We Appreciate Your Hustle - October Update
The Brampton Entrepreneur Centre + Co working Space will remain closed
Virtual programs and new services are being offered to further support local businesses.
City of Brampton Recognizes October as Small Business Month
October is Small Business Month, and the City of Brampton celebrates local entrepreneurs whose ideas, passion and determination help make the community competitive and prosperous.
Throughout October, the Brampton Entrepreneur Centre (BEC), as part of the Economic Development Office, is hosting a full schedule of virtual programming and networking events for the local business community covering topics like marketing, design tools, bookkeeping, incorporating and more.
Small Business Month Proclamation
“Small Business Month” is an annual event that celebrates the important contributions entrepreneurs make to the Brampton economy.
The City of Brampton is a forerunner in Ontario in supporting the formation and growth of local small businesses via the Brampton Entrepreneur Centre; Almost 90% of all the businesses in Brampton are classified as small. 

Today and throughout the month of October, we recognize the resilience and immense contributions of our small businesses to the Brampton economy.  
Supporting small businesses is an important part of the City of Brampton’s Economic Recovery Strategy.
We affirm our commitment to helping Brampton’s small businesses recover from the pandemic and, above all, we commit to celebrating the entrepreneurs helping make our community competitive and prosperous with their ideas, passion and determination
Business Milestone Program
In honour of Small Business Month, BEC is launching the Business Milestone Program. Small businesses with ten or less employees who have pivoted and showed resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic, are celebrating an anniversary or milestone or are doing something special or unique are invited to share their story.

Please complete the “Business Milestone” form. We look forward to hearing about your Brampton business success!
Entrepreneurs Connect 2021 Fall Series
Entrepreneurs Connect is a workshop series where we discuss business topics that add value to your business. We follow the short presentation with Q&A with subject matter experts. The purpose of the event is to create synergies with local businesses and allow them to be a part of a family of mentors and mentees who come together to avoid social isolation that can occur when people are in business by themselves. Connecting is the best form of learning! join us as we work together to help your business succeed. ​  

Proof of Vaccination
Starting September 22, Ontarians will be required to provide proof of vaccination to access certain businesses and settings. This will encourage all eligible individuals to get their shot, further protecting Ontarians and our hospital capacity.
Click here to learn more.
FREE Rapid Antigen Screening Kits For Your Business
Regular testing can help keep your business open and staff healthy while preventing lost revenue due to closures and internal outbreaks. As a Brampton business, you can order your FREE rapid screening kits for your business and get on-site immediate test results. Free disposal of your used tests is also included.
Free Health & Safety Training for Small Businesses
The new Small Business Health and Safety Training Program will improve health and safety awareness to help prevent illnesses and injures by training health and safety representatives. Small businesses with 6-19 employees are eligible for reimbursement. Click here to learn more. 
$2,500 Digital Transformation Grant Available
Digital Transformation Grant Program 3.0 is back and is focused on providing all qualifying brick-and-mortar small businesses with a digital assessment, online training and a one-time $2,500 grant to implement their Digital Transformation Plan. Click here for more information. 

Applications will continue to be accepted until October 31, 2021 (or until grant funds are exhausted).
Hospitality Edge: Free Online Courses
The hospitality industry is reopening and there are opportunities to be part of that growing momentum. Workers in the hospitality industry – or those looking for new opportunities in the sector – can take advantage of  FREE online courses for the travel and hospitality community. These carefully curated courses are an opportunity to learn new safety protocols, help you advance your career, and feel more prepared to re-enter the workforce.

Hospitality EDGE is for everyone in the hospitality industry. It is developed through a partnership of Destination Toronto, the City of Toronto, the Tourism Office of the City of Brampton, and Tourism Mississauga, supported by funding from the Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Tourism, Sport and Culture Industries.  Learn more
Ontario Business Registry
The Ontario Government is launching the new Ontario Business Registry on October 19, 2021. Businesses will be able to complete over 90 transactions through the new online registry. Click here to sign-up to stay up to date with information about the new Business Registry. 
Remote Work Strategies for Small Businesses
It’s time to strategically (re)think how you work to reduce overhead costs, retain employees, and take advantage of the benefits of remote work.

With the generous support of the Future Skills Centre, pointA has developed an open, flexible, and free online course that is designed specifically to help small businesses in Canada create a simple and customized remote work plan that fits the needs of their company. The 4-day workshop runs from Monday, October 18 – Thursday, October 21, with an on-demand option also available.

Spaces are limited, so learn more and register today.
The RIC Centre is now Altitude Accelerator
For the past 13 years the regional innovation hub for Peel Region, known as RIC Centre, has helped entrepreneurs, startups and tech companies overcome challenges by providing programs and mentorship that support growth and scalability. This month, RIC Centre has taken on a new identity, rebranding to Altitude Accelerator. The new identity was revealed virtually at Canada’s Innovation Corridor Summit on September 21.

Investor Readiness
Investor Readiness is a 8 week program for tech entrepreneurs looking to raise a seed round. Through a 3-tiered hands on model with expert presenters, 1:1 sessions with advisors, and student teams to help execute on project deliverables, we will help our entrepreneurs become investor ready. Applications due October 8th, 2021.

More info/applications can be found here:
RVZ Launch
RVZ Launch is an 8 month, non-equity based incubator program designed for MVP-ready technology startups to launch in the market. Starting in January 2022, the program offers founders weekly venture development workshops, monthly integrated
mentorship from the best-in-class entrepreneurs in residence (EIR’s) and direct access towards securing potential pilot opportunities. 

This year, RVZ's focus is on growing startups operating in two core sectors: 
  • Health and wellness 
  • Smart-city, mobility and logistics

As part of this program, you will have access to:
  •  C-suite executives within your customer profile
  •  Early market validation from pre-vetted industry partners
  •  Up to $20,000 in non-dilutive funding for your startup (Incubator Fellowship)
  •  Personal brand building opportunities across the RVZ network

This program is open to applicants from across Canada, a limited number of companies will be admitted. Be sure to learn more about the eligibility criteria and apply before November 15th here
Support Local Video Series
The impacts of COVID-19 have been deeply felt by all of us, especially by our local businesses - the backbone of our community. Let’s all pitch in to support them now – when they need us more than ever. We're all in this together, and you can make a difference.
Click on the images below to hear from ten business owners on why these businesses are so crucial and why we should support them during this time.
Free Webinars in October
Wed, Oct 6, 2021 11:00 AM EST
Tax Sense for Your Small Business
Fri, Oct 8, 2021 11:00 AM EST
Confab - A Networking & Learning Event
Wed, Oct 13, 2021 11:00 AM EST
Bookkeeping Essentials: Keeping Your Business on Track
Thu, Oct 14, 2021 1:00 PM EST
Content Marketing & Brand Building for Growth
Fri, Oct 15, 2021 11:00 AM EST
How to Sell on Value, Not Compete on Price
Mon, Oct 18, 2021 6:00 PM EST
65 Side Hustles
Tue, Oct 19, 2021 1:00 PM EST
Design on a Dime: Creating Tip Sheets and Attract Your Ideal Clients
Wed, Oct 20, 2021 11:00 AM EST
Incorporating Your Business
Thu, Oct 21, 2021 11:00 AM EST
Simple Ways to Make Your Business More Accessible
Tue, Oct 26, 2021 4:00 PM EST
6 Steps to a Better Business
Wed, Oct 27, 2021 11:00 AM EST
International Expansion: What You Need To Know
Fri, Oct 29, 2021 11:00 AM EST
Confab - A Networking & Learning Event
WordPress Brampton - Let's Fix Your WordPress Site
This meetup is a virtual, group site-clinic. The host(s) are experienced WordPress developers. All meeting attendees will work to help fix an issue or address a challenge someone in the meetup is facing. We help each other succeed!

The meeting will be held online. We meet monthly, on the last Wednesday of the month on Zoom. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 27th from 6 - 8pm

October Client Spotlight
Brampton Entrepreneur Amit Gathani Follows his Dreams to Success 
This month’s client spotlight is Amit Gathani. He grew up watching his father and uncles run businesses. So, it is no surprise that he is a full-time entrepreneur today! In the late 1970s, the Gathani family started one of Canada's first ethnic retail store operations. At a time when the country’s immigrant population was growing, their company was at the forefront of serving the needs of a burgeoning demographic. Amit learned a lot working with his family, but he always dreamed of seeing the world and building something beyond a lifestyle business. He gained experience traveling the world, developing his consulting firm, and even trying his hand in the corporate world.
Finally, in January 2021 his company Order Taker launched in app stores. It is a field sales rep mobile ordering app and a B2B eCommerce web store solution. The tool helps wholesale distributors, broker and enterprise brands better compete at the scale of larger distributors. 
Get expert tips, latest offers, events and everything else small business on our social media channels.