Waterville UMC Ambassador
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1 Peter 2: 9-10
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
What a great reminder for all of us as a faith family. We become more unified when we believe that we are:
Chosen: How does being ‘chosen’ by God for a special task make you feel?
A Royal Priesthood: How can we pray, or be faithful in speaking and applying God’s Word to/for those inside and outside our community?
A Holy Nation: Let us pray that, we as a church, would increasingly act like the holy people God has declared us to be.
God’s special possession: Yep ... you are God’s special possession. Let that soak into your being. Pray that this would give our church a sense of security and confidence and not fear what others may think of you.
Called: Take a moment and thank God for the way He has called you to service as part of the Body of Christ.
Recipients of Mercy: As we have received mercy from God, may we show mercy to one another. Forgiving the small things, the big things, and the things that seem to happen again and again.
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Thank You: Pastor Teresa and your Church Council would like to thank you for your
generosity and willingness to share your financial resources. May God continue to bless each of you and this congregation, as we work together doing His work of sharing the good news with others.
God wants you to trust him with your finances day by day. He calls you to be receptive to His leading and His mission. He challenges you to value obedience over financial security, and to remember that He is a God of plenty – not a God of limitations. Instead of asking, “How much does it cost?” you should ask, “Is it God’s will?” God’s math is different from secular math because God’s math says that the more you give, the more you receive. If you are spending on God’s will, He will always provide, because He truly is a God of abundance. And if He’s in charge of everything, He’s in charge of your finances too. Why wouldn’t He supply your needs when you are doing what He wants?
Discover Your Windows
Kent Hunter
Please contact the Church Office at watervilleumc@watervilleumc.org or Tom Wiggins at financialsec@watervilleumc.org if you have any questions related to finance or stewardship.
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It was another busy and fun time at Vacation Bible School learning about Jesus as a child. To those who coordinated, provided and served a meal to the volunteers and families, thank you. Thank you to the tribe leaders and helpers who led the children to the different stations throughout the evening, to those who helped in the marketplace making tie-dye shirts (which you will see later this summer), to those who presented the drama skits and led the children in song, and to those who led/ assisted with fun and games and cleaned up after the stomping of the water balloons, representing Jesus converting water to wine. It was so nice to see the smiles on all the 80+ children who attended, but especially on the faces of those children from our church, as they learned about Jesus’ life in his hometown of Nazareth. Blessings to all! | |
Go Grants resource new innovative ministry ideas that help West Ohio UM churches develop relationships beyond the walls of our buildings and within our communities, to make new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Have an idea for WUMC to reach more people for the kingdom, but feel there are no funds available to do so? Well ... get your creative minds working! There are five different Go Grant categories in which we can apply for and we can apply for one in each category. The categories are: Building Bridges, Community Engagement, Emerging Generations, Green Church, Leadership Development. You can read more about them at https://www.westohioumc.org/2025-go-grants
Need ideas? For a list of the ideas, please click here to see the 2024 Go Grant recipients. You will see there are a lot of ideas and possibilities. There is also a
Q&A page for any questions you may have. You can also contact Pastor Teresa with any additional questions or to brainstorm ideas.
There will be a meeting on September 18th at 6:00 pm to submit/present your ideas, or you can send/email them (wumcoffice@watervilleumc.org) or drop them off at the office. Get creative – think outside the box ... “Go, be the church!”
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Fresh Expressions are an effective way to build relationships, serve the people within your context and community, and revitalize your church. Fresh Expressions are about going outside of the norm, going beyond the typical boundaries of ordinary church to build human community with and among people with whom the church has forgotten, ignored, marginalized, or dismissed.
“Discover FX” is a 5-hour immersion into what Fresh Expressions are and how to launch your own expression of church. After the training, optional coaching sessions will be available via zoom to walk with you through launching a fresh expression of church.
WUMC will be attending the September 3rd training in Ada, Ohio. If you are interested in attending, please let Pastor Teresa know via email at pastorteresa@watervilleumc.org or by texting her at 937-726-3758.
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B&B Bible Study: Thursdays at 7:30am (year-round)
Meets for breakfast at Dale's in downtown Waterville. We are currently studying the daily devotional "Truth For Life" by Alistar Begg. All are welcome. No sign-up required.
Contact Tom Wiggins at 419-304-2254 or tandkwiggins@outlook.com with any questions
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June 9th and 23rd
No need to register, just show up! We'd love for you to join us.
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Pray on the Way
Tuesday, August 27th
The church will be open to members and the public for prayer, meditation and praise. Soft music and prayer suggestion sheets will be provided. No spoken message will be shared. Pray on the Way will occur the last Tuesday of each month from 5:30-6:30pm.
Come for five minutes or the whole hour. God will be listening.
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The Chosen Bible Study: Tuesdays at 6:30pm
Starting September 10th, we will be watching and focusing on Season 4 of The Chosen. We will watch the episode and the break into small groups to answer questions and have conversation. Please sign up for this Bible Study in the Gathering Space.
If you'd like to catch up on the previous seasons before the bible study begins (although it is not needed) you can binge watch them on Hulu and Amazon Prime.
Contact Pastor Teresa at 937-726-3758 or pastorteresa@watervilleumc.org with any questions
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Women's Bible Study: Tuesdays at 2:00pm
Starting September 10th, this session will be Chuck Swindoll's biblical commentary of Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. This study brings Swindoll’s insights and wisdom for exploring these important New Testament books. There will be a cost of $18.50 for the books that go along with the study.
Please be sure to sign up in the Gathering Space by September 3rd.
Contact Delores Young at 419-878-8238 or lindsaysmom2004@hotmail.com with any questions
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M&M’s Women’s Bible Study: Wednesdays at 9:30am
Starting September 11th, M&M’s will be focusing on a video study called “Everybody Always” by Bob Goff. This series illustrates becoming Love in a world full of setbacks. Goff shares stories that have helped him understand what it truly means to love everybody the way Jesus loved - without fear, insecurity, or restriction. The paperback book is $8.49, and the study guide is $5.99. Please sign up by August 18th to ensure the proper number of books are ordered.
Contact Karen Wiggins at 419-350-1211 or tandkwiggins@outlook.com with any questions
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Men’s Bible Fellowship: Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Starting September 11th, this men's bible fellowship is open to all men from different churches and denominations. We will be studying and discussing carious topics. We typically have 45-minute large group sessions followed by a 45-minute small group session. There is no assigned homework. This is a great time to build friendships and grow in your faith. We currently have been averaging 15-20 guys each week. So, if you have never participated in a men’s small group before, this is a good opportunity to try one! You can sign up in the Gathering Space.
Contact Alan Adam at 419-276-3878 or adamationinc@roadrunner.com with any questions
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Women’s Study “Armor of God”:
Thursdays at 7:15pm
Starting September 5th, “The Armor of God” by Priscilla Shirer will be the focus of this 7 week study.
Please sign up in the Gathering Space by August 25th to reserve a copy of the participant workbook.
Contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or sshelton171@gmail.com with any questions
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Missions Committee Focus for July and August:
Hygiene Kits & School Kits
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The Missions Committee is focusing on both Hygiene Kits and School Kits for July and
August, rather than assigning one type of kit to a specific month. Feel free to donate items for either kit during these two months.
In the face of natural disasters, violence, and grinding poverty, Hygiene Kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families. When people are forced to abruptly leave their homes, they may not have time to pack the things they use on a daily basis, like toothbrushes or soap. After a few days without these items, they definitely miss them. Your Hygiene Kits offer a refreshing daily boost for someone when supplies are hard to come by.
School Kits can give children in these impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning. Starting a new school year is exciting....but for
children who don’t have supplies, it can also be terrifying. That’s where these kits – and your compassion – come in! Plus, the fabric bag is a great keepsake that kids can carry all year long.
Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world. Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed
because of the simple items contained within.
Please donate only items from the lists below. Church World Service is very particular that items be the same in each kit.
Please have all items in by September 1st.
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M&Ms are launching a new project, Martha's Meals, to provide a frozen casserole to anyone in either our congregation or friends in the community who might have a need.
Any church member may take a casserole from the freezer by notifying either Charlotte Pritchett or Delores Young and signing the tally sheet in the kitchen.
Both monetary donations and purchase of specific ingredients for the entree are welcomed. Members will take an ingredient index card and return it with the purchased item.
M&Ms appreciates your participation as we seek to pass on God's love in another tangible way.
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August Focus: School Supplies | |
Guide to Operation Christmas Child Year-Round Shoebox Shopping, Packing, & Tips
Savvy shoebox packers know that it’s never too early to start shopping, packing, personalizing, and fundraising for shoebox gifts. By preparing shoebox gifts all year long, you can send the Good News of Jesus Christ and the great joy of receiving an Operation Christmas Child shoebox to more boys and girls around the world! Use this year-round guide to maximize your impact for the Gospel
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VBS at Zion Lutheran Church 2024 | |
July Attendance
July 7th: 131
July 14th: 153
July 21st: 172
July 28th: 160
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June Card Ministry Liaison is
Terry Myers
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Please reach out to her at
if you know of someone who needs encouraging words through a card.
Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.
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Happy Birthday!
(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
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Mary Williams August 2
Taylor Hankins August 4
Grant Przybylski August 5
Jennifer Kahl August 6
Robin Lipinski August 11
Larry Vasko August 19
Gerry Robinson August 22
Karen Scheub August 22
Barb Jones August 23
Mike Allison August 24
Brock Snyder August 24
Squire Young August 27
Sharon Hill August 31
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Hope 4 Little Heroes Golf Outing
Saturday, September 7th
All proceeds go to childhood cancer research and helping local cancer children in need. Register your team of 4 by contacting h4lheroes@gmail.com.
Registration deadline is September 1st.
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If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Teresa Wenrick at 937-726-3758 or pastorteresa@watervilleumc.org .
Office hours are typically Tuesday through Friday, 9am - 2pm. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645, or email if you need to visit the office.
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Praises to the Lord!
10:30 AM
Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:
- In Sanctuary
Live Stream via You Tube at www.watervilleumc.org
Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at www.watervilleumc.org
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