Waterville UMC News!
April , 2019
Dear Church Family,
With Easter almost here, how are you preparing for the celebration of new life, of becoming a new creation “ 2 Corinthians 5:17 , this means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a  new  person. The old life is gone; a  new  life has begun!”

All around us we are starting to see the New Beginning o f S pring. Trees budding, flowers blooming, temperatures rising reminding us that life is a cycle. There are times of great comfort and times of great chaos and everything in between.

Where are you in this cycle of life? Are you in a great place with God or somewhere else?Are you needing to know that God is with you and God desires to fill you with love and peace?

The suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus not only provides for us fullness of God’s love, but also the way we can find contentment in all circumstances. This contentment, God’s peace, comes from knowing that in Christ, God is with us always.

Easter is the grand celebration and worldwide reminder that God loves you.

Jesus shows us that we can choose God’s way in everything we do. Jesus was fully human and felt the same hurt and pain that we experience. He was willing to remove the biggest barrier in our lives to knowing the true and pure love of God. This barrier is sin. Jesus took our sin upon himself that by His blood we are cleansed. The power of sin, that is putting our own desires ahead of God, no longer holds us hostage. Jesus has paid the ransom for us!

In Christ you are set free to choose God’s way in your life. This is your New Beginning.

As spring dawns around us, let us not forget that God is leading individuals and our congregation to not only one New Beginning , the new church building, but many. One of our New Beginnings is the call upon two or more of our church members to improve our communications within the congregation and the community. This is great news as we move to be more effective across several communication areas.

During this Lenten Season where is God calling you to serve God in new ways? As Christ followers we are not to sit on the sidelines and only join the game when there are no other choices. We are to be the first string. On the field engaged in the ongoing battle to bring God glory in all that we do.

What New Beginning is God calling you to experience? As you answer the call you will discover new life and the inner peace that can only be found in a relationship with Jesus.
May you be blessed by God’s presence.

Pastor Mike 
Finance & Stewardship
Facts, Figures, FYI’s 

Quarterly Statements: Your 1 st Quarter Giving Statements will be emailed on Saturday, April 6th. For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for your pick up on Sunday, April 7th on the shelf outside the Church Office.

As a reminder, using your numbered giving envelopes not only helps the counters as they process the weekly offering but also the accuracy of your giving records. This is especially true if the total amount is split, for example General Fund & Capital Campaign.

Please contact Tom Wiggins @ 419-304.2254, or Email if you have any questions about anything related to finance, stewardship or the Capital Campaign. 

“Money is an excellent gift of God answering the noblest of ends”
                                                                                                        John Wesley


Palm Sunday:
9:00 AM - Adult Bible Study
9:00 AM - Adult Prayer
10:30 AM - Worship Service
11:30 AM - Fellowship/Easter Egg Hunt

6:30 PM - Youth Alive!

Maundy Thursday - Cantata " Song of the Shadows" at
Church of the Cross immediately following the Seder Dinner.
(1750 Eastgate Road. Toledo, OH)

Good Friday-
Cross Walk - 12:00 PM @ Waterville UMC . Meet in the back of the church.
7:00 Cantata with Church of the Cross at WUMC Communion will be served

Community Sunrise Service- 6:30 AM @ Farnsworth Park 650 S. River Road (Roche de Bout)
Community Sunrise Breakfast 8:30 AM at Zion Lutheran

Adult Bible Study - 9:00 AM
Adult Prayer - 9:00 AM
Easter Service- 10:30 AM
Browning Worship 1:00 PM
1st Opportunity is MAUNDY THURSDAY at Church of the Cross.
(1750 Eastgate Road. Toledo, OH)
6:30 Seder Dinner with a combined vocal Choir of Church of the Cross with Waterville UMC Sanctuary Choir.

2nd Opportunity is GOOD FRIDAY
7:00 PM at Waterville UMC come and hear Song of the Shadows with combined vocal Choirs of Waterville UMC Sanctuary Choir, and Church of the Cross Choir. Communion will be served.
June 17-July 26

What is Freedom School? The Children’s Defense Fund’s answer to ending the cradle to prison pipeline A safe place – at no cost to participating families – for children to learn, grow, play and serve during the summer.
Sixty children from the Toledo community and the neighborhood around the Monroe Street UMC will participate in the 2019 Freedom School. This is the districts 3rd year in partnership with the Monroe Street Neighborhood Center to be a part of Freedom School. We need your presence to help prepare and serve breakfast and lunch. This year, we will hire a chef who will work with the churches in all the meals.

How can we help?
Volunteer opportunities:
  • ​Serve as a tutor
  • Serve in the breakfast/lunch room
  • Serve as a chaperone
  • Volunteers to check in each morning and check out each afternoon,
  • Volunteers to listen and help children learn to read
  • Monetary donations
$1000 provides a scholarship for 1 child for all 6 weeks
$500 provides a scholarship for 1 child for 3 weeks
$167 provides a scholarship for 1 child for 1 week

There will also be two volunteer training sessions.


Hygiene items.-toothbrushes, hairbrush, combs, deodorant soap( In Plastic bag) wash cloths, lip balm, band-Aids, finger nail care
2018 Christmas Child Trip
Bring your children to an Egg Hunt after worship service on Palm Sunday.
If you would like to donate candy please bring them to the church.
For questions contact
Cara McMillan


The Children's Sunday School Classes welcome any pop tabs from aluminum cans. What a blessing for the Ronald McDonald House is in time of needs.
Mark Your Calendars
July 8-11; 6:15–8:30 pm

Zion Lutheran Church, Waterville
Waterville Community
Vacation Bible School
Summer 2019
For kids – Age 4
thru 6th Grade
Crew Leaders Needed
(Youth and Adults)

Please Contact
Stephanie Shelton 567-202-5035

Flowers for the Altar for Easter. Your choice of
Lilies, Hyacinths, or Tulips.
These are $9.00 a piece.
You may find the order envelope in the pews.
Please fill out and place money in the envelope. If you are unable to make it to church, please call the church office to order your flowers, and to make arrangements to have them delivered to you after Easter.
Easter Poem
By Sharon Schulte
Colored eggs hiding from eager hands
Searching for them.
Chocolate bunnies
Sleeping in green cellophane nests.
Jelly bean colors spilling from the baskets
That brighten the children’s faces.
Dawn breaks cold upon the three
Carrying ointments to the tomb.
The stone is gone!
Radiance shines, giving hope and cheer.
In the garden, the weeping woman turns
To the voice of her precious Lord.
The Waterville Historical Society collects, preserves, provides access to, interprets and fosters an appreciation of history that has an impact on the Waterville, Ohio and surrounding area.


The Waterville Historical Society is hosting another Historic Homes Tour on June 15, 2019 from 10:00 - 4:00 pm. They have requested of the Admin. Council (and it was approved) to include our historic church building on their tour.

We are in need of 1 or 2 church members to serve as House Captains for the day, and 1 or 2 members to organize a community lunch to be served that day from our kitchen. 
This will be a perfect time to showcase our beautiful building, get some new faces in our doors, and display our photos for the new facility we are planning!  If you are willing to consider either of these, talk to me about specifics and I would be so glad to have you on board. -
Karen Wiggins, Historic Home Tour Co-Chairman, 419-350-1211
The Waterville United Methodist Card Ministry was established to send cards to our community of members and friends as a way to minister to them. 

We send birthday cards, thinking of you, get well, sympathy and generic cards out. 
Team Members of this ministry are Terry Myers, Melva Robinson, Mary Williams and Charlene Monroe.
 Each month the team member sends the cards out on behalf of the ministry. 

To have a card sent you can complete the colored pew card and place the card in the offering plate to be prayed over during the pastoral prayer. We do ask you include an address for the recipient.

The liaison is noted in the bulletin and can be contacted when a card is needed. 
The Card ministry liaison for the month of April is Melva Robinson.

Anyone interested in participating with this ministry can contact Charlene Monroe
We had a visitor in the Courtyard this week!
Isn't it time for the Easter Bunny?
But while we are at it.. Would you like to join the flock at
Waterville UMC?
March 3....109
March 10....92
March 17....131
March 24 ....108
March 31 ....120

Brian Snyde April 2
Larry Sheridan  April 3
Chris Kirby  April 3
Jack Peel  April 4
Dawn Buskey  April 5
Jim Pease  April 5
Betty Pingle  April 5
April Snyder  April 6
Brogan Eisel  April 7
Fred Stover  April 8
Joel Smith  April 8
Brittany Plassmann  April 9
Alexandra Meade  April 10
Bob Spychalski  April 14
Nicholas Martin   April 16
Cheyenna Lipinski  April 19
Craig Varner  April 19
Bob Hires April 19
Steve Crandall  April 19
Taylor Buskey  April 19
Mia Rose   April 21
Nathan Schultz  April 25
Sarah Plassmann  April 28
Megan Gregory  April 28
Wyatt Studer  April 30

( If you have an April Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office.)
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645|  Email Us  |  Our Church Website