Dear Ecology Center community, 

It is with a heavy heart that we write this message in response to the senseless and brutal murder of George Floyd, which has galvanized our communities to take to the streets in protest. As we look around the state and the nation, we’re once again reminded of the deep systemic racial injustices that impact our black communities. And while the recent protests came in response to the death of George Floyd, make no mistake, every day black and brown communities are facing invisible and visible systemic racism, violence, and inequities that have become a deep-rooted part of American society for over 400 years. 

As an organization and as a community, we at the Ecology Center feel the hurt. We share the rage. We support and are committed to the goals of protesters who seek to draw attention to end the cycles of systemic violence and oppression. Because BLACK LIVES are beautiful, they MATTER , and silence is complicity.

In solidarity and love,
Ecology Center Board and Staff
Resources to take ACTION and SUPPORT the movement:

Black Lives Matter:
Color of Change:
Showing Up For Racial Justice:
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights: