Waterville UMC News!
MARCH , 2019
Dear Church Family,
There a several items that I am sharing with you. May the Lord our Savior continue to bless us.
Many of you have been very concerned with the outcome of the Special General Conference of the United Methodist Church that concluded Tuesday evening. The special general conference was called to specifically deal with the United Methodist stand on human sexuality. The conference adopted the Traditional Plan that upholds the present position of the UMC.
Please pray for the UMC as everyone navigates through all the next steps. If you are interested in hearing our bishops’ understanding of what took place and the next steps he will be taking there are four simulcast at 10:00 am Saturday morning: Epworth UMC - 4855 W. Central Ave. Toledo, OH, Napoleon Christ UMC - 1255 Glenwood Ave, Napoleon, OH, Maumee UMC - 405 Sackett St, Maumee, OH and Sylvania First UMC - 7000 Erie St, Sylvania, OH. This simulcast will be recorded and available online either the evening of March 2 or during the day March 3.
Exciting news for our
New Beginnings
building and property. On Monday evening, February 25, the Waterville City Council approved our zoning change request. This is one more step in the process to break ground for the new building. Please continue to pray for God’s provision of the funds needed to break ground as soon as possible.
Ash Wednesday, March 6, as in the past the church will be open from 6:30 am to 8:00 am for the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion. This is a great opportunity to wear the ashes during the day. Many in the past have been questioned about the ashes giving us the possibility of sharing God’s love in Christ to those who ask.
Finally, we are holding a confirmation class on Sunday’s following worship on March 17, 24, 31 and April 7. Invitations to the youth and their parents are going out to announce an organizational meeting on March 10. Confirmation is for any youth who desires to explore for themselves the primary teachings of Christianity and to affirm for themselves what was done at their baptism. Any youth 12 years or older, who has not completed confirmation are encouraged to join this opportunity.
May the peace of God be with you,
Pastor Mike
Post General Conference Simulcast
March 2 at 10 am
Bishop Gregory V. Palmer will host a simulcast at the conference office on Saturday, March 2 at 10 am in response to the actions of the special session of General Conference which was held in late February.
All interested West Ohioans are welcome to participate.
Maumee Watershed district will have 3 locations to choose from.
Those locations include...
Epworth UMC
- 4855 W. Central Ave. Toledo, OH,
Napoleon Christ UMC
- 1255 Glenwood Ave, Napoleon, OH,
Maumee UMC
- 405 Sackett St, Maumee, OH
Sylvania First UMC
- 7000 Erie St, Sylvania, OH
The General Conference is the highest legislative body in The United Methodist Church. It is the only body that can speak officially for the denomination. The purpose of the Special Session of the General Conference is to act on a report from the Council of Bishops based on the recommendations of the Commission on a Way Forward. The 32-member Commission was appointed to examine paragraphs in The Book of Discipline concerning human sexuality and exploring options to strengthen the unity of the church.
The simulcast will be available sometime Saturday or Sunday after the live event for those who can not make it.
The church will be open on Ash Wednesday, March 6 from 6:30- 8:00 AM for the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion.
Sunday Morning March 10 @ 2:00AM
Don't forget to set your clocks Saturday March 9 when you go to bed. Time changes Early Sunday morning March 10th!
March’s Mission Focus is to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s operating budget by donating to the One Great Hour of Sharing Campaign. None of the funds they collect for other mission projects through this agency (school kits, health kits, disaster response efforts, etc.) covers any of their operational costs, so 100% of the gifts they receive for mission projects goes directly to the projects themselves. And, unlike Global Ministries in the United Methodist Church, UMCOR does not receive apportionment funds to cover its administrative costs. In order to keep this wonderful worldwide blessing going let us support their behind-the-scene efforts for UMCOR.
Confirmation class will be offered on Sunday’s following worship on
March 17, 24, 31 and April 7.
Confirmation is for any youth who desires to explore for themselves the primary teachings of Christianity and to affirm for themselves what was done at their baptism. Any youth 12 years or older, who has not completed confirmation are encouraged to join this opportunity.
Youth Wish List:
The youth group would like to get a ping pong table to have for their Sunday evening Youth Alive meetings. The table would need to have the ability to fold-up. If you know of someone looking to get rid of a ping pong table, please contact Adam Shelton at 419-205-2516.
The Children's Sunday School Classes welcome any pop tabs from aluminum cans. What a blessing for the Ronald McDonald House is in time of needs.
The youth will be having a pancake breakfast fundraiser on April 7
Be looking for future announcements to be able to support our youth.
Many thanks to the congregation for their loving generosity during the most recent Project with a Purpose.
The abundance of donated chocolate enabled the children to fill 56 Valentine boxes for delivery to the Ronald McDonald House.
Just as in the Biblical loaves and fishes story, there was remaining candy to share during fellowship and with the youth group.
Once again, WUMC is sharing God's love with the community.
Hey, kids, look at the pictures below to see if you can find the box that you decorated
Mark Your Calendars
July 8-11; 6:15–8:30 pm
Zion Lutheran Church, Waterville
Waterville Community
Vacation Bible School
Summer 2019
For kids – Age 4
thru 6th Grade
Crew Leaders Needed
(Youth and Adults)
Please Contact
Stephanie Shelton 567-202-5035
An Accounts Payable Update
Anna Banachowski will now be handling the accounts payable and payroll for the church. Jim Page will be out of town and unable to write checks or handle payroll related items, so please contact Anna. She can be reached at
Anna's Email
or you may put your items in the Treasurer's mailbox.
We are excited to announce that we will be having a variety of Spring flowers for the altar this year along with the traditional Lilies.
We will have more information to come. Please be watching so you can get your order in.
The Waterville Historical Society collects, preserves, provides access to, interprets and fosters an appreciation of history that has an impact on the Waterville, Ohio and surrounding area.
The Waterville Historical Society is hosting another Historic Homes Tour on June 15, 2019 from 10:00 - 4:00 pm. They have requested of the Admin. Council (and it was approved) to include our historic church building on their tour.
We are in need of 1 or 2 church members to serve as House Captains for the day, and 1 or 2 members to organize a community lunch to be served that day from our kitchen.
This will be a perfect time to showcase our beautiful building, get some new faces in our doors, and display our photos for the new facility we are planning! If you are willing to consider either of these, talk to me about specifics and I would be so glad to have you on board. -
Karen Wiggins, Historic Home Tour Co-Chairman, 419-350-1211
February 3....143
February 10....190
February 17....145
February 24....91
You may also pick up a copy on the bulletin board to take with you.
Pam Cook March 1
Callen Eisel
March 3
Bobbie Hires
March 3
Diana Cox
March 4
Janice Battin
March 5
Connie Kirkman
Cindy Nowalk
March 7
Judy Thompson March 7
Brooks Komisarek March 8
Tim Monroe March 8
Gordon Cox March
Randy Breymaier March 16
Russ Clark March 17
Matthew Emahiser March 18
Ace Westfall March 18
Cynthia Box March 19
Alaina Hem March 19
Catessa Hires March 19
Renee Hires March 19
Nancy Michael March 19
Marc Gregory Jr. March 21
Alison Cox March 22
Katie Grindle March 23
Ryan Shelton March 24
Marilyn Wyatt March 24
Blake McMillian March 25
Tom Wiggins March 26
Mark Breymaier March 28
Jenna Abbey March 29
Megan Shoemaker March 30
If you have a March Birthday that isn't listed here,
please call the church office.)