Waterville UMC News!
June, 2019
Happy Fathers Day!
 June 16
Dear Waterville UMC family,

As we have celebrated Memorial Day this week I give thanks that God saw fit for me to be born and to live in the United States. I also give thanks for God using so many people to influence my faith journey. How about you? Who influenced your faith journey, your walk with Christ?

One of the many people who influenced my faith was my pastor for five years, who then he became my father-in-law. God used him to reveal the truth of the scripture with power and authority. The Holy Spirit worked through Pastor Crabtree to draw me closer to God and to move me to a place of answering the call to pastoral ministry. My journey of faith continues just as your journey continues.

Summer is one of those seasons in which we enjoy 15 hours of sunshine, vacations, weekend get a ways and all kinds of enjoyable activities. With all the activity it is easy to forget about our journey with God. As we look at our summer what is your plans to stay in close connection with God?

Jesus teaches in Luke 9:23 , “ Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Taking up our cross daily is to give attention to God’s call upon our lives to growing in our discipleship and to faithful in our service.

Here is one way to stay in touch with God this summer and beyond. A way to “take up your cross daily”.

An initiative of the United Methodist Church is improving health globally. This includes our personal spiritual and physical health. A great way to improve our health is walking every day. How might your physical and spiritual health change if you were to walk for half an hour each day and during this half hour you talk with God?

Will you join me in making a commitment to walk and talk with God each day? Pray for your relationship with God, for guidance in the United Methodist Church and guidance through all the steps of relocating to a new building. In this way the busyness of summer will not crowd out God in our lives. We will all be blessed along with our church and Waterville as we spend time with God every day.

May this be this best summer of your life,

Pastor Mike

Thanks Nadia!
Christian Taylor, Nadia's Husband, has had an opportunity to pursue his calling to advance God's Kingdom. After much prayer and consultation, Christian and Nadia have accepted the call to minister to the communities of Pioneer and West Unity Ohio.
Nadia will be accompanying Christian on this adventure. She will remain with us until June 23, There will be a reception for them for them on June 23, after church, to express our appreciation for the many blessings we have received. Special music will take place during the summer and SPRC will start the process to fill the position.
New Adult Bible Study Starting June 2
Power of a Praying Church
Sunday Morning 9:30 am , or Tuesday nights @ 7:00 PM

The Power of a Praying Church by Stormie Omartian
Contact Person:  Charlene Monroe – 419-277-2779
Summary: We will see how we can strengthen our personal prayer times with God, experience the joy of finding a prayer partner, change lives by becoming part of a dynamic prayer group, uncover the far-reaching power of a praying church, and discover how in the world we can make a difference. As we boldly enter into close fellowship with other believers to effect change in the world, we will touch lives and needs with the power of the Father in heaven.
Join in the “Lord, Hear Our Cry: 30-day Prayer Challenge” through the free YouVersion Bible app. You can also sign in with Facebook or Google Sign in link click here . Once you sign in, go to My Plans and search 30-day Prayer Challenge/. You can use the app for other Bible Reading Plans, Verses of the Day, videos or just have the app for a reference. 
Rebekah's Haven is a branch of The Toledo Gospel Rescue Mission. They are a homeless shelter for mothers with young children. Providing shelter from the storms of life, they provide a home-like atmosphere with daily encouragement, spiritual guidance, and support in helping the mothers work through the issues they are facing.

Many arrive with only the clothes on their backs or what they can carry in a bag. The children have their own space where they can relax and just enjoy being a child. There is also a fenced in play area and some of the early elementary children attend public school from the Haven.

The Haven receives no government help and is funded by the local community, churches, and businesses. In addition to monetary donations there is also a need for other items. You can find a list to take home with you on the bulletin board.

Answers to “LET’S TAKE A QUIZ” (from the May Ambassador)

1.   In what year was Charles Town (the city's founding name) established?

Answer : In the Spring of 1670, 150 English colonists, indentured servants and slaves sailed into the Charleston harbor. The Proprietors soon flattered their king, Charles II, by insisting the settlement be named Charles Town in his honor.  

2.     Which C harleston plantation is home to the nation's oldest landscaped gardens?
Answer : A visit to Middleton Place offers strolls through America's oldest landscaped gardens which date back to the late 18th century.

3.   In its early days, Charleston earned the moniker of the "Holy City." Where did the nickname originate?
Answer : Because of its origins for religious diversity----The philosophy of early Charles Town was based on religious tolerance, and it was believed that with this attitude the settlement would increase in numbers and profitability.

4.   On which Charleston street will you find the iconic Rainbow Row, the pastel-colored private residences that make up the longest cluster of Georgian row houses in the United States?

Answer : The houses are located north of Tradd Street and south of Elliott Street from 79 to 107 East Bay Street.

5.   Charleston has been home to many famous figures, but who of the following has never called Charleston home?

Answer : The journalist and author best known for Gone With The Wind  lived in our neighboring state, Georgia, and while the best-selling novel does mention Charleston, Mitchell never called Charleston home.

6.   At which Charleston site did the first shots of the Civil War ring out?

Answer : April 12, 1861, Confederate troops issued the first shots of the Civil War when they fired upon Fort Sumter. 

7.   Charleston boasts many firsts within the United States. Which of the following isn't a Charleston first?

Answer : The nation's first bank was built in Philadelphia in 1795. The Bank of South Carolina, the second-oldest building in the nation to be constructed as a bank, was established in 1798.

8.   You might notice that many of the city's historic buildings feature adornments on the side of the buildings in the shape of circles, crosses, and stars. What is the purpose of these?

Answer : After a great earthquake that damaged many buildings in year of 1886, these metal rods, known as earthquake bolts, were placed in many of the city's buildings to protect the structures in the event of future quakes.

9.   What is the name of the seawall that overlooks Charleston Harbor and Fort Sumter?

Answer : Today a popular public walkway with a scenic overlook, The Battery is named for a Civil War coastal defense artillery on the site. 

10. Charleston is home to many private residences with dreamy piazzas. If you look up, you might notice that many porch roofs are painted sky blue. What is the reason behind this popular hue selection?

Answer : The term “haint blue” stems from the traditional Gullah/Geechee belief that the hue wards off evil spirits or “haints.” It’s common to see this color on historic piazzas and front doors throughout Charleston. Superstition held that evil spirits could not cross water. This pale blue, meant to mimic water, was to prevent them from entering a house. 

YOUR GRADE :  A++ (for effort & fun)

NOTE: Our thanks to for providing this fun quiz. We always love to sharpen up on our history.


YOUTH END OF THE YEAR EVENT WILL BE AT THE CROY'S HOUSE 15129 Five Point Road on June 2 from 2 pm to 4pm
On June 2, we will be recognizing all of our graduates during the church service. Please see a special photo board located in the back of the sanctuary. We will celebrate with our graduates after the service with cake and punch during the Fellowship time. Come and celebrate with the WUMC new graduates!
Confirmation Sunday
June 2, we will have a couple more confirmations! Come celebrate with them after worship during fellowship hour and welcome them as our newest members of the church!

Mark Your Calendars
July 8-11; 6:15–8:30 pm

Zion Lutheran Church, Waterville
Waterville Community
Vacation Bible School
Summer 2019
For kids – Age 4
thru 6th Grade
Crew Leaders Needed
(Youth and Adults)

Please Contact
Stephanie Shelton

Waterville Community
Vacation Bible School
Summer 2019

Adult volunteers are needed to be crew leaders. Crew leaders are responsible for leading a small group of children to the different stations at VBS where another adult leader will lead the activity. Free dinners are served each night of VBS for the crew leaders and their families. You do not have to have kids attending VBS in order to be a crew leader. If you are interested in being a part of VBS, please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or

Mark Your Calendars
July 8-11; 6:15–8:30 pm

Zion Lutheran Church, Waterville

Craft Supplies Needed for VBS! If you would like to purchase one of the following items for VBS, please contact Stephanie Shelton. The items are found on Amazon. Use the links below to order.  Also, please contact Stephanie Shelton EMAIL before you order so she can let you know if the items are still needed.
Items are needed for VBS so please order as soon as possible if you interested.

Thanks so much,

Stephanie Shelton 

Paper Plates (3 units needed)

Colorful Cups (2 units needed)

Colorful Plastic Spoons (1 unit needed)


Purses, hair bows, clip on earrings, jewelry, watches, hair ribbons, cups, sewing items, eating utensils (spoons, and forks only)

VOLUNTEERS ARE STILL NEEDED to help on Saturday, June 15 th for the Historic Homes Tour of our church. If you are available for a few hours please contact Tom Wiggins (419-304-2254) or Cindy Box (419-344-4471). Thank you!

On Saturday, June 15, our church will be one of the stops on the Historic Home Tour. We will be hosting a lunch from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. We still need salads, chips, and cookies or cookie bars . Please no cakes or pies. With your help our great community can see our beautiful church, and experience our warm hospitality. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board. Thank you for your help and generosity.
The Waterville United Methodist Church is looking for an individual who can create small group focus groups and coordinate family events both in the congregation and the community, such that, they have an opportunity to grow in faith as disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The Family Life Coordinator shall be responsible for the oversight and implementation of small groups (Bible stu dies, interest groups, exercise groups, etc.) and family events coordination of the church (ball games, date nights, movie nights, etc.).
This is a volunteer part-time position, up to 10 hours per week. We are looking to find a person or a team who can embrace and fulfill this objective and be a part of the ministry team for the Waterville United Methodist Church. Contact Charlene Monroe ( ) if interested.
The Staff Parish Relations Committee is looking for a few good members to be on our team. Contact Terry Myers, Nominating Committee Chair, Email address for Terry

We would like to thank you to all those in our church family who were so very kind to include Jennifer in their prayers, To send cards and to call, visit, and even share a prepared lunch or dinner. Your kindness and the blessings of your caring has made it easier to cope with the challenges in accommodating even the smallest moments we so easily take for granted in our normal every lives.

Our blessings to all,
Jennifer and Randy
May 5.... 111
May 12.... 150
May 19...98
May 26 (Memorial Day Weekend)....87

David Nightingale June 2
Marissa Galton June 3
Bronson Lipinski June 3
Ryan Martin June 3
Sharon Schulte June 3
Kayla Galton June 4
Cruz Westfall  June 5
Caleb Gregory June 8
Kip Studer June 10
Noah Hartman-May June 11
Abigal Sheridan June 13
Jean Warner June 14
Tonya Sheridan June 15
Jaxon Lohmeyer June 17
Sandy Clark June 18
Yvonne Lammon June 18
Glen Lammon June 18
Ben Long June 18
Katie Beakas June 19
Sara Kirby June 19
Emma Beakas June 21
Paul Croy June 22
John Nicholson June 22
Sara Shoemaker June 23
Karen Longnecker June 24
Kelly Smith June 25
Thad Jones June 26
Sue Gregory June 27
John Michael June 27
Zora Bollinger June 28

( If you have an June Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office.)
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