Dear Friends and Supporters,

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. As we gear up for the critical Run-Off Election on September 19th, I want to take a moment to express my deep gratitude for your unwavering support throughout this campaign. Your dedication to our cause is truly inspiring, and together, we've achieved something remarkable.

In the initial election, we received an incredible 47% of the vote from the traditional residents of Senate District 42. This is a testament to the trust and confidence they have placed in us. But, our work is far from over. To secure victory and bring about the change we so desperately need, we must unite once more and give it our all in the upcoming run-off. Your donation, no matter the size, will go a long way in helping us secure victory on September 19th.

One of the key reasons for our success thus far is our candidate, Rep. Wendell Gilliard. Wendell is not just a politician; he's a member of our community, a neighbor, and a friend. He knows the lay of the land because he's walked these streets, he's listened to our concerns, and he's worked alongside us for years. Wendell Gilliard isn't just running for office; he's running for us, the people he cares deeply about.

Wendell shows up, not just during election season, but every single day. He rolls up his sleeves and works tirelessly to make our community a better place. He understands the challenges we face because he's faced them too. Wendell Gilliard has been there when we needed him most, whether it's advocating for better schools, fighting for affordable housing and healthcare, or pushing for job opportunities in our district.

In this run-off election, we must remember what sets us apart: our genuine relationships and our shared commitment to improving the lives of those who call Senate District 42 home. We need Wendell Gilliard in the State Senate to continue the fight for our values and our future.

But to get there, we need your support once more. Your donation, no matter the size, will help with canvassing, texting, rides to the polls, and phone banks. Let's stand together, just as we've done throughout this campaign, and make a real difference in the lives of our friends and neighbors.

Thank you for believing in Rep. Wendell Gilliard and for investing in the future of Senate District 42. Together, we can build a brighter, more prosperous future for all.


Paul Merlo

Deputy Campaign Manager,

Committee to Elect Wendell Gilliard SC Senate 42

You can donate online or by mail: 

Committee to Elect Wendell Gilliard to Senate 42

P.O. Box 31641

Charleston, SC 29417


Wendell Gilliard For Senate 42

• 843.343.7005 - Renee McDaniels, Communications Director