
Harmony is open for business!


It's Official...

As I write this email, Harmony's team is serving our very first patient in our new home.

After months of construction, Harmony Women's Care is now officially open for business and we could not be more excited and grateful. This is an incredible milestone in the 33 year history of our ministry.

Harmony's presence in Providence is a beacon of light in a very dark landscape. We offer women support, information, and encouragement in the midst of a difficult and chaotic moment in their lives. When a women comes into our center, she feels calm and welcomed, and is able to get everything she needs to make the best choice for herself and her baby.

This amazing moment is made possible by your ongoing prayers and support. We are so grateful!

In the coming weeks we will be opening our doors for tours and visits. We can't wait for you to see the new place! In the meantime, please join us in prayer as we celebrate what God is doing in the state of RI.

Thank you for all you do for life!

Rachel Nguyen,

Executive Director,

Harmony Women's Care


Prayer room and bible study space


Patient intake room

Conference room