Check Out Our Shiny New Website!
The Litchfield Chamber of Commerce is very pleased to announce the launch of our new website, which you can visit at! It is accessible on computers as well as smartphones and similar devices.
We have been in the arduous process of recreating our website for literally several years now. With changes in Chamber administration and the COVID-19 situation, we have had to overcome numerous challenges that have resulted in unforeseen delays. But now, we are happy to say, our site is up and running, and is ready to help you with many types of valuable and interesting information.
You'll find information regarding business and community-related resources, upcoming events, membership, and much more. We will be featuring randomly selected member businesses for our Member Spotlight section, as well as a page containing links to all of our email blasts, in case you missed one. We will have regular messages from Beth Cherry, Executive Director, and of course information regarding upcoming special events, like Party in the Park, the Halloween Parade, Small Business Saturday, Christmas events, grand openings, re-openings, business anniversaries, promotions, and much more.
We are presently working to provide you with the ability to pay your dues online, register for special events, purchase merch, and much more. You will also be able to enter and update information about your business in a special section featuring information about our members. These features will be rolled out in the near future, so watch for those announcements.
In the meantime, be sure to bookmark our new website so you're up-to-date on all things Chamber-related!
A Special Thank You!
We at the Litchfield Chamber of Commerce would like to thank our website designer, Brad Deters, for his professionalism, creativity, and unending patience during the long process of creating our new website. Brad and his wife, Cathy, are the owners of Maple Grove Digital Marketing, Inc., in Teutopolis, IL--his company is also a member of the Litchfield Chamber of Commerce. Their services include website design and development, social media, search engine optimization, analytics and statistics, online advertising, email marketing, domains and hosting, training, and usability and accessibility consultation.
Contact Brad by clicking the Maple Grove logo below to learn more about his company and to schedule a free consultation!
With our new website up and running, even more people will be tuning in to what we're doing for our local businesses, such as hosting special events like anniversaries, grand openings, promotions, etc. These activities are just a few of the many benefits we provide our members. If you would like us to highlight your business' special occasions but aren't yet a member, don't delay any longer. Just click on the box below to join the Chamber!