Dear Children's Hunger Project Supporter,

Given the hardships caused by the coronavirus pandemic, organizers have added #GivingTuesdayNow, "a global day of giving and unity," on May 5, 2020. "The day is designed to drive an influx of generosity, citizen engagement, business and philanthropy activation, and support for communities and nonprofits around the world," according to "#GivingTuesdayNow will mobilize GivingTuesday’s global network of leaders, partners, communities and generous individuals."

Thanks to many volunteers, businesses, faith organizations and supporters, we are providing over 5,800 meals to children ages 18 and under at Brevard Public Schools distribution sites weekly , as well as Students in Transition, Cocoa and Melbourne PAL, Brevard Cares, Boys and Girls Clubs, and Club Esteem. That's over $55,000 more per month that needs to be raised during the pandemic .

We need to continue to ensure our kids are fed. As an advocate for Brevard Cares said, "It is so rewarding because these are families that cannot afford to feed their children those extra meals now that school is out and, when the children see me coming, the smiles on their faces are ear to ear, even the parents are smiling and so thankful....Children's Hunger Project, I hope you know, all the families that you have helped."

The Children’s Hunger Project is now providing over 5,800 meals weekly during the pandemic, and our budget has gone from $9,200 weekly to over $23,000 weekly . We can only sustain this with your help!

We began our pandemic plan determined to feed as many children as possible. That is still our goal. We will continue, with your help, providing meals to local children. Unlike organizations that have federal and state funding, we rely on the goodness of businesses, civic groups, faith-based organizations and individuals.

To our supporters that have decided to donate your stimulus funds during this critical time of need, THANK YOU for your generosity!

All of our meals are prepped, packed and distributed by volunteers, and we follow the guidelines of not more than 10 people per packing session, 6 ft physical distancing, gloves and face masks, as well as ongoing deep cleaning. If it were not for our dedicated volunteers, our ability to help children would have ended with week one of the pandemic. We also partner with local churches who pack and deliver meals on behalf of TCHP. We are pre-ordering food from our vendors to the greatest extent possible, while searching local markets to ensure our meal packages remain consistent. Facebook fundraisers for TCHP, from money to face masks to hand sanitizer, have helped offset some of the costs of CoVID-19 supplies. We are truly blessed to live in such a giving and compassionate community.
If you have already made a contribution, through simply sharing this email with friends, family and co-workers your impact can be even greater!

Thank you for caring and sharing. You give hungry children in Brevard hope!

The Children's Hunger Project is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charitable organization.         
TCHP has consistently provided weekend meals for school children in Brevard County since 2010.