Waterville UMC News!
December 2018
Dear Church Family,
The season of Advent is a great time of preparation and anticipation of the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus. During Advent we are reminded of God preparing the way for Jesus birth.
God prepared the way by sending Gabriel to announce to Zechariah that Elizabeth would have a child who was to be named John. Even though they were old this promise was fulfilled. John prepared the people for Jesus as he proclaimed the message of repentance in advance of Jesus ministry.
Gabriel announced to Mary that she had found favor with God and would become pregnant by the Holy Spirit and give birth to a son.
The angels announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds in the fields nearby. When the shepherds went looking for this new born baby they found him in a manger just as they had been told and they were amazed.
God is still preparing the way for us to fully experience the hope, peace, joy and love that have been promised. During this season of Advent let us all seek to discover where God is at work in our lives and then join God there as one of the ways we prepare for our Christmas celebration.
In all the activity around Christmas the real message can very easily get lost; the message that God sent His son into the world that we may experience eternal life. With all the parties, gift buying, traveling to family gatherings and the extra activities with our children and grandchildren it is easy to forget that we are celebrating Jesus birthday, the beginning of the greatest gift every given, the gift of life in Christ.
How might this Christmas be different if we took a little extra time each day to look for where God is at work in our lives? To pause and purposely seek the direction of the Holy Spirit in every circumstance.
May this Advent Season be a great blessing.
Pastor Mike
Finance & Stewardship
Facts, Figures, FYI’s
by Tom Wiggins
2019 General Fund Stewardship Campaign: We had a very blessed worship service for our
“Commitment Sunday”
on November 18. By putting our faith and trust in God and with His leading, we presented our Stewardship Commitment Forms for 2019. We give thanks and praise for what God has given us and pray that He will multiply, use and direct our gifts to do His will during the coming year. If you have not had the opportunity to return your Stewardship Commitment Form, we will gladly accept yours at any time. You may place them in the offering, send via US Mail or drop them off in the Church Office. Everyone will be receiving an acknowledgement letter confirming your financial commitment. A final stewardship campaign and financial update letter will be sent in early January. Thank you again for your faithful stewardship.
2019 Giving Envelopes: Your 2019 Giving Envelopes will be available on Sunday, December 9 on the shelf outside the church office. Please make every effort to pick them up, as it is quite expensive to mail them. In addition, we ask that you please use them for your giving. It really helps us keep accurate records.
2018 Giving Statements: Your 2018 Giving Statements will be emailed on Saturday, January 5.
For those who receive hard copies, they will be available for your pick-up on Sunday, January 6 on the shelf outside the Church Office.
Please contact the Church Office or
Tom Wiggins Email
if you have any questions about anything related to finance or stewardship
Children's Musical
Love Came Down At Christmas
will be presented
December 9
during the morning worship service Plan on staying for cookies and fellowship after the service.
Mark your calendars!
You are invited to come worship at our
Christmas Eve Candle Light Service
Monday, December 24, 2018
At 7:00 PM.
We will have invitations available for you to hand out to
your friends and family.
Please invite them to this special time of worship to celebrate Jesus!
Susie's Coats
When Susan Perry turned 50, she decided to collect 50 coats for the needy in the area. She realized the need was much greater; thus Susie's Coats was born.
Since then, they have distributed over 10,000 new and gently used coats (all sizes), gloves, hats, scarves, and blankets to those in need and students in Toledo, B.G., and Findlay schools. Money is also needed to purchase new items.
This is your chance to clean out your closets of those items you haven't worn in years. A Susie's Coats collection box is provided for you to put the items in.
Church Snow Emergency Cancellation Policy
Lucas County – Level 1 Plan on the Church being open for planned activities
Level 2 – Cancellation of church activities will be on a case by case basis. Please do not travel to church activities if you are uncomfortable in any way.
Level 3 –
All church activities are canceled.
Please go to Toledo Channels 11, 13 or 24 on TV or their web site for cancellation announcements, refer to Waterville UMC web site home page.
Merry Christmas and Happy HOLY Day!
Something to think about
It is so important to keep Christ in CHRISTmas.
But we seem to be greeted with Happy Holidays.
Lets think about this for a moment.
If someone says Happy Holidays, maybe we could respond, Merry Christmas and Happy HOLY Days,
The word holiday is a compound stemming from the words holy and day.
The word “holiday” first surfaced in the 1500's replacing the earlier word “haliday” which was recorded before 1200 in the Old English book Ancrene Riwle.
Earlier, about 950, the word was “haligdaeg” and appeared in the Old English Lindisfarne Gospels. It was a compound of the Old English “halig” (holy) plus “daeg” (day). Originally the word meant a religious festival and a day of recreation, free from labor and toil.
As the English language and pronunciations changed, the word evolved into our modern “holiday.”
To wish someone a Happy Holiday was to wish them happiness for a singular day of religious significance “Happy Holy Day.”
To wish someone “Happy Holidays” was to wish them happiness for the many Holy Days in a particular cycle of the Christian calendar, such as Advent.
Advent is a cycle in the Christian calendar which includes Christmas and concludes on the Feast of the Epiphany.
Therefore, then or now, to wish someone “Happy Holidays” is to wish them happiness from the first night of Advent through the Feast of the Epiphany, including Christmas.
Let's keep Christ in CHRISTmas and recognize the true King of kings and His holiness!
Merry Christmas, and Happy
HOLY Days!
Would you be willing to bake cookies?
After the Children's Christmas Program on December 9, we will be having a special fellowship time which will include lots of yummy Christmas cookies. If you would like to provide a plate of cookies please sign-up or contact Stephanie Shelton.
Sunday, December 2 6:45-7:45 in the fireside room.
The Unshakeable Truth by Josh and Sean McDowell
This is a 12 week study on the 12 essentials to having a relevant faith and how to pass it on to our children.
We will explore the ideas of " what do i believe?" and "why do i believe it?" and "how is that relevant to my life and how do i live out?'
Come rejoice in the joy of Christmas, a time that brings us together to remember the real reason for the season!
Churches and community groups from both Whitehouse and Waterville have joined together this Advent to present this choir-based church musical, a spectacle that celebrates musical traditions from all over the world and teaches us what can happen when differences come together to make harmony.
Monday, December 10, 2018 @ 7:30
First Presbyterian Church in Waterville, OH
(611 Farnsworth Road, Waterville, OH)
Tuesday, December 11, 2018 7:30
Hope United Methodist Church in Whitehouse
(10610 Waterville street, Whitehouse, OH)
In lieu of a ticket price, we will be accepting both monetary and physical offerings to the Anthony Wayne Community Food Ministry.
We have an opportunity to reach out beyond the church walls to help make a wish list come true for the Sunshine Family.
If you would like to support this outreach. Please pick up a Wish list on the bulletin board of some items they are in need of.
As part of our Christmas celebration we wish to grace the Chancel Area with Poinsettias for our Christmas Service.
It's time to order your poinsettias!
You may order your poinsettias by completing an order envelope located in the pew , or the and place it in the offering plate. Please mark how many you want, who they are dedicated to, and enclose your payment.
If you
do not wan
t a poinsettia, you may want to contribute to
"A New Beginning"
building fund.
The cost of each poinsettia is $ 7.00 and the last day to order is Sunday, December 16, 2018.
November 4....149
November 11....153
November 18....155
November 25....144
Thank you for the continuation of the wonderful Shoe box project.
'Picturing' the smiles on children's faces when they open each individual box is priceless.
God bless and the "Best" to each of you
Peggy Whalen
Thank you Again.
ear Friends in Christ,
You made my heart so happy!
Thank you so much for the lovely prayer quilt!
I told Char when I saw it that violas(or baby pansies) are one of my favorite flowers my Grandma always grew.
Your thoughtfulness is so special and will continue to keep me warm!
In Him,
Kay McClure
The Lord shows his blessings in the beautiful bounty of vegetables. Thank you, John for all of the hard work that went into your veggie stand this year.
All the receipts from my veggie stand are sent to our new building fund.
This year’s receipts were $10,770.
Many thanks for all of those who support this project with such outstanding loyalty.
God Bless you.
John Nicholson
This is is the memory verse WUMC Kids are learning.
Take a moment and see if you can memorize it too...
12/01/2018 - 12/07/2018
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Monroe
Mr. Tedd Munn
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Myerholtz
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Myers
Mr. Clifford Nelson Jr.
Mr.& Mrs. John Nicholson
Mr. & Mrs. David Nightingale
12/08/2018 - 12/14//2018
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nowak
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kahl
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Page
Mrs. Shirley Paison
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Pease
Amy Peel Family
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Peyton
12/15/2018 - 12/21/2018
Mrs. Betty Pingle
Bill Plassman Family
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Plassmann
Mr. & Mrs. Penn Pritchett
Tom Przybylski Family
WUMC Leadership
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Quinn
12/22/2018 - 12/28/2018
Mrs. Barbara Reecer
Mrs. Grace Reid
Randy Reihing Family
John Richards Family
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Rigal
Vince Rinehart Family
Mr. & Mrs. Russ Robertson
12/29/2018 - 12/31/2018
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. John Rose
Rod Rose Family
12/01/2018 - 12/07/2018
Ezekiel 37, 38 & 39
Ezekiel 40, 41 & 42
Ezekiel 43, 44 & 45
Ezekiel 46, 47 & 48
Daniel 1, 2 & 3
Daniel 4, 5 & 6
Daniel 7,8,9
12/08/2018 - 12/14//2018
Daniel 10, 11 & 12
Hosea 1,2,3
Hosea 4,5,6
Hosea 7,8,9
Hosea 10,11,12
Hosea 13,14
Joel 1,2,3
12/15/2018 - 12/21/2018
Amos 1,2,3
Amos 4,5,6
Amos 7,8,9
Obadiah 1
Jonah 1,2,3,4
Micah 1,2,3
Micah 4,5,6
12/22/2018 - 12/28/2018
Nahum 1,2,3
Habakkuk 1,2,3
Zephaniah 1,2,3
Haggai 1,2
Zechariah 1,2,3
Zechariah 4,5,6
Zechariah 7,8,9
12/29/2018 - 12/31/2018
Zechariah 10,11,12
Zechariah 13,14
Malachi 1,2,3,4
12/01/2018 - 12/07/2018
Psalm 120
Psalm 121
Psalm 122
Psalm 123
Psalm 124
Psalm 125
Psalm 126
12/08/2018 - 12/14//2018
Psalm 127
Psalm 128
Psalm 129
Psalm 130
Psalm 131
Psalm 132
Psalm 133
12/15/2018 - 12/21/20188
Psalm 134
Psalm 135
Psalm 136
Psalm 137
Psalm 138
Psalm 139
Psalm 140
12/22/2018 - 12/28/20188
Psalm 141
Psalm 142
Psalm 143
Psalm 144
Psalm 145
Psalm 146
Psalm 147
12/29/2018 - 12/31/2018
Psalm 148
Psalm 149
Psalm 150
Luke Kirby December 1
Karen Caldwell December 3
Lily Croy December 4
Doug LaRue December 4
Mathew Plassmann December 5
Daniel Box December 7
Douglas Box December 7
Millie Hires December 8
Stephanie Reuscher December 8
Ann Dalton December 10
Jim Page December 10
Alemena Walker December 12
JoAnn Lucas December 15
Lawrence Deardrurff III December 16
Natalie Przybylski December 16
Penny Greenlese December 17
Cameron Kimblen December 19
Holly Warner December 19
Neil Westfall December 19
Kevin Abbey December 20
Charlotte Pritchett December 23
Logan Colyern December 27
Anne Stevens December 27
RAchel Studer December 28
Benjamin Varner December 28
If you have a December Birthday that isn't listed here,
please call the church office.)