We wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving and thank you for your ongoing participation and support.
The Importance of Gratitude

      Thanksgiving begins a period of holidays celebrated by several faiths. The official Thanksgiving holiday was proclaimed by President Abraham Lincoln on October 3, 1863 during the Civil War.
       Despite the war’s horrific impact, President Lincoln pointed out reasons to be grateful: “fruitful fields and healthful skies;” peace with other nations; laws respected; growth and productivity in agriculture and manufacturing; as well as the harmony “that has prevailed everywhere except in the theater of military conflict.”
      The pandemic has intensified economic and health problems for many individuals and families. At the same time we share grave concerns over the challenges facing our nation including racial and ethnic discrimination and violence, economic inequities, immigration, and the harmful impact of climate change. It is an American trait to be critical of our nation, but also committed to its improvement in order to achieve our high ideals.
      Nonetheless, we should remember to be grateful--for the freedoms that we enjoy as Americans, for the love and devotion of family and friends, for religious beliefs that help us be grateful and resilient. In addition, this year we should be grateful for the scientific achievements of effective vaccines and treatments for COVID-19, which has caused so much suffering worldwide.
       Thanksgiving can be the start of a “Season of Gratitude.” We hope that you find many reasons to be grateful and to share these feelings with others this Thanksgiving and beyond.
InterFaith Leadership Council Awardee Patti Poppe Now Leads Critical Utility in California
         Patti Poppe, who received the InterFaith Leadership Council’s Dan Krichbaum Visionary Civic Leader Award in 2019, moved to a challenging new position as CEO of PGE, a California utility, in January of this year. Poppe recently visited Chico, California, the site of one of the state’s most severe wild fires, and promised that PGE will bury the area’s power lines to reduce the chance of future fires from trees falling on the lines. The project could cost $20 billion and poses engineering challenges. Poppe was previously president and CEO of CMS Energy and its main subsidiary, Consumers Energy, in Michigan.
New Podcast Considers Religious Views of COVID Vaccination
Lauren Talley, producer for the InterFaith Leadership Council’s podcast series, and three guest participants have just completed the 12th episode of the series. Talley provides this description:
         The COVID-19 vaccine is front and center in a debate over medical exemptions based on religious grounds. On this episode of Detroit Faith and Works, Wayne State University professor Saeed Khan leads a conversation with Jim Tubbs, adjunct professor of medical ethics at the University of Detroit Mercy and Rev. Vic Clore, pastor of Christ the King Roman Catholic Parish in Detroit.
         They discuss what religious traditions and communities have said in the past and say today about vaccines, the importance of religious authority in obtaining an exemption, and the idea of “informed conscience,” when an individual makes a personal decision instead of following religious tradition or dictates. The podcast will be available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and other apps within the next few days. For those who don't use Spotify, this link is available: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6f5PEChzZixG8lPp4oKAcf

Michigan Interfaith Power and Light Presents Zoom Discussion of Regional Water Issues

           Michigan Interfaith Power and Light invites the interfaith community to a Zoom event on Monday, November 22, 2021 at 6:00 pm to learn about the challenges and opportunities related to watershed protection in the Detroit region and how suburban and urban faith communities can live into their calling to be good stewards. Speakers include Fr. Bill Danaher of Christ Church Cranbrook, Rev. Dr. Charles Christian Adams of Hartford Memorial Baptist Church and Palencia Mobley from Detroit Water and Sewerage Department.
Uncharted Waters: Suburban and Urban Faith Communities and our Regional Responsibility
Monday, Nov. 22 from 6-7:30 pm (Zoom)
For more information about the Watershed Moment series, visit https://www.detroitinterfaithcouncil.com/activities-of-partner-organizations/

Common Word Alliance Celebrates Anniversary on Zoom
         The Common Word Alliance and Ministry and Spiritual Centers for Humanity will celebrate its 11th anniversary virtually on Wed., November 24 at 5:30 p.m. with music, prayers and updates on its activities. Nikolai P. Vitti, Ed.D., superintendent of Detroit Community Schools, will be the guest speaker. The Zoom meeting ID is 2050745624 with passcode 3Uu6yk. Donations of warm winter clothing and non-perishable food, especially for homeless students, are being sought. For more information, visit
InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit | P.O. Box 252271, West Bloomfield, MI 48325
Phone: [313.338.9777] Email contact: [email protected]