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We Are Going!

Faith Development Newsletter

Honor the dark

As you do the light

Receive the gifts that come to you

By day and by night

- Lea Morris

Greetings Families,

As we gear up for all the excitement of the holiday season I hope you find some space for stillness and wonder!

This Sunday's Chalice Choice offerings will focus on preparing for the solstice, with options including creating sun-wands and ice lanterns for kids of all ages and the option for older youth to hang out with each other.

The following Sunday will be our multigenerational Winter Solstice celebration; families will stay together in the pews throughout. There will be beautiful words, a lot of singing, stories, rituals, and joy as we embrace the darkness and welcome the light!

Just two days later will be Christmas Eve, with our No-rehearsal Pageant during the 4pm service. We need helpers for both of these holiday offerings; please, see below for details! Both of these services are open to the public, so feel free to invite your friends and neighbors to take part.

Warm wishes,


Winter Solstice Multigenerational Celebration!

December 22, 10 am

If you are new to our First UU Society you should know that Winter Solstice is a big deal here! This holiday service will be fully multigenerational with opportunities for playfulness and movement.

One of our families has already volunteered to lead a segment of the service (Thanks, Missa, Erica, Mira and Leo!). We still need two to four older children or youth to help make the magic happen. These won't be speaking parts, but will be at the front of the Sanctuary, and taking on these roles will require arriving at 9:30 for instruction. If we are short on volunteers, the same pair could do both.

  • Sun Builders (2)- Come dressed in black and attach paper sunrays to a large paper sun on the high chancel. These rays will be brought to you two by two throughout the service and you will tape them up.
  • Embodied Prayer Leaders (2 or more)- Assist Erika in leading the congregation in a simple embodied prayer. You will stand in front of the congregation demonstrating the motions. I will send a video in advance so that you can familiarize yourself with it.

Please let me know if your child is willing and able by replying to this email!

No-Rehearsal Nativity Pageant

December 24, 4pm

Don't worry, we won't be doing it outside this time; I just couldn't resist sharing this shot from our 2021 pageant!

This service will be full of traditional Christmas carols; towards the end we sing Silent Night by candlelight and then open the doors wide as we leave, to take in the sight of the Church street tree!

Each year we put on a "No-Rehearsal" nativity pageant, which means that we create the nativity tableau with the people who are in the room. This is the story of the birth of Jesus, complete with shepherds, wise ones, angels, and animals in a manger. Where there are spoken lines we hand participants a card with the words. We have so many sets of animal ears and angel halos that we have never had to turn away a potential participant. Both children and adults are invited to claim roles and then are called forward throughout the service and shown where to stand.

If you know that you and/or your child want to play a part, please arrive between 3:30 and 3:45 to claim a role and put on a costume. (We will still offer parts and costumes during the service for later arrivals, but it tends to be a smoother and more peaceful experience for all when we get people dressed in advance.)

Nitty Gritty info about he pageant for new families can be found on this FAQ page.

To make this magic happen we still need several adult (or teenage) volunteers to be part of our costume crew, arriving and ready to help with costumes by 3:30. Please reply to this email if you are able to help with costuming.

We also need usher/candle lighters. This is the perfect job for older children or adults who don't want to be in the pageant but want to help with the service. Click here for more information and to sign up.


This Lea Morris song will be a hymn during the Solstice Celebration on 12/22. You might enjoy learning the song ahead of time so they're ready to sing along that morning!

One of our families created this AMAZING advertisement for our First UU Jetpig T-shirts. If you haven't watched it yet, you really should!

Thank you, Stella, Avie, Kara and Scott!

Upcoming Sundays

December 15:

10:00- 5/6 OWL

10:00- Worship in the Sanctuary

10:20-11:20 Chalice Choice

11:10- Coffee Hour

December 22:

10:00- Multigenerational Worship in the Sanctuary

11:10- Coffee Hour

December 29:

No Service!

January 5:

10:00- 5/6 OWL

10:00- Family Chapel in the Community Room

10:20-11:20 Chalice Choice

11:10- Coffee Hour

January 12:

10:00- Worship in the Sanctuary

10:20-11:20 UU Values Explorations

11:10- Coffee Hour

11:20- OWL Lunch - BYOF

11:45- 5/6 OWL, Parent's Circle, Sibling care

January 19:

10:00- 5/6 OWL

10:00- Worship in the Sanctuary

10:20-11:20 Chalice Choice

11:oo- 5/6 OWL Family Celebration

11:10- Coffee Hour

Forrest placing the final piece in the community room puzzle!

Happy Holidays!
