Wayne STEM Academy

Progress Report

September 20, 2024

Wayne STEM Scholars Surpass Local Standards in 2023-24 Testing Results!

#WSAWildcats Academic Model North Carolina statewide test results for 2023-24 have been released and Wayne STEM Academy is thrilled to report that our scholars have generated higher cumulative grade averages than our local public school district and other Wayne County charter schools.

WSA Executive Director Dr. Todd Forgette shared with the Board of Directors Wayne STEM’s scores for grade level proficiency. For the 2023 – 2024 school year, Wayne STEM Academy’s 3rd grade students met or exceeded proficiencies when compared to Wayne County Public Schools. 

“We are pleased with our first year’s scores,” Dr. Forgette states. “Having inherited scholars from surrounding counties and only having one year to address their academic needs, we attribute our success to a combination of our academic model and the added value of our teachers and supporting staff. As we continue to progress in future years, we expect an even greater impact on student growth and achievement as our scholars continue to advance through our academic model." 

Congratulations to our students & staff! 

For 3rd Grade College & Career Readiness, in our first year of operation WSA scores were an average of 7 points higher than Wayne County Public Schools and considerably greater than the county's other two charter schools. In the measurement for 3rd Grade Overall Proficiency, WSA surpassed the local public district for Overall and Reading scores and tied for Math scores.

Magnetic Slime Invasion

Overtakes WSA First Grade!

#WSAWildcats Academic Model WSA 1st Grade scholars recently had the opportunity to experience STEM learning in a fun and creative way, when they created a full rainbow of Magnetic Slime!

After combining liquid starch, glue, iron oxide and coloring agents, our scholars were the proud inventors of their very own colorful magnetic slime. They were able observe their slime take on amazing shapes, and move about, just with the wave of their magnetic wands!

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