Calflora offers over 25 map layers from which to choose, now including -- due to popular demand -- serpentine!
This video shows available map layers and how they help you understand plant distributions.
This query shows observations found since 2016 in the map area, with precipitation showing as a map layer.
Click on one of the scientific names and its plant characteristics, e.g. Chimaphila umbellata tolerates an annual precipitation of 71-399 cm (28-157 in). Photo by Matt Berger.
Three USGS serpentine layer colors indicate the era when the serpentine bedrock developed, e.g. red areas developed from the mid- to late Jurassic period.
This query is examining a specific serpentine area; change the query filters to see your area of interest by opening Criteria.
Use the blue arrow to fold up the map and examine the results for this watershed, then click on your watershed and search to see what species grow there.