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Big Attractions of this job?
a) You get paid above market salary while you serve the AsAm community;
b) You work on cyberspace: no need to relocate & saving daily traveling time;
c) Exceptional upward mobility. If you are good, you can be the Executive
Director of 80-20 in 2 to 3 years i.e. practically becoming the leader of
80-20. 80-20’s current president will be 84 in one month. He’ll spend time
nurturing you, teaching you about American politics in a way that is not
available in any book. He may also transfer to you the private email
addresses and cell numbers of political VIPs across the nation;
d) Job title and salary depend on your qualifications. There is no upper limit;
e) 80-20 is on the verge of taking off to become the one and only world-class
AsAm political org. Your name could go down in history.
Brief Background of 80-20:
80-20 has 2 related but independent organizations. They are i) 80-20 Educational Foundation, which is a 501 c-3 org. and ii) a political action committee (PAC). The two components share the same political goal of protecting the rights of AsAms and winning equal opportunity for them in workplaces and in college admissions.
80-20 has 23 years of fighting experience, winning many battles that the "timids" thought impossible. As it fought, it grew stronger, gathering total
assets of about $5.5 million, and an email list of 180,000 valid AsAm e-addresses. That is an ability to reach 594,000 AsAms with its weekly e-newsletter, since each e-address, on the average, reaches a family of 3.3 persons.
80-20 is headed by S. B. Woo, former Lieutenant Governor of Delaware (1985-89). He is guided by 80-20’s Board of 6 great Board Members. All officers and Board Members are volunteers and have donated exceptionally generously to 80-20.
80-20 is unique in many ways. It is honest to a fault. It is courageous and dedicated to achieving its mission. It has rich political experience. It has won some and lost some but it always fought on. 80-20 sometimes complains, without naming names, that many AsAm orgs are too timid, spending too much time talking to each other, and issuing press release which are NOT covered by the media. 80-20 advocate taking actions which help our community.
To appreciate the kind of effective and courageous service that 80-20 has provided, click on 80-20ef.org/posterboard . There are about 250 weekly e-newsletters for you to choose from. Click on one of the titles to read both the e-newsletter (shown at the end of a page) and the readers' comments on that e-newsletter.
Requirement of This Job:
Don’t apply, if you are not exceptionally
A) smart & hard working. Woo works day & night, weekends or during vaca- tion time in order to serve the community in a timely & proficient manner;
B) public-service minded as opposed to career-minded;
C) willing to learn and self-motivated (80-20 doesn’t have an office where you’ll be nurtured constantly by some colleagues); and
D) tough. Politics is NOT a field for the weak and easily discouraged.
Otherwise, we'd love to have you apply. Please email me your resume, including your SAT scores. An applicant should at least have a Bachelor's degree and done very well scholastically. We are very pragmatic. If you think that you may not meet one of our standards but are nevertheless extremely qualified, please apply and explain why.
We like to believe that we served you well. Now is the time for you to HELP BACK. If you know of friends & relatives that have the type of talent, ambition and personality that this job requires, please be so kind as to forward this e-newsletter to him/her. We currently have one full-time staff. We are expanding. We want to serve you well from generation to generation.
S. B. Woo
President and a volunteer for the past 22 years
80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc, a 501 C-3 organization,
Lieutenant Governor of Delaware (1985-89)