A Note from Mandy
Mandy Roberts FORM yoga

We got some news yesterday that I want to share with you...are you ready?

You may want to sit down.

After a lot of wishing, waiting and praying for the right choice our landlords have agreed to extend our lease at the current rate through April! This means that our physical space will remain open to support your practice, at least until April! Now you see why I'm smiling so big in the photo. ;)

If you are reading this you already know we have created an amazing community here in Decatur, a safe and playful space to practice and support each other without competition, comparison or concern. And we embody this both in studio and in our online classes too. Thank you for being a part of something so special.

I know many of you reading this are members. Your support and studentship over this past year, and for many of you the past several years, has been the fuel that keeps me going. I also know that many of you have yearly memberships and these packages have expired or are expiring in the coming weeks. We are here to help you decide the best option for you moving forward. If you scroll down you'll see our new pricing options to help you determine the best option for you and your budjet moving forward.

We also know many of you are still not comfortable attending in person classes yet. In the spirit of honoring your wishes and in celebration of our great news we have decided to extend the online year of yoga sale for a few more days. These savings amount to almost $300 over the course of the year for our monthly members and over $650 for those who are weekly subscribers! It's one small way we can show our appreciation for your support. You can purchase this year of on demand yoga by scrolling down and clicking the link.

And last but not least if you have experienced economic hardship due to the pandemic PLEASE reach out to us. We would love to support you during these stressful times with access to our online platform. So many in our community have supported our Seva program that not only supports the gift of yoga to those in need but it also helps us keep our doors open. Want to learn more about this program? Scroll down to visit our Seva page, to donate or to apply for the scholarship.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

1 year of unlimited on-demand yoga
IMPORTANT: This sale is for online classes only and doesn't include in person classes.
If you are a current monthly or weekly subscriber you will need to cancel your current subscription after purchasing the year. If your payment goes through Stripe through Namastream you can cancel by logging into your Namastream account and canceling. If you are a Mindbody member please click here to email Alli.
Practice at least 1-2 in person classes a week?
UNLIMITED MEMBERSHIP w/ ONLINE ACCESS is the best deal for you!
class card options
1 class card
1 month expiration
5 class card
1 month expiration
10 class card
2 month expiration
20 class card
6 month expiration
Seva is the art of giving back to the world. The act itself is a gift to everyone involved, from the giver to the receiver and to everyone the receiver comes in contact with. When we partake in this process we are truly living our yoga off the mat.

In the spirit of Seva you can invest in making the world a better place, one yogi at a time. With your generous donations we are able to provide access to yoga to those who are in need. Seva is an act of kindness and compassion and is given with gratitude. Through these humble actions offered with love, Seva is believed to be a pathway to self-realization, spiritual growth and at the same time contribute to the greater good of an individual and in turn, the whole community.

Each donation supports a student with access to our online yoga platform and serves to support FORM yoga by maintaining revenue during this uncertain time. Each scholarship recipient will receive access to one month of online yoga and FORM yoga will match each donation 100%!

Registration ends tomorrow!

Are you ready to transform your everyday with the magic of myth? We are and we begin TOMORROW!

Awaken your creative spirit through practices that are playful & profound, sweet & soulful, magical & mysterious. Myth is the language of the soul and through storytelling we connect with past generations and cultures. Myth touches on something deep within our psyche, inviting us into possibility within our lives.

As children, we often learned through stories. Yet as adults, many of us have pushed away our natural curiosity and imagination. In doing so, we’ve lost touch with the gift of our own imagination.

Dive deep into the heart of goddess energy with FORM yoga’s owner and creative muse, Mandy Roberts in this 8-week transformative journey throughout the magical months of December and January. You feel awake in your body, open in your heart, and clear in your mind through a powerful and progressive sequence of asana, mantra, mudra, meditation, contemplation, and pranayama practices with storytelling, music, myth, legend and lore.

Each Friday, the day of the goddess, a new series of offerings will be uploaded allowing you to explore this course at your own pace. You'll receive lifetime access to this course to revisit again and again.

For Your Investment Each Week You'll Receive:

  • An original adaptation of an ancient goddess story told with reverence and a modern spin
  • A 60-75 minute goddess infused full-spectrum yoga practice 
  • An original playlist inspired by each goddess to ignite specific archetypal energies within you
  • A powerful mudra to align the flow of subtle energy
  • An altar tutorial & curated suggestions for each week
  • Supportive ritual & contemplative exercises
  • A goddess video intuitive reading & transmission by renowned healer & oracle Janet Raftis.
phone: (404) 343-4954