December Waterville UMC News, 2019
We are quickly approaching one of the busiest times of the year with Christmas parties, purchasing of gifts, planning family gatherings and generous outpourings of love to others. This season of Advent is a season of preparation.
Before moving into the whole thought around Advent I want to give God thanks for our heart of generosity. You have heard God’s voice and responded with great generosity to our annual stewardship campaign. God is providing, as we have now received 59 commitments for a total of $247,593 that covers 82% of our 2020 Operating Budget which is 10% higher than recent years. The new budget includes two months of mortgage payments. Thank you.
As we prepare for the celebration of the birth of our Savior and Lord I would like to invite each of us to enter into a season of prayer. The purpose is to prepare ourselves for a celebration of the beginning of the greatest gift ever given, the birth of Jesus who became a willing sacrifice for each of us.
One area to focus upon in our prayers is how this year will be different in our celebration of Christmas. Let’s make our focus not on all the busy stuff but upon giving glory to God for His love and grace. Ask God what would bring Him pleasure as we gather with family, friends, neighbors and co-workers.
In the area of family, friends, neighbors and co-workers we will bring a new approach to Christmas Eve. We will have one service this year one at 6:45 pm. This service will include a mini concert by Olga, a cantata by the choir, and our traditional candlelight service.
We have a great opportunity to invite family, friends, neighbors or co-workers. In the bulletin, beginning on December, an invitation card will be included for both the December 15, Children’s Christmas Program, and our Christmas Eve Candlelight service.
Here is the most important part of inviting these folks, pray for whom to invite. Pray that they will be open to the invitation, open to the working of the Holy Spirit and open to the word of God.
Consider this; the greatest gift we may give to another this Christmas. The gift of experiencing Emmanuel, God with Us.
May the God of love and grace bless this season,
Pastor Mike
Finance & Stewardship
Facts, Figures, FYI’s
2020 General Fund Stewardship Campaign:
We had a very blessed worship service for our
“Commitment Sunday”
on November 17
. By putting our faith and trust in God and with His leading, we presented our Stewardship Commitment Forms for 2020. We give thanks and praise for what God has given us and pray that He will multiply, use and direct our gifts to do His will during the coming year. If you have not had the opportunity to return your Stewardship Commitment Form, we will gladly accept yours at any time. You may place them in the offering, send via US Mail or drop them off in the Church Office. Everyone will be receiving an acknowledgement letter confirming your financial commitment. A final stewardship campaign and financial update letter will be sent in early January. Thank you again for your faithful stewardship…..............
2020 Giving Envelopes:
Your 2020 Giving Envelopes will be available on Sunday, December 8
on the shelf outside the church office. Please make every effort to pick them up, as it is quite expensive to mail them. In addition, we ask that you please use them for your giving. It really helps us keep accurate records.
2019 Giving Statements:
Your 2019 Giving Statements will be emailed on Saturday, January 11
For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for your pick-up on Sunday, January 12
on the shelf outside the Church Office.
Please contact the Church Office or Tom Wiggins if you have any questions about anything related to finance or stewardship.
9:00 Adult Bible Study
9:00 Prayer Time
10:30 Worship service
Who's coming with you to be able to experience the blessings God has given us at Waterville UMC!
Children's Christmas Musical
Sunday December 15, 10:30 a.m.
Come and watch the Waterville UMC kiddos for this wonderful Christmas musical.
Christmas around the World.
Christmas Eve Candlelight service December 24.
Mini concert by Olga, will start at 6:45
Service will start at 7:00
During the service, the Sanctuary choir will present
A Christmas Offering
Our Mission focus this month is Susie's Coats, a non-profit organization that collects and distributes new (preferably for children) and gently used coats, hats, gloves, scarves mittens and blankets. Founded by Susan Perry, they receive calls all winter for items and many of those calls are from schools, requesting items for students. Many stores have sales after Christmas and have really low prices on children's coats.
They are also in need of monetary donations with which to purchase coats and other warm apparel for children in need in Northwest Ohio. A Susie's coats collection box is provided fro you to put the items in outside the Community Room. We will continue to collect throughout the year. Let's fill them up again and again!!
The elimination of War, Conflict and Violence in the world.
The Sunday Morning Prayer Team meets in the Sanctuary each Sunday morning at 9:00 AM. Our mission is to intercede through the power of prayer for other people locally or around the world who need our prayer Support.
The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.
Lord God, please bless these boxes, and may each child that opens a box find you, your love, your grace, and full salvation. May they realize they are loved! Direct each box to the child that is supposed to have it.
In Jesus Name we pray! Amen!
Children's Christmas program is on December 15 @ 10:30 am.
Kiddos, come and practice with us if you would like to be a part.
Photos Needed for the Children’s Christmas Program:
Our Children’s Christmas Program this year is going to be “Christmas Around the World.”
One way that we spread Jesus’ love all around the world is by packing our Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. This ministry will be highlighted during our Christmas program so we are in need of any photos related to this ministry. The photos may be of you doing your OCC shopping or packing; collection site photos; RDB booth photos. Deadline for the photos is December 1. Please email your photos to Stephanie Shelton at
Starting Sunday November 3, we will have envelopes in the pew pads to order your poinsettias. Please fill out the envelope and include either a check, or cash.
You will have your choice of Red, or White. Each Poinsettia will be $7.00
You may also call the church office to place your order.
Visitation Committee
We are looking for a new leader
Part of the Outreach Ministry at Waterville United Methodist Church is the Visitation Committee. It is a team that reaches out to members who can no longer attend church or need some special assistance, maybe hear a friendly voice.
This group of dedicated people make phone calls, send cards, make home visits, give rides to doctor’s appointments, help with grocery shopping, take meals and reach out in so many ways to our members in need.
We are a link between them and our church.
With God’s help, our team will continue to serve God in many ways for some very special angels of our church
. Interested in joining the team or be its new leader?
Contact the church office or Terry Myers at 419-877-0263 or
Thank you to all of those who will be helping with Bell Ringing! You are appreciated!
Thank you to everyone who helped make the church beautiful and prepare our church for the Christmas Season, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior and Our King
Follow us on Twitter
Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages:
November 3 ......141
November 10 ....140
November 17.....156
November 24.....126
Luke Kirby December 1
Karen Caldwell December 3
Lily Croy December 4
Doug LaRue December 4
Brayden Grisham December 5
Douglas Box December 7
Kim Breen December 7
Millie Hires December 8
Ann Dalton December 10
James Page December 10
JoAnn Lucas December 15
Lawrence Deardurff III December 16
Natalie Przybylski December 16
Penny Greenlese December 17
Neil Westfall December 19
Kevin Abbey December 20
Charlotte Pritchett December 26
Dan Breen December 25
Logan Colyer December 27
Anne Stevens December 27
Rachel Studer December 28
Benjamin Varner December 28
Happy Birthday to you!
If you have a December Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645|
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