Most Blessed Mary, Mother of God, you are the Immaculate One, through whom shines the fullness of grace.
Here, then, we kneel, your sons and daughters of St Antoninus Church, seeking refuge in your motherly love and protection.
Today we entrust to you St Antoninus Chuch and the future that awaits our parish. We consecrate our hearts to Jesus through your Immaculate Heart.
We consecrate all the works, joys and sacrifices of the people of this Church to Jesus, especially those of our pastor, Fr Joseph, on whom we invoke your prayerful favor and blessing.
We ask you to guide all of us into always following God’s will for us as parish and in each of our lives.
We come to you most earnestly as a parish family to ask for your guidance in all the preparations for the upcoming 150th Anniversary of St Antoninus Church and the 50th Anniversary of the Charismatic Renewal in this parish.
We thank you for always being with us, especially as you lovingly stand by the altar, with Jesus and all the angels and saints, at each celebration of Holy Mass at St Antoninus Church.
We enthrone you as the Patroness and Mother in this Church and in our hearts. Mary, Mother of God, and our Mother, we love you!