Waterville UMC News!
February, 2019
Dear Church Family,
God has brought us to this moment in our history to bring God glory. Over 20 years ago God gave our congregation the vision to relocate to live out the
Great Commission
to go and make new disciples. It is God who lead the way in the selection and purchase of the property at 7115 Waterville-Monclova Rd.
Following an immeasurable effort, by so many of the followers of Jesus in our church, we come to this time to complete the vision with the building of the new church. I want to thank all those who have sacrificed time, energy and finances so far to make God’s vision for our congregation a reality.
On February 3, many will make financial commitments to this vision. This is the time to start climbing the rest of the way up the mountain we have been on for over 2 decades. It is time to reach the summit.
The only way we will to reach the summit is by taking one step of faith after another. God tells us that if we speak to the mountain in faith and without doubt the mountain can be lifted up and thrown into the sea.
Do you have doubts about this
New Beginning
If so, I ask you to pray for God to remove those doubts. How about the condition of your faith in God? Are you willing to trust God, even if God, ask you for a greater sacrifice than you are comfortable with to make God’s vision a reality?
Please seek God to grow your faith and remove any doubt as God uses you in a miraculous way.
Several have asked if it is possible for our congregation to give to God $1.3 million. The answer is an overwhelming yes. Another question for each of us to answer for ourselves, by the leading of God’s Holy Spirit, am I willing to do what God asks of me financially for our
New Beginning
Most importantly pray! Pray in faith for God’s provision, leading and ministry in our Waterville community and beyond. Ask God for the peace and assurance as you take the step of faith that God ask of you.
May God’s peace be with you,
Pastor Mike
Finance & Stewardship
Facts, Figures, FYI’s
by: Tom Wiggins
We are in the midst of our
“A New Beginning”
Capital Campaign
and are prayerfully making the decision on our contribution amount, as God is leading each of us. Based on some of your questions and input, the following information and reminders may be of help to you and our Offering Counting Team.
- Your contributions can be made at any time during the 3-year campaign as periodic payments or a one - time lump sum. You may indicate your choice on the commitment card.
- Your contributions are tax deductible if you itemize deductions.
- The usual methods used for your contributions are by cash, check, direct deposit or stock transfer.
- If you are making a contribution to both the GF and Capital Fund at the same time, you do not need to write two checks. Just note division on the memo line and on your giving envelope.
- The members of the Offering Counting Team who process our weekly offerings do not know your commitment amounts for either your regular General Fund or the New Building Fund. It is extremely important to use your giving envelopes noting your designation (General Fund, Capital Fund, Other). This will help insure your funds are entered into the proper accounts.
- We have a Direct Deposit Program in place where your funds can be automatically deducted from your checking, saving or retirement accounts and transferred into the Church’s bank account.
- If you request your financial institution to send a check for your contribution, please include your name, and where you would like your funds designated. This will keep your giving records accurate.
- We have a process in place through the West Ohio Conference, Council on Development, to process stock transfers at no cost.
- If you are considering a stock transfer or borrowing from a retirement account, there may be some tax advantages to making a lump sum contribution immediately and pay yourself back over the 3-year campaign. You may want to check with your financial adviser, or Tax adviser.
- Please complete the information on the commitment cards, place in the addressed return envelope provided, and present for God’s blessing on the altar during worship on Commitment Sunday, February 3, 2019. If you are not able to attend this service, you may mail, or bring into the church office. You may also place it in the church offering.
May we always put God first in our lives, and put our faith and trust in Him!
For Questions regarding
“A New Beginning”
Capital Campaign
You may also call Tom @
(419) 304-2254
FEB 23-26, 2019
There will be a special General Conference
to determine the fate of the UMC
in regards to Human Sexuality.
If you want to learn more, there will be a special presentation on the options that will be presented to this special General Conference.
FEB 4, 2019 @ 7:00 PM
Over 1.5 billion people suffer from soil transmitted diseases worldwide
Without shoes, children are especially vulnerable to soil-transmitted diseases and parasites that can cause illness and even death.
Children who get sick miss school, can’t help their families, and suffer needlessly. And since children’s feet grow so quickly, they often outgrow donated shoes within a year, leaving them once again exposed to illness and disease.
The Shoe That Grows can change all that!
Update from the MISSIONS TEAM 2018
The Missions Team would like to share with you the results of all your generous contributions throughout 2018. (These totals include the
Mission Jar
, plus any other funds designated for Missions each month.)
January – Pregnancy Center 865.37
February – Freedom School 1,017.97
March – UMCOR Admin. Costs 437.89
April – Food for Thought 209.68
May – Youth Mission Trip 157.08
June – Impact with Hope 73.35
July & Aug. – School & Hygiene Kits 406.00
Sept. – Waterville Primary School 355.13
Oct. & Nov. – Oper. Christmas Child 976.97
Dec. – Susie’s Coats 2036.76
Dec. - The Salvation Army Bell Ringing 540.86
TOTAL $7077.06
2018 Christmas Child Trip
Many praises for the amazing response this year for Operation Christmas Child. The congregation of WUMC donated 211 shoeboxes--211 children whose lives and that of their family have been touched by our love and prayers. Please continue praying in the weeks ahead for the child that will be receiving
Below are the results of the collection center stationed at WUMC during National Collection week:
Total number of boxes collected: 1135 WOW!
Number of Volunteers: 19
Number of Volunteer Hours for the week: 69.5 (and there are actually many more than this!)
Total # of OCC Cartons delivered: 81 plus 3 smaller misc boxes
Thank you to each and every one of you that helped packed boxes, donated monetarily, baked cookies, set up and tore down the packing party, set up and tore down the collection week site, loaded and delivered the crates, sat at the collection site during the week, found extra crates in moments of panic, and supported this ministry from day one! Your lives have truly touched others once again! Thank you.
Anne Stevens
Once again, my trip to the Operation Christmas Child Processing Center in Charlotte, NC was an awesome and spiritually uplifting experience. After working 8 hour shifts, we leave feeling very tired but it is a good kind of tired.
Every shoe box is opened and inspected for items that should not be in them (food, liquids,toothpaste, etc.) Filler items are provided to replace items taken out and to fill boxes that are not very full. Money that is in the box is taken out and dropped into a safe locked container. The boxes are then taped (my job) and placed into shipping cartons according to girl/boy and age group. There are approximately 35, 000 volunteers.
the countries where the boxes went while we were there were Columbia, Angola, Benin, South Africa and Senegal.
The amounts processed were:
Monday 11/26 - 141,345
Tuesday 11/27 - 134, 901
Wednesday 11/28 120,941
Thursday 11/29 126,385
Friday 11/30 158,323
Total 681,895
The goal for Charlotte is 2.5 million this season. The overall worldwide goal is 11.2 Million.
We had the privilege of hearing Franklin Graham speak on Thursday. He told about how O.C.C got started 25 years ago in 1993. Since then Charlotte (began in 1996) has processed 37 Million boxes.
Each child who receives a shoe box is given the opportunity to take part in
The Greatest Journey
discipleship study. 7.8 million children have completed the study and many accept Jesus as their Savior and then lead their families to Christ as well.
Thursday evening we went to the Billy Graham Library. The grounds are decorated so pretty and there is a live nativity. I walked down the path to the gravesides of Billy and Ruth. Standing there, I thought of the millions of people around the world who gave their lives to Christ as a result of Billy's preaching. If you are ever in the Charlotte area, definitely plan a trip to the Library. The displays are very interesting.
On the way home we were give the opportunity to register for the 2019 trip. For me, the Christmas season and the year would not be complete without going to the center. I look forward to it each year. Thank you all for your prayers for us while we were there.
Karen Longnecker
Susie came to pick up the coats that we had collected. She was extremly touched by the generosity of the church.
She said this was making her cry it was such a beautiful blessing for her. She spoke of the extremely cold temperature and how she is getting calls.
This is a picture of them with all the stuffed bags of coats.
She gives a huge thank you to the Waterville UMC Family
Waterville UMC,
Thank you for the privilege to come and share with you the work God is doing at the Pregnancy Center.
We appreciate the long standing friendship we've had over the years and look forward to what is coming.
You are in our prayers as you trust God for big miracles and purse all he has in store at your new facility!
God's blessings! Katie Somers.
Don't forget that we have an on-going ministry to collect baby blankets, and gently used baby clothes.
Youth Wish List:
The youth group would like to get a ping pong table to have for their Sunday evening Youth Alive meetings. The table would need to have the ability to fold-up. If you know of someone looking to get rid of a ping pong table, please contact Adam Shelton at 419-205-2516.
The Children's Sunday School Classes welcome any pop tabs from aluminum cans. What a blessing for the Ronald McDonald House is in time of needs.
The youth will be having a pancake breakfast fundraiser on April 7
Be looking for future announcements to be able to support our youth.
In December, 2018 the Handbell Choir and the Sanctuary Choir, led by Nadia Taylor went to Sunset Village in Sylvania. They shared an evening of music and singing. These are pictures from this wonderful event.
January 6....111
January 13..125
January 20....55 (snow day)
January 27 .... 141
Jeff Monroe February 1
Rebekah Deardurff
February 2
Kyle Galton
February 2
Arthur Meade
February 5
Leanne Dunn
February 5
Brooklyn McMillan
February 6
Clay Studer
February 6
Mary Ann McVicker
John Rose
February 8
Amy Brentlinger February 9
Jacqlyn Breymaier
February 10
Cathy Landis
February 11
Olga Topuzova-Meade
February 11
James Caldwell
Bob Hires Jr.
February 13
Bonnie Spychalski
February 13
Lillian Snyder
February 14
Jacob HIres
February 15
Rod Rose
February 18
Robert Stearns
February 19
Sue George
February 20
Jacob Breymaier
February 21
Susan Deardurff
February 21
Frank Lipinski
February 26
Katie Martin February 27
Brian McMillan
February 27
Katherine Monroe
February 27
Ainsley Bolllinger
February 28
If you have a February Birthday that isn't listed here,
please call the church office.)