July 2023

PWP Art Contest Winners

Artwork featuring a faucet and water drops pouring into an umbrella and the phrase "Let's Save Water Together."

Every year, PWP's "Water is Life" Art Contest collects incredible artwork from local K-12 students depicting water wise themes. This year has been especially great, with over 20 submissions of hand drawn art!

We're excited to announce this year's grand prize winner, 9th grader Olivia H.! We would also like to extend congratulations to second place winner Avery Y. (2nd Grade) and Nathan L. (6th Grade.)

This year's winners come from a wide range of local schools: Hamilton Elementary, Sierra Madre Middle School, Westridge School, Madison Elementary and more. A total of ten entries will also be selected and forwarded to The Metropolitan Water District (MWD) to compete in a regional art contest for additional prizes and recognition.

View the Full List of Winning Artworks

LIHWAP Offers Low-Income Residents up to $2,000 in

Water Utility Bill Assistance

Pasadena Water and Power (PWP) low-income customers can now apply to receive financial assistance for delinquent residential water bills. The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is a federally funded program that offers low-income households a one-time payment to help pay outstanding bills for residential water or wastewater costs.

Funding for eligible residents is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note, PWP cannot accept any applications for this program. To participate, PWP customers must apply directly to the Maravilla Foundation, the local service provider selected by the state to implement the program.

More about LIHWAP

Now Available: 2022 Annual Report

PWP's 2022 Annual Report is a financial overview of accomplishments, investments, infrastructure upgrades and services for residential and commercial customers. This month, PWP published the latest Annual Report, which reviews the events and data for the 2022 fiscal year (FY).

In FY22, PWP applied more than $6 million in customer bill credits to help provide much needed pandemic-related relief to local households and businesses; developed an extensive Water System Resources Plan (WSRP); launched a new Customer Information System; and much more. To learn more, click below.

Read the Annual Report

PWP to Resume Late Fees and Interruptions

for Bills Generated On or After July 1, 2023

PWP is committed to providing reliable electric and water service to all customers. Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, PWP suspended late fees and service interruptions for non-payment of utility bills. On February 28, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom officially ended the state’s COVID-19 State of Emergency. In accordance with this action, PWP will resume charging late fees only for delinquent bills generated on or after July 1, 2023. For example: The July bill must be more than 30 days past due, which means a late fee could be assessed in August. NOTE: Accounts with any past due charges not enrolled in a payment arrangement plan are subject to service interruptions.

PWP encourages customers with any past due balances to enroll in payment arrangements. PWP also offers bill assistance programs for qualifying customers. For more information, visit PWPweb.com/BillAssistance. If you have any questions or would like more information, please reach out to PWP Customer Service at (626) 744-4005 or WPD_AnswerLine@cityofpasadena.net.

Bill Assistance and Low-Income Programs
Customer Service (626) 744-4005
Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., except holidays
For assistance with general information and non-account inquiries, email WPD_Answerline@cityofpasadena.net.
Include your name, address, and phone number.
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