January Recreation News

January 2024 | Issue XX

Open Registrations:


  • Toddler Play Time


  • Men's 35+ Indoor Futsal
  • Puzzle Palooza
  • 21+ Indoor Futsal
  • Scrabble (50+)
  • Pickup Basketball
  • Tai Chi/Qigong Fundamentals
  • Indoor Walking
  • Pickleball
  • Cribbage (50+)
  • Senior Lunch
  • Kraft Korner (50+)
  • Bingo (50+)
  • Mahjong (50+)

What's Coming Up?


  • Playground Program Registration
  • Teen Program Registration
  • Summer Sports Camps Registration
  • NHDI Registration

Did you know?

Renovations at the Peterborough Community Center are set to begin this month with the replacement of the large garage door in the gym. The recreation office does not know when the contractors will show up for this project and future parts of the renovation so we are planning programs full speed ahead!

In the event that we must cancel reservations or programs in the community center, refunds will be issued for all programs except Adult Pickleball.

If you have any questions about the renovations or refunds/payment for programs and reservations, please do not hesitate to reach out to the office at 603-924-8080.

community center

Right, Above: The winner of the People's Choice for best Childrens' Tree at the 10th annual Holiday Trees event in Peterborough.

Right, Below: The winner of the Judge's Choice for best Adult Tree at the 10th annual Holiday Tree event in Peterborough.

Above: The Peterborough Community Center.


Happy New Year!

We hope that your holiday season brought you and yours happiness and joy this year. In the new year, the Recreation Department has been busy with preparing the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2025, planning programs, and preparing for renovations at the Peterborough Community Center. Soon we will be hiring summer staff! Time flies, huh?

-The PRD Staff 

Youth Programs


Toddler Play Time

Tell your friends! This program is truly about letting your little ones burn off steam in the gym as the weather starts getting cold and stays cold. We will set up mats and a few toys for them to play with!


Adult & Senior Programs


Adult Pickup Basketball

Join other adults that enjoy basketball at the Community Center on Wednesday nights this winter. Sign up online or in-person, though online is preferred.


Men's 35+ Futsal

Futsal is like indoor soccer, with a denser ball and slightly different rules. What a great way to get some exercise during the winter months while socializing with a good group of guys.


21+ Futsal

Stay active during the winter months with this fun and social sport.


Tai Chi/Qigong Fundamentals

This class covers qigong/tai chi fundamentals of breath work, movement, posture alignment, and visualization. Consistently practicing these gentle, meditative movements improves balance, coordination, flexibility, strength, and mental clarity. Safe and sustainable for everyone, all movements can be modified and effectively compliment other wellness pursuits.


Indoor Walking

Come walk in a safe, warm space during the winter months! Grab a friend and get moving!

Mondays – 12:30 to 2:15pm  

Wednesdays – 12:30 to 2:15pm 

Fridays – 11:30am to 12:30pm 

4 1/2 times around = ¼ mile

9 times around = ½ mile

18 times around = 1 mile


Bingo (50+)

If you enjoy good fun, great laughs and playing bingo - come and join the Senior Program at the PCC on Elm Street each Wednesday morning, starting at 10am. This program runs until 11:30am. The cost is $2.50 per person per session and small prizes will be given out.


Mahjong (50+)

Come join other Mahjong enthusiasts enjoy this engaging game of skill, strategy and luck. Check it out!


Scrabble (50+)

Join this fun group of seniors every Monday morning at 10 am for a morning of scrabble at the Peterborough Community Center! This is another great way to get out and socialize! Coffee is provided and you are welcome to bring a treat to share. If you do not know the game of scrabble, do not worry. There is someone in the group who would be happy to teach you. 


Cribbage (50+)

Join this fun group of seniors every Monday afternoon at 1pm for an afternoon of cribbage at the Peterborough Community Center - year 'round! This is another great way to get out and socialize! Coffee is provided and you are welcome to bring a treat to share. If you do not know the game of cribbage, do not worry. There is someone in the group who would be happy to teach you.  

Senior lunch room #1.JPG

Kraft Korner (50+)

Join other people with your current project and work on it while you enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation.



Pickleball is a fun, social, and engaging game that is a combination of ping pong, badminton, and tennis! Right now we are playing outside at Adams Park on our brand new courts!


Odds and Ends

Basketball Referees

We are looking for youth basketball referees. We can pay $50 per game. You must pass a state, local, and federal background check before you can ref. If you would like to help, please email Julia at jchidester@peterboroughnh.gov or call 603-924-8080!

Summer 2024 Hiring

Do you know someone who is active, wants to serve their community, and would like to work outside this summer? We are starting to look into staffing for summer 2024 in all divisions: Playground Program, Bath House, Lifeguarding, and Maintenance! If you or someone you know would like to apply for part-time or full-time employment this summer, there are applications on the Town of Peterborough website and in the recreation office at 64 Union Street.


You're Invited to the Recreation Committee Meeting!

The Recreation Committee meets February 7th at 4:30pm in the Meeting Room at 64 Union Street. The public is welcome to join the meeting. The deadline to submit an agenda item for discussion by the committee at the February meeting is January 29th.

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