We Love Quilting, We Trust That You Do, Too!
We love quilting! I mean, we Really love quilting. Specifically, the way it looks coming off the longarm...the stitching pattern and the stitching design, enhancing the top! That's what I mean by "we love quilting."
Sure, running the machine with a new DIY'er is fun. And, getting to see old friends bringing in the friends and tops is always "over the top." But, there's always that feeling seeing a new top, beautifully stitched.
In that regard, nothing is more helpful that a beautiful quilt top. One of the first things we did some twenty-some-odd years ago, when we founded Forever In Stitches, was to layout some guidelines for the submission of tops, in order to achieve that beautiful look for quilting. We still have that flyer in our studio and on-line. You can read through it and see it on our Dropbox location.
A few years ago Ruth gave a great presentation at the Shipshewana Schoolhouse that was titled "Getting The Most From Your Longarm Dollar." The idea of the talk was to eliminate those "extra charges" that you sometimes get charged at a longarm studio. I took the PowerPoint that she used for that talk and started a series of newsletters that continued with our on-going experiences. I then put the newsletters into book format. That book was named "Getting The Most From Your Longarm Dollars, after the talk that Ruth gave.
So, give us a call and drop on by. And, lets experience the love of quilting, together.