While our business with customers starts with landscape maintenance, we are a full-service landscape service provider. All landscapes require additional services to keep looking and operating appropriately. We understand that your landscape is an asset to your property and that asset needs to be managed to ensure activities and expenditures are appropriate to your current and long-term goals and needs. 


Part of managing a landscape asset is to continually evaluate the landscape and irrigation system. Doing so helps determine if there are any structural or age-related issues that may potentially impact the landscape value or maintenance cost of a property. In addition, property owners' needs and expectations of their property change over time, requiring changes to the landscape.  

Our team works to learn our customers' objectives and evaluate their properties. We develop recommendations on how to modify or upgrade the landscape to ensure it provides the property with the intended asset value. 

Some project considerations will include:

Landscape Renovation Services: https://www.pacscape.com/services/landscape-renovation.php

Seasonal Enhanced Services

·      Seasonal Color: https://www.pacscape.com/services/seasonal-enhanced-services/seasonal-color.php

·      Turf Core Aeration: https://www.pacscape.com/services/seasonal-enhanced-services/aeration.php

·      Turf Moss Control: https://www.pacscape.com/services/seasonal-enhanced-services/moss-control.php

·      Bark Mulch: https://www.pacscape.com/services/seasonal-enhanced-services/barkdust.php

Water Conservation: https://www.pacscape.com/sustainability/water-conservation/

·      Weather Based Irrigation Control: https://www.pacscape.com/sustainability/water-conservation/weather-based-irrigation.php

·      Water Conservation Plans: https://www.pacscape.com/sustainability/water-conservation/water-conservation-plans.php

·      Irrigation System Renovation: https://www.pacscape.com/sustainability/water-conservation/irrigation-renovation.php

·      Irrigation Repair: https://www.pacscape.com/sustainability/water-conservation/irrigation-service.php

Tree Care: https://www.pacscape.com/services/seasonal-enhanced-services/tree-care.php

Plant Health Care: https://www.pacscape.com/services/seasonal-enhanced-services/plant-health-care.php

Sustainable Landscape Systems: https://www.pacscape.com/sustainability/rain-gardens-bioswales.php

·      Lawn Conversion: https://www.pacscape.com/sustainability/water-conservation/irrigation-service.php

·       Ecological Lawns and Alternatives: https://www.pacscape.com/sustainability/ecological-lawns-alternatives.php

·       Bioswales and Rain Gardens: https://www.pacscape.com/sustainability/rain-gardens-bioswales.php

Snow and Ice Control: https://www.pacscape.com/services/snow-ice.php


As we begin the 2023, we look forward to serving all your landscape and related needs. We are continually evaluating our array of services with the goal of providing the highest value services and projects to help our customers maximize the impact of the landscape on their property and goals.  

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