We Will Be Closed Wednesday - Friday!

We will be teaching free Innova Mach 3 courses at Accomplish Quilting in Indianapolis. Both courses, "Advanced Training AutoPilot Mach 3" and "Be Creative With Your Mach 3", will be taught. This will require us to temporarily close the shop from Wednesday, May 31, 2023 through Friday, June 2, 2023, inclusively.

The next free class is at Accomplish Quilting, St. Jo, MI in the fall. Contact us for more information.

Additional, private, classes are taught at our Valparaiso Longarm Studio. In this setting you can have up to five trained for one fee. Again, contact us for more information.
May The Lord Richly Bless You!
Rick & Ruth Grihalva
At Forever In Stitches our goal is to further the art of quilting and longarming.
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Please note that a history of our newsletters, since the second quarter of 2022, can be found on our web-site: ForeverInStitches.com.
Forever In Stitches, LLC
Perfect Corner Ruler
Raggedy Ruth Designs