The Missions Committee is focusing on both Hygiene Kits and School Kits for July and
August, rather than assigning one type of kit to a specific month. Feel free to donate items for either kit during these two months.
In the face of natural disasters, violence, and grinding poverty, Hygiene Kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families. When people are forced to abruptly leave their homes, they may not have time to pack the things they use on a daily basis, like toothbrushes or soap. After a few days without these items, they definitely miss them. Your Hygiene Kits offer a refreshing daily boost for someone when supplies are hard to come by.
School Kits can give children in these impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning. Starting a new school year is exciting....but for
children who don’t have supplies, it can also be terrifying. That’s where these kits – and your compassion – come in! Plus, the fabric bag is a great keepsake that kids can carry all year long.
Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world. Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed
because of the simple items contained within.
Please donate only items from the lists below. Church World Service is very particular that items be the same in each kit.
Please have all items in by September 1st.