January 5, 2018
Vol. 2, #5

Hi all,

I've been intrigued with some Facebook videos that are popping up in my feed lately. They have to do with a commitment somebody makes to do something, a little something, every day for 100 days. Is there a focus on 100 days because a New Year's Resolution for 365 days seems daunting and unattainable? Maybe thinking about 100 days makes people gravitate toward more little, achievable goals rather than a sweeping change. I've been trying to get rid of a few pounds - will 100 days of sit-ups help?

What happens when you do push ups for 100 days? Watch this.

And, you may be preparing for the 100th day of school. Check out NEA Communities for some great ideas.

Kathy Rohde
Regional Director 

Celebrate Success!

WEAC Region 3 welcomes 
new members in December!

Congratulations to
Jim Carlson!
After 20 years working tirelessly for our members, first as a UniServ Director at K ettle Moraine UniServ Council (KMUC) in Sheboygan, and then as  a part of the Region 3 team, Jim, as of December 22, 2017, is officially retired. 

Well, kinda. If you know Jim, you know he'll not be content to sit by the sidelines. He will continue his advocacy for members working for WEAC in 2018 as a liaison for the gubernatorial race coming up this fall. When you get involved in the campaign, you'll be sure to see Jim.
All of Jim's Locals in the southern part of Region 3 have been reassigned to Sue Britz, Dave Campshure, and Kathy Rohde. See the Union Contact Information flyer available  

IMPORTANT Income Tax Information

2017 Tax Bill
The Federal government passed a new tax bill in late December 2017. What does that mean for you? Well, nothing in 2017, as you begin to think about preparing your 2017 tax returns. Yes, it's true - nothing in that bill will affect how you file your taxes for last year. What does it mean for 2018? Well, we'll do our best to keep you posted. 

In the meantime, you might want to read this article from the NY Times or this one in Kiplinger.

Tax Prep Discounts
Did you know members can get a discount on tax preparation services?

Services such as H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt, Turbo Tax & Quickbooks are offered through the WEAC Saver's Club. Don't forget to check out the many other discounts members can take advantage of on insurance, shopping and more! Here is the link:   WEAC Saver's Club.

Itemize Your Union Dues
If you file a form 1040 and itemize your deductions, your local, state, and national union dues are tax deductible on Schedule A.  Members who would like to receive a letter that documents your dues payments for 2017, please call the WEAC Region 3 office at 1-800-472-5582 or email your request to Region3@weac.org.
Also, remember the Educator Tax Deduction! There is a $250 tax deduction for educators who purchased classroom supplies and instructional materials for 2017.
Tip of the Month

The Ten-Minute Meeting
All too often we hear, "there's no reason to hold a meeting if there's nothing to report/decide/vote on." Or, we hear, "I'm not sure we have a union because there are never any meetings." But mostly, we hear, "I don't have TIME to go to ANOTHER meeting."
You have an opportunity to keep members in the loop AND respect their time by holding 10-minute meetings! It's also a great time to get feedback from people in the building. 

If you feel like you're in a rut, why not try the 10-minute meeting?

For more details about how the 10-minute meeting works, click  here.

Past topics can be found in our archived newsletters on our website:
October 6, 2017 - teacher licensure changes
November 3, 2017 - recertification election
December 1, 2017 - NEA Benefits

It's nice to put a face together with a phone call. We have a flyer that has pictures of all the WEAC Region 3 (WR3) staff, along with contact information. On the flip side of the flyer is space for YOU to put contact information about YOUR local. How easy is that for a 10-minute meeting? Click here for a pdf . Contact Region 3  for an editable MS Publisher version if you want to add photos of the Local contacts.
BTW, the idea to include photos on this flyer came from a participant in the June 2016 Leadership Boot Camp - we love hearing from you about what works! 

Professional Development

Looking for Smartboard Instructors....

then we'll offer free Smartboard Lessons!

If you, or someone you know, would like to help fellow members learn the basics (and some advanced techniques/strategies), and get paid for the opportunity, please contact Kathy Rohde at rohdek@weac.org.

WEAC Members:  FREE
Non-Members: $160

National Board Certification for Teachers

It's a great way to distinguish yourself as an educator AND receive extra salary!

Region 3 will host GBEA member and Nationally Board Certified teacher Sandra Michels as she presents an overview of the NBCT process. Region 3 will provide member NBCT candidates with:
  • Individual coaching
  • Access to NEA Jump Start curriculum (at Summer Leadership Academy July 30-August 2)
  • Assignment of personal mentor
  • Regular candidate support sessions
  • Access to the expertise of NBCT union members
To learn more about it, come to the Information Session:

Tuesday, February 6, 2018
5:30 - 7:00 pm

Available in person at the WEAC Region 3 office in Green Bay, or virtually through ZOOM.

Click here for the flyer. Help spread the word!

Save the Dates

Eau Claire Writing Retreat - February 9-11

Madison Writing Retreat - February 16-18

NBCT Mentor Networking in Madison - Saturday, March 3

Pinning Ceremony - Sunday, March 4


Curious about NBCT in Wisconsin? Check out the Wisconsin National Board Insider, a newsletter crammed with great info!

DPI Proposes Changes to Licensure

In the biennial budget bill signed by the Governor on September 21, 2017, the Department of Public Instruction was charged with writing the rules that change teacher licensure processes (e.g., obtaining licenses with NO expiration date) as well as simplifying the ways teacher licenses can be granted. This has been done and there are 4 hearings scheduled to respond to the new rules.

Teacher licensure and teacher rights
The proposed overhaul represents two areas - licensing and teacher rights. While the licensure provisions represent a mixed bag of ideas, provisions limiting teacher rights create sweeping changes to disciplinary action based on arbitrary and questionable judgments.

See WEAC's reaction to the new rules here, including links to the DPI proposal, a schedule of the hearing dates and more.

WEAC will be communicating these proposed changes with members, and will hold a statewide tele-town hall for current teacher-members at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, January 15 - in advance of DPI hearings this month.

  • January 16, 4 to 6 p.m. - St. Norbert College, Mulva Library, Room 101, 400 Third Street, De Pere;
  • January 17, 2:30 to 4 p.m. - DPI Headquarters, GEF 3, Room P41, 125 South Webster Street, Madison;
  • January 19, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. - Milwaukee Public Schools, Auditorium, 5225 West Vliet Street, Milwaukee;
  • January 25, 3 to 5 p.m. - CESA 10, Conference Center, 725 West Park Avenue, Chippewa Falls; and
  • January 29, 4 to 6 p.m. - University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Centennial Hall, 3212 Centennial Hall, La Crosse.
If you cannot attend a hearing in person, you can submit a written response.

Stay tuned!

WEAC Region 3