This weekend marks the first time we have offered "Raggedy" Ruth's Shop Sample Original Quilts for sale.
These quilts were not only designed by "Raggedy" Ruth, but they were also pieced, quilted, and bound by her. These are "sample" quilts because they were the prototypes of her published patterns.
As I put together the web-pages announcing the sale, I got a chance to remember each one. I recalled the discussions on naming the quilts, like "Ringo Star." Everyone in the shop had a great time naming the quilts.
As "Spokesperson" [or as I like to refer to myself: "The Face-man"] for Forever In Stitches, I wrote articles on each and every one of those quilts. Each one has an amazing story, when one takes time to remember.
We are selling 58 of her marvelous quilts. This leaves us with only 100+ remaining in our storage. Some of those that are not for sale will be hard to let go of because they represent milestones in our lives [and I think that is true for all people in the Quilting Realm].
Just to name a few, is the "Striated Star," is shown below. It was the quilt we used upon our entrance into the Houston International Quilt Festival & Market.