Our mission for the month of June is the AWCFM. In our area, there is distribution each Tuesday of the month at alternating locations. At the present time, approximately 200 families (one family would be considered 3-4 people) are receiving assistance from AW Food Pantries weekly. That number is up from an average of 145 families last year.
During the school year the food pantries also provide an option for AW students that receive free and reduced meals at school during the year, by providing Weekend Bag Meals. At the close of the 22-23 school year, approximately 90 students received a weekend packet of 2 breakfast items, 2 lunch items, 2 fruit items, and a couple of salty or sweet snacks to help fill the gap that is not met by school meals or food pantry meals.
For the '23-'24 school year that number of Weekend Food Bags jumped to 130. Both figures provided, are for our own AW district, and although distribution is not limited to the Waterville/Whitehouse area, the vast majority of recipients are from our own district. That is quite an increase in 12 months! We intend to continue the Weekend Food Bags throughout the summer months, with your help.
Both distribution points of AWCFM are operated with a totally volunteer staff and count on donations of area businesses, churches, organizations and individuals to help fill the need in our community.
Non-perishable food items as well as individually packed food items for the weekend food bags are requested this month to assist our own neighbors with food insecurities. Just another way that WUMC fulfills its passion to BE THE CHURCH!
Suggestions for individual servings:
Fruit: Peaches, Pears, Mandarin Oranges, Pineapple, etc.
Cereal: Any type of individually boxed cereal
Other Breakfast Items: Pop Tarts, Granola Bars, Breakfast Bars, Oatmeal packets
Individual Peanut Butter Packages or those with crackers: Plain Preferred, Cheese and crackers, peanut butter crackers
Other Lunch Items: Mac and cheese, Ramen Noodles (Believe it or not kids LOVE Ramen Noodles again!), soups, SpaghettiOs, pasta cups, Ravioli, Cup of Noodles, Mini Salami sticks
Sweet or salty items for snack: Chips, cookies, pretzels, trail mix, Doritos, Chex Mix, Cheez-its, Microwave Popcorn, Fruit Snacks