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We Did It!

This win is a testimony to the strength of local organizations that have been building a strong movement for justice in New Mexico for many years.  We are proud that this campaign provided accurate information and acknowledged the complexity of decision-making around abortion.  We reminded voters that these decisions should be in the hands of women in consultation with their family, their doctor and their faith.
Many organizations and hundreds of volunteers made today possible. The New Mexico Coalition for Choice (members listed below) formed the Respect ABQ Women Campaign and trusted the following members to guide these efforts:  ACLU of New Mexico, New Mexico NOW, New Mexico Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Planned Parenthood of New Mexico, Southwest Women's Law Center, Strong Families New Mexico, and Young Women United. 

These and other supportive organizations worked to ensure that our campaign was engaging in respectful conversations with voters across the city.  Together we led a campaign that was truly New Mexican:  it reflected the lived experiences of our communities and ensured that communities of color, people of faith and young people were deeply engaged in all aspects of the campaign.  We are also grateful to all the donors and the national affiliates that provided support throughout the campaign to ensure that local New Mexico leaders had the resources we needed to defeat the measure.

As we celebrate our victory, we must be ever vigilant to ensure that our communities can continue to protect the values that they expressed in this election.  Each year, anti-abortion forces introduce legislation designed to eliminate access to safe and legal abortions.   While this election is over, we are committed to mobilizing the resources we built during the campaign to increase access to the rights, resources and recognition that women and families need to thrive.


The Respect ABQ Women Campaign

NM Coalition for Choice Organizations:  American Association of University Women, American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, League of Women Voters of New Mexico, New Mexico Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, New Mexico Women's Agenda, New Mexico National Organization for Women (Santa Fe and Albuquerque Chapters), Planned Parenthood of New Mexico, Southwest Women's Law Center, Southwestern Women's Options, Strong Families, Young Women United



Southwest Women's Law Center
1410 Coal Avenue, SW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104
Paid for by the Southwest Women's Law Center and sent in conjunction with the Respect ABQ Women/Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains/ACLU-NM Foundation/ACLU-NM/Young Women United and not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.