirit can lead us is if we are willing to humble ourselves and follow. Today, ask God to reveal to you the biggest roadblock getting in the way of a growing relationship with God. Are you willing to deal with what God reveals as the biggest roadblock? One of the things that will happen is that life will become more focused upon God and less focus on self. This life change will bring inner peace and joy that cannot be described with human words.

As a congregation we have been humbling ourselves as we pray about the journey that God has laid before us. Let us rejoice that God is also providing for this journey.

One piece of our serving God is the way so many of us that have provided coats, tech needs and financial support for Waterville Primary kids and teachers. Our generosity has truly impacted our community. God may be speaking to us all and possibly you personally to continue to meet real needs in our primary school. There are still items needed, especially Chromebooks.

A second part of this journey is the New Beginnings Building. Weaver Commercial Contractors have submitted the permit applications. Let us all pray that the Lucas County engineers will approve the permits as soon as possible and that they do not require any changes to the plans. As we keep praying and answering God’s call, God will provide.

Finally, beginning Sunday, February 14, the sanctuary will be open for worship for our 11:00 am worship service. We will still be social distancing and wearing masks. Also, live streaming, FM transmission and the recorded service will be opportunities for the worship of God.

Let us never forget that God is good, all the time.

To God be the Glory,
Pastor Mike

Our Vision – Share, Celebrate, and Teach God’s Love
Our Mission – Serve. Connect. Love. Give.
There are also apps through Bible Gateway and You Version to help guide you through this experience. Choose the one that works for you!
The February HomeTouch is another source of reading the Bible. Start today! There are also fun word games that we share in the weekly blast. Click on HomeTouch picture to open.
Worship with Waterville UMC

Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:

Live Stream at 11 AM Sunday via You Tube at

Park in car near the church at 11 AM Sunday and listen to the service on FM 90.5.

Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at

As Pastor shared, starting Sunday, February 14th, we will return to having IN PERSON services! We will also continue to have LIVE STREAM, PARK & WORSHIP at FM 90.5 and RECORDING the service.

For IN PERSON, as before, we must maintain social distancing and masks will be required.

Please join us in worship in the manner you feel safe.
Project with a Purpose
Children, youth, and families created 290 pipe cleaner hearts to give to residents at Sunshine (100), Browning (70), Story Point (80), and Kingston (40). 

The hearts were included in a treat bag of Hershey kisses and sealed with a notecard with a Valentine sticker. 
Thank you to everyone who took part in this project by donating Hershey kisses, folding the notecards, making the hearts, filling and stapling the bags, and delivering the bags! We are praying that these bring a smile to the faces of all the individuals who will receive them. 

We also received so many Hershey kisses that we are planning on blessing each staff member at Waterville Primary with a small Valentine treat box full of kisses!
We love Virtual Read Alouds with Mrs. Shelton
Each week, watch for the link in Friday's eBLAST for kids and grandkids to enjoy listening to a Christian Children's book read by Mrs. Shelton. Adults will enjoy it too!!!

WHO WILL I BE HELPING?      Two local food pantries:

Anthony Wayne Community Food Ministry - Housed in Waterville Community Church

Anthony Wayne Food Pantry - Located at Zion United Methodist Church, Whitehouse

WHAT CAN I DO?  Donations of the following most needed food items will be much appreciated. See the Grocery Shopping List below!

WHERE/WHEN? On Sundays, we will have a tote for donations outside each entrance and a large one inside. During the week, please call 419-878-3645 to let us know you are coming! We have someone in the office from 9 AM to Noon Monday-Friday. Thanks so much!!

WHY? BENEFITS?  Food on the table of those individuals & families who cannot help themselves and God’s blessings to you for giving.
The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.

February Focus - God's Blessings

February 7: 5 Incredible Blessings God Gives Us to Enjoy Every Day
February 14: 1. His Word, 2. His Presence
February 21: 3. His Grace, 4. His Gifts
February 28: 5. His Compassion

Before we begin, I need to pass forward this important information I heard last week from Dr. David Jeremiah – He said that he is going through some of the same depression everyone is experiencing with our current national and global challenges. He said he has been journaling his daily thoughts for years. He said, recently when he went back to read them, he found that most of them included the problems and challenges he was experiencing each day. He explained this caused him to be somewhat depressed and discouraged. He decided he was journaling the wrong things from each day. So, he changed his journaling approach. He now writes down the blessings he has experienced each day and when he goes to review them, he gets so fired up and excited about Jesus and all the wonderful blessings he has received each day from God that were totally slipping past him each day. As he was saying this, it brought tears to his eyes and many of the eyes of his parishioners. Can you believe that even David Jeremiah can get down and discouraged? Wow, are we ever loved and blessed by our Lord! Do I hear an “Amen” out there? I have begun to do this myself and would greatly encourage others to do the same. It is life changing!
We also have an opportunity for you to sign up to be a Prayer Partner for a week. With this, you are committing for one week to pray each day for Pastor Mike, our Youth Group, our Church Leaders, and our Church. Praying may be done wherever you are, at home, in your car, at work during your break. Totally up to you.

Choose a week (Feb 7, Feb 14, Feb 21 or Feb 28) and sign up for by emailing the office at

Thank you in advance for being a Prayer Partner!
Wish to celebrate a special occasion with flowers and beautify our Altar at the same time? Email the office at with:

OCCASION: Ex. Our Wedding Anniversary; In Honor of Our Grandchildren
SUNDAY OF YOUR CHOICE: FEB 14, FEB 21 and FEB 28 or any Sunday in the year; we can plan ahead!!!

Then drop off or mail a check to WUMC for $40. The office will place the order the week prior. You may then pick up your flowers the next week and share them with a loved one and brighten someone's day.
Waterville United Methodist Church will be hosting IF:Gathering 2021 on March 5-6. The theme is "Even If." 

Even if the worst happens, we don't lose hope. It will be a virtual event where you can participate in the comfort of your own home or come to church, 102 N. Fifth St. Waterville, and participate while social distancing and wearing a mask. 

The current schedule is Friday, March 5 at 7:15 p.m.-9 p.m. and on Saturday, March 6 we will begin at 9:15 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Speakers include Jennie Allen (Founder of IfGathering), Francis Chan, Joni Eareckson Tada, Lysa Terkerurst, Jada Edwards and Sadie Robertosn Huff to name a few.

This is a FREE event with our partner, Right Now Media. Register by clicking on the button below:: 

January 3...106
January 10... 82
January 17...139
January 24...119
January 31...120
The February Card Ministry liasion is Terry Myers. Please reach out to her at if you know of someone who needs an encouraging words through a card.

Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.

Thank you to the Card Ministry for their ministry!
Kyle J. Galton February 2
Barbara Long February 2
Arthur Meade February 5
Brooklyn McMillan February 6
Clay O. Studer February 6
Mary Ann McVicker February 7
John R. Rose February 8
Cathy A. Landis February 11
Olga Topuzova-Meade February 11
James Caldwell February 13
Bob Hires, Jr. February 13
Bonne Spychalski February 13
Jacob Hires February 15
Rod Rose February 18
Sue George February 20
Susan F. Deardurff February 21
Frank C. Lipinski February 26
Brian McMillan February 27
Ainsley Bollinger February 28
Happy Birthday to you!

(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
Many thanks from U.S. Air Force member Justin Mingie for your thoughtful cards and prayers. Justin is completing his last round of chemotherapy for an inoperable brain tumor diagnosed nearly a year ago. Currently, his wife Jodi is on deployment overseas (Air Force Medic). Please continue to keep Justin and Jodi in your prayers. Justin and Jodi have expressed how overcome with Gratitude they are to strangers, each and everyone one, and feel the Lord’s presence, His Hand with them during this journey.
Let us be grateful to people who makes us happy. 
They are charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. 
Thank you!

With Sincere Gratitude for the many acts of kindness, cards, prayers which encourage and bless each recipient.
Tehya Collinsworth and Justin and Julie Mingie
“How great is your name, O Lord through all the earth”
Psalm 8:1.
If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Mike Denman at 419-469-0156 .

Office hours are generally Monday through Friday 9 AM to Noon, but may vary. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645 if you need to visit the office. Staff will be working from home at varied times but can always be reached by email.

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Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |