Waterville United Methodist Leadership Slate for 2024
The following is the 2024 WUMC Leadership slate approved at our Church Conference in November 2023. If you are interested in volunteering for any of the committees, please contact me or the name listed. Join me in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to guide and protect us in the new year. God has great plans for the new year. I am excited to see what God has in store. To God be the glory in all that we do. Blessings and appreciation. Pastor Teresa
Administrative Council
* Pastor ....................................................... Rev Teresa Wenrick
* Administrative Council Chair ...................... Charlene Monroe
* Nominations and Church Growth ............... Rev Teresa Wenrick
* SPRC Chair ............................................... Josh Hankins
* Trustee Chair ....................................... Christie Wielgopolski
Steve Crandall - Interim
* Lay Delegate to Annual Conference ....... Ben Long
* Lay Leader ............................................... TBD
* Finance Chair ....................................... Jim Page
* Treasurer ............................................... Louann Artiaga
* Young Adult Representative ....................... TBD
Celebrations Committee Chair ............... Mike Koontz
Missions & Sharing Chair ....................... Terry Myers
Directors of Education Ministry ............... Co Chairs: Bobbie Westfall/Brenda Hendricks
Communications ....................................... Donna Martin
Council Secretary ....................................... Charlene Monroe
At Large Member(s) ............................... TBD
Other Lay Ministry Leaders
Financial Secretary ....................................... Tom Wiggins
Assistant Financial Secretary ....................... Anna Banachowski
Office Manager ....................................... Kayla Katifias
Children's Director ....................................... TBD
Youth Director(s) ....................................... Jim and Jill Schlievert
Music / Choir Director ............................... Kayla Dye
Accompanist ................................................. Olga Topuzova-Meade
Congregational Care Chair ....................... Ben Long
Hospitality Chair ....................................... Tim Monroe
Outreach Chair ....................................... Laurie Scholfield
Decorating Committee
Sanctuary ....................................... Rev Teresa Wenrick
Other areas ........................................Terry Myers
Missions Team Chair ............................... Pam Cook
UM Women’s Ministry Chair ....................... Cindy Box
Funeral Dinners Chair(s) ............................... Karen Wiggins/Robin Lipinski
Those designated with a (*) are required Administrative Council positions according to the Book of Discipline. Members of the Administrative Council must be a member to be able to vote on any issues.