Waterville UMC News!
May, 2019
Happy Mothers Day!
May 12th
Dear Church Family,
May the blessings of our Lord Jesus be upon you.
I love this time of year. As the flowers begin to bloom, the grass and trees become green again, the birds and animals are caring for newborns and it is becoming warm again. This season reminds me of what Paul wrote to the Church in Corinth in 2 Corin
thians 5:17 (NIV) “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
The writer of the letters to the Corinthians the Apostle Paul is trying to teach this fairly young group of believers how to live in Christ and how to avoid temptation and sin. Paul then shares the reminder in the scripture above that for everyone in Christ there is a new beginning.
The Holy Spirit is speaking through Paul not only to the Corinthians so long ago but to us today. When we are in Christ we have become a new creature, transformed form the old sinful self into a new creature, a new being, a person set free from the power of sin.
We who have accepted Christ as our savior have had a new beginning. Everything is fresh and new. The light of Christ has overcome all the darkness within us.
Just like everything new at times we become tarnished by the world and by personal choices and we then need the tarnish removed. Anyone who has cleaned brass or silver knows that it sometimes takes a lot of hard rubbing to get the items clean and shiny once again.
This is true for us as well. Sometimes the Holy Spirit has to do a lot of hard rubbing before we are willing to follow the Holy Spirit again and to let the light of Christ shine through us. The good news is that God provides for us the grace to start over when we become tarnished.
Like brass and silver, if we use them often we will keep them polished and they stay bright and shiny. One of the ways we can avoid the tarnish of this world is to stay in touch with God as much as we possibly can. As we stay close to God, God promises to stay close to us. Are you searching for your new beginning?
Are you willing to let God remove the tarnish and receive God’s blessings?
Pastor Mike
Join us to support our church’s May mission focus
? Week of Hope
Community Service Youth Mission Trip
? June 23-28, 2019
youth will be departing on June 22
? Charleston, South Carolina
Feel free to take a peek at the following link for a cool 2.26 min. video about this year’s theme called
This youth mission trip is being planned through:
Group Mission Trips
Fort Collins, Colorado
How many are scheduled to attend
25 youth
(11 first timers)
5 Adults
(2 first-timers)
Who will be greatly blessed?
How will our youth & adults serve others
They will serve the people of Charleston, South Carolina, faithfully.
Here is the list of their possible work projects.
- Assist the Activities Dept. in a skilled nursing center and participate in activities and social interactions with residents.
- Assist senior citizens with yard work and chores around their home.
- Help local children with their reading, writing, and math skills. Lead games and other recreational activities.
- Brighten up the day for senior residents at an assisted living center. Participate in scheduled interactive activities with geriatric residents who are in Long- Term Care. They love music!
- Help lead and present VBS-style kids day camp. Lead games, Bible lessons, memory verses, and any other activities for a kids camp Ages K-5th Grade. May serve the housing communities after the camp around the grounds.
- Help at a summer camp for neighborhood kids by organizing and implementing sports, activities, active play, songs and movement, and games.
- Serving at a food bank or homeless shelter
- Working with disabled children
- Serving churches and/or other human service organizations in different ways
Let's start from the beginning - literally. Circle the correct answer. Give it your best guess.
Answers and credits will be given and acknowledged in the June Ambassador.
In what year was Charles Town (the city's founding name) established?
- 1630
- 1670
- 1680
- 1710
Which Charleston plantation is home to the nation's oldest landscaped gardens?
- Boone Hall
- Drayton Hall
- Magnolia Plantation
- Middleton Place
In its early days, Charleston earned the moniker of the "Holy City." Where did the nickname originate?
- Because of its origins for religious diversity
- Due to the many steeples that may be seen in the skyline.
On which Charleston street will you find the iconic Rainbow Row, the pastel-colored private residences that make up the longest cluster of Georgian row houses in the United States?
- Ann Street
- East Bay Street
- King Street
- Queen Street
Charleston has been home to many famous figures, but who of the following has never called Charleston home?
- George Gershwin
- Margaret Mitchell
- Samuel Morse
- Edgar Allan Poe
At which Charleston site did the first shots of the Civil War ring out?
- Fort Lamar
- Fort Moultrie
- Fort Sumter
- The Battery
Charleston boasts many firsts within the United States. Which of the following isn't a Charleston first?
- First bank
- First museum
- First playhouse
- First public college
You might notice that many of the city's historic buildings feature adornments on the side of the buildings in the shape of circles, crosses, and stars. What is the purpose of these?
- These are purely decorative and reflected the architectural fashion of the time.
- The different shapes of the bolts were symbolic and showcased the homeowner’s allegiance
during war times.
- These are earthquake bolts, meant to protect the structure in the event of an earthquake.
- The bolts were used to date the buildings. The number of bolts that appear on a
building correlate to the 19th century decade when the building was completed.
What is the name of the seawall that overlooks Charleston Harbor and Fort Sumter?
- Charleston Blockade
- Harbourview Wall
- High Point
- The Battery
Charleston is home to many private residences with dreamy piazzas. If you look up, you might notice that many porch roofs are painted sky blue. What is the reason behind this popular hue selection?
- Indigo, a popular crop grown in Charleston, gave rise to dying many things in varying
hues of blue. This was reflected in architecture and interior decor.
- Superstition held that evil spirits could not cross water. This pale blue, meant to
mimic water, was to prevent them from entering a house.
- The blue roof was intended to make the roof look as if it was an extension of the sky
on a sunny day.
It is believed that the color blue repels pests such as mosquitoes and wasps.
On June 2, we will be recognizing all of our graduates during the church service with a slideshow. We will celebrate with our graduates after the service with cake and punch during the Fellowship time.
If you are graduating from high school, college, or vocational school, please contact Stephanie Shelton. She will need to know where you are graduating from, any activities (sports/clubs) that you were involved with at school, and any future plans you have (further education/major or career path).
Lastly, if you would like to be included in the the slideshow, please email 6-8 photos at different stages in your life (baby picture to current photo).
or 567-202-5035
Mark Your Calendars
July 8-11; 6:15–8:30 pm
Zion Lutheran Church, Waterville
Waterville Community
Vacation Bible School
Summer 2019
For kids – Age 4
thru 6th Grade
Crew Leaders Needed
(Youth and Adults)
Please Contact
Stephanie Shelton
Information about VBS Registration for kids ages 4 through 6th grade will be posted as soon as it becomes available.
Waterville Community
Vacation Bible School
Summer 2019
Adult volunteers are needed to be crew leaders. Crew leaders are responsible for leading a small group of children to the different stations at VBS where another adult leader will lead the activity. Free dinners are served each night of VBS for the crew leaders and their families. You do not have to have kids attending VBS in order to be a crew leader. If you are interested in being a part of VBS, please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or
Information about VBS Registration for kids ages 4 through 6th grade will be posted as soon as it becomes available.
Mark Your Calendars
July 8-11; 6:15–8:30 pm
Zion Lutheran Church, Waterville
Just SOME of our ONGOING
opportunities to reach beyond our walls!
The Children's Sunday School Classes welcome any pop tabs from aluminum cans. What a blessing for the Ronald McDonald House is in time of needs.
Tools of all kinds, duct tape, flashlights(Batteries!), work gloves wallets, watches, harmonicas, ball caps, balls(soccer ball), duct tape, string or zip ties, utility apron or belt, eating utensils spoons and forks only
We will be collecting coats, hats, and gloves for Susie's Coats all year long!
We have an ongoing collection for Baby Blankets and gently used baby clothes for the Pregnancy Center.
Please place your un-scraped peanut- butter jars for the humane society in the basket by office.
Wagging tails say "THANK YOU"
The Waterville Historical Society collects, preserves, provides access to, interprets and fosters an appreciation of history that has an impact on the Waterville, Ohio and surrounding area.
The Waterville Historical Society is hosting another Historic Homes Tour on June 15, 2019 from 10:00 - 4:00 pm. They have requested of the Admin. Council (and it was approved) to include our historic church building on their tour.
We are in need of 1 or 2 church members to serve as House Captains for the day, and 1 or 2 members to organize a community lunch to be served that day from our kitchen.
This will be a perfect time to showcase our beautiful building, get some new faces in our doors, and display our photos for the new facility we are planning! If you are willing to consider either of these, talk to me about specifics and I would be so glad to have you on board. -
Karen Wiggins, Historic Home Tour Co-Chairman, 419-350-1211
The Waterville United Methodist
Church is looking for an individual who can create small group focus groups
and coordinate family events both in the congregation and the community, such that, they have an opportunity to grow in faith as disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The Family Life Coordinator shall be responsible for the oversight and implementation of small groups (Bible
dies, interest groups, exercise groups, etc.) and family events coordination of the church (ball games, date nights, movie nights, etc.).
This is a volunteer part-time position, up to 10 hours per week. We are looking to find a person or a team who can embrace and fulfill this objective and be a part of the ministry team for the Waterville United Methodist Church. Contact Charlene Monroe
) if interested.
The Staff Parish Relations Committee is looking for a few good members to be on our team. Contact Terry Myers, Nominating Committee Chair,
Email address for Terry
Waterville Elementary
Teachers Appreciation Lunch
We will once again honor the teachers and staff at Waterville Elementary School on Friday May 31, 2019 at 11:00 am. As before we will need salads, desserts and helpers. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the secretary's office. Please consider being part of this outreach ministry. Thank you!!
Daughter in law of Larry and Jan Sheridan
Tonya Sheridan is the daughter-in-law of (members) Larry and Jan Sheridan, and wife of their son, Jay. Both Tonya and Jay grew up in our church and were married here in 2000. In late September 2018 Tonya was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. After several weeks in the University of Virginia hospital in Charlottesville (which is 1 1/4 hours from their home) and many sessions of Chemo, Tonya is now in remission but still dealing with the after affects. Tonya and Jay have three children, Nicholas 14, Gabriel 12, and Abigail 11.
On April 27th there is a benefit being held for them in Virginia. If you feel led to contribute please send your donation: Attn: Eddie Humes, American Legion Post 188, 350 Waterman Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802. A check should be made out to American Legion Post 188, with “Tonya Sheridan” on the memo line.
SATURDAY MAY 4, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
We are getting ready for the June Home Tour . Our church will be stop on the history tour. We are planning both exterior landscape work as well as a few interior painting projects. we need as many willing bodies as possible. We are excited to be a part of this tour and and want to make it as pretty as possible for this, and for our worship experience.
Want to Save A Life?
Automated External Defibrillator Training
Would you be interested in being trained on the use of our AED and in CPR? We would like to schedule a training session and need to know of an interest to gauge size of the training class for instructors. Sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.
April 7....118
Palm Sunday....151
Easter Service....199
April 28 ...109
How can we begin to tell you our church family how much we love and appreciate you!? We thank you from the depths of our hearts for helping us get back home in the most efficient way by medical transport via Medlink.
We left Florida on Monday and we were home by noon yesterday. Wow!! You made that trip possible by your loving gifts. Then we came home to one of our downstairs room emptied of our furniture and filled with a hospital bed and equipment for Karl.It was unbelievable.
We also want to tell you how much your cards, emails, and texts meant to us and most of all your prayers and good wishes.
When we went to Florida Karl was walking and talking and having a good time socializing. Then in January he decided he was well enough to ride his bike and that’s when he fell and broke his hip. From then on he had medical complications and set-backs which prevented him from successful rehab. He has been going downhill and it has been determined he has advanced Parkinson’s. Part of the time he will be home with Hospice coming in for extra help, but on Thursday he will be going to Lakes of Monclova for five days of Respite Care. That will give us time to see if I can take care of him at home or if he will need extended care.
Connie and Karl Kirkman
George Welker May 1
Elizabeth Snyder May 2
Jase Studer May 2
Jessica Quinn Sickler May 4
Justin Hires May 6
Bill Gregory May 7
Jacob Varner May 7
Tom Przybylski May 9
Dan Rigal May 9
Ed Golding May 10
Josh Hankins May 11
Ed Thompson May 13
Brandon Vernon May 13
Julie Croy May 13
Bruno Page May 14
Lynn Harter May 17
Mia Przybylski May 18
David Walker May 20
Alexa Galton May 22
Mark Smith May 22
Anthony Westfall May 22
Dorothy Bunde May 23
Paul Buskey May 24
Caroline Varner May 24
Margaret Walker May 24
Melanie Reihing May 27
Brody Eric Varner May 27
Evan Schultz May 29
Adam Shelton May 29
If you have a May Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office.)