We Are Going!
Faith Development Newsletter
Greetings Families!
I leave for vacation in a matter of minutes, so sadly this newsletter will be of the "just the facts" variety!
Great things have been happening at FUUSB and great things are planned. We hope you can come be a part of it all! Please see the announcement below of this week's FAMILY CHAPEL. Join Margo and Penny (and a guest puppet!) while they explore reflections and activities on the March theme of vulnerability.
In faith,

Families and all ages are invited to spend an afternoon at FUUSB with friends (old & new) and hear some fabulous music.
We have a lot to celebrate!

3 years ago the pandemic arrived, and everything changed … yet FUUSB is strong, growing, and more welcoming than ever!
The ministerial search is going well…in a couple of months, we hope to welcome a new senior minister!
Members and friends are making pledges for 2023-24… in a few weeks, another successful stewardship season will be done!

Everyone is welcome to this musical extravaganza
featuring (among others) Tom Cleary, James Stewart, David Ruffin, Sam Whitesell, Stephen Rainville, George Voland, Linda Patterson, Herb Schroeder, Amelia, Kira, plus the amazing FUUSB Choir!

There’s no charge for being there, or for watching online (available THAT DAY ONLY).
Bring your friends!
5th/6th OWL
Our Whole Lives (OWL) for 5th/6th Grades

We are finalizing the schedule for our first elementary OWL program since the start of the pandemic! If you have a 5th or 6th grader in your life who would benefit from age appropriate comprehensive sexuality education, please contact Erika Reif (erika@uusociety.org) for more information.
Classes will run on select Sundays after the service as well as some Tuesday evenings, starting on 3/26 and ending on 6/4

Family Chapel
March 5 at 10 a.m., Community Room

Attention Caregivers! This Sunday we flipflop the normal routine by having families begin downstairs together for Family Chapel. When you arrive, please make your way down to the Community Room on the lowest level of the Meeting House. We will start the morning with about fifteen minutes of shared, child-centered worship, after which parents can head upstairs for the remainder of the service in the Sanctuary and children will remain for muti-age activities.

The themes of Family Chapel reflect the themes used in the sanctuary, and in adult Theme Circles. Children are encouraged to lead some portions of the chapel service: lighting the chalice, striking the chime, reading, singing, and reflecting.

This month's theme is Vulnerability.
Game Night!
Saturday, March 25, 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Community Room

All ages are invited to play, eat, and be together.

We have lots of games at the ready, but feel free to bring the one you hope to play. There are generally several things happening at once! It's okay to come with a group of friends and the intention to play a particular game. You can bring children and play with them or have them play with childcare staff while you try out a game with an older crowd. Make it what you want!

We'll have a "no-stress" potluck; you can wow us with your culinary skills, or pick up a loaf of bread and a tub of hummus from the market or come with just your game-playing enthusiasm. The point is to have fun together and not go hungry! We'll have decaf and tea available, plates and utensils.

Come for a little bit or stay the whole time. Come ready to make new friends and reconnect with the old!

Please wear a mask when not eating.
Annual Elmore Campout!

Elmore State Park, June 16-18

I know it’s snowy outside but June will be here before we know it! Signing up early will let me know whether I need to book a few more sites before they’re gone.
Come join FUUSB friends of all ages at Elmore State Park for fun and community, with optional hiking, swimming, paddling, and s'mores! Last year’s event was a huge success with households ranging in size from 1 to 5 and age from 3 to 70. We'll potluck Friday evening, have a campfire sing on Saturday, and do a little campsite worship on Sunday morning; in between we'll find many other ways to connect with each other and enjoy this "Beauty Spot." Campers cover the cost of their sites as they are able, so please don’t let the expense be a factor. Look for the sign-up sheet in the Community Room to choose your spot! Contact Erika@uusociety.org with questions!

(Image: A rainbow over our 2022 potluck.)
Upcoming Sundays
March 5:
10:00- Families Begin together in the Community Room,
10:15- All ages programming PreK through 8th, Nursery open
March 12:
10:00- Families begin together in Sanctuary
10:15- Crossing Paths 5-8th, Spirit Play K-4th, Preschool/Nursery free play
11:30- YUUth group Sunday gathering
March 19:
10:00- Families begin together in Sanctuary
10:15- Crossing Paths 5-8th (Field Trip), Spirit Play K-4th, Preschool/Nursery free play
March 26:
10:00- Multigenerational worship service led by our high school YUUth group. fun and meaningful for all ages!
Evening- 5th/6th OWL orientation
April 2 :
10:00- Families Begin together in the Community Room,
10:15- Crossing Paths 5-8th, Spirit Play K-4th, Preschool/Nursery free play
April 9:
10:00- Multigenerational worship service
11:30- Egg Hunt in the Memorial Garden