Dear ones, 

Like so many of us, I've been carefully following the developing news about COVID-19. There is so much I want to say to you - and the most important words we ever say to each other will always be this: I see you, and I love you. 

I see you, worried and well and worried and sick. I see you struggling to decide if you should send your kids to school, attend that gathering of friends you've been looking forward to for weeks, or tell anyone about the underlying conditions you carry so close to your chest. I see you as you make your own decisions to stay home or head out. I see you as you calculate the cash, hoping you have enough to call in sick, make up for lost tips, and stock your fridge. I see you as you grieve the loss of visits as nursing homes limit your contact with loved ones. I see you as the things you hoped and planned for slip away with only a moment's notice. I see you as you search for information, not wanting to overreact or look back later wondering if you've done enough. I see you, all of you, and I love you.

And it is out of love for one another that, in light of the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19, we are moving to virtual church - staying connected by phone, email, and online. 

We have decided to close the church building starting tomorrow, Friday, March 13,  through at least the end of March. This includes all in-person gatherings - from Sunday morning worship and religious education classes to small group meetings, choir rehearsal and congregational meetings. With the continued spread of illness caused by this novel coronavirus and the limited public health response, we are prioritizing our care for the community and each other over in-person gatherings. We will shift our shape - continuing to connect and care for each other in new and old ways. 

Here's what we are doing in the coming days:
  • Our first virtual gathering will be this Friday evening at 7 p.m. via Facebook Live, where Rev. Jen Crow will help us create space to hold all that we're carrying right now; go here to join us then (no Facebook account required)
  • Staff and ministers will remain available by email and phone; we will work together to coordinate pastoral care, create online worship, and offer opportunities for virtual connections for all ages
  • We will be reaching out directly to lay leaders, group leaders, and religious education volunteers to make plans to reimagine how we make church happen in this time of social distancing
Here's what you can do:
  • Let us know if you are sick or need resources (whether you suspect you have COVID-19 or not); put the church's number (612-825-1701) in your phone to call if you have a pastoral emergency
  • Let us know if you need help with technology, like learning how to attend Friday's Facebook Live event
  • Take gentle care of your body, your loved ones, and others, as you are able
  • Remember that small acts of self care and community care, when done with attention and intention, are a form of spiritual practice
  • Stay connected with your church community by keeping an eye on your email and attending our online events
  • Here are tips from the CDC and WHO - and here specifically for children -  for coping with stress during COVID-19 pandemic
In the midst of these troubling times, it helps to remember who we are and how we promise to be. There is so much unknown right now. But we do know this: We are people who believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, each of us one shining gem on this interconnected web, each of us valued and valuable, whole, holy and worthy. Our faith calls us to care for the common good, to center the lives of those on the margins, and to care for one another. 

This is who we are and this is what we do. This is the work of our church. 

In gratitude,
Rev. Jen Crow, Co-Senior Minister
Bryana French, President of the Congregation

And your First Universalist staff leadership team: 
Lauren Wyeth, Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries
Rev. Ruth MacKenzie, Minister
Arif Mamdani, Director of Membership and Adult Ministries
Jenn Stromberg, Communications and Office Manager
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis
3400 Dupont Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55408


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