The Holy Child Program
Hope Through Healing
Dear Friends of Holy Child Program,

As you have been following our updates this past month, we also wanted to show you how hard the children have been working and to give a snapshot of the continuity of HCP's mission that our staff upholds and provides.

We hope our children's smiles brings smiles to you.

With hope for a just peace and God bless you,
Holy Child Program
With intervals of school closings during the month of October, our resilient children still completed their olive harvest presentation homework. Our equally resilient teachers pivoted to 'at home learning' as a way to prepare the students for the long held HCP tradition of harvesting the olive trees at the school. The children so look forward to this every year!
A rich cultural Palestinian tradition that our teachers celebrate followed by a delicious hot meal prepared by the staff for the children. It is truly amazing.
Can you imagine the courage it took for parents to send their children school?
Truly a testament of their trust in our committed staff. For 25 years HCP's approach of engaging parents as collaborators is vital in their child's healing process. Now more than ever this is fully revealed in such uncertain times.
On a day where children had a full day of school another beloved tradition took place - the celebration of birthdays for the month of October!

It cannot be overstated how important it is for our staff to demonstrate consistency and hope through such acts in order to sustain a positive learning environment.

We ask for your prayers for the future of Holy Child Program and should you be want to support at this time our greatest need is operating funds.
Click this link to go directly to the Donate page. Or mail a check to Bethlehem Holy Child Program, P.O.Box 7083, Meriden, CT 06450
Holy Child Program
Beit Sahour, The Holy Land
Please GIVE TODAY and your gift will transform
a vulnerable child’s future to one with
hope and possibility.