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We Are Not Hitting Pause
Locked down. You and I are now very familiar with that phrase. How is it going for you? This has been a year unlike any in our collective memories, a worldwide crisis that has created hardship for many, and increased isolation for most.

You would think for a ministry like ours, based on relationships and being where young people are at, that these lockdowns would hamper our outreach. It is challenging. We have had to cancel many clubs and camps. We can’t meet in person in many places.

Yet where are young people truly at today? They are online — on their phones, their tablets, and their computers. And so are we! Youth for Christ was already working in this area. You may have read about our Digital Academy in Africa featured in our last EVERY newsletter. Little did the attendees know at that point how relevant and essential that training was going to be in just two short weeks.

“We are not hitting pause,” Sisa, a Digital Academy attendee from Zimbabwe said. “We are continuing on, just at a more rapid pace because we have no other choice.” As always, the goal is to reach more and more young people with the life-changing message of Jesus — and for this season we have been driven fully online.

There was another time followers of Jesus were locked down. Shortly after his resurrection, behind locked doors, the disciples were fearful, not of a pandemic, but of Jewish leaders. But that didn’t stop Jesus. Scripture says, “...suddenly Jesus was standing there among them!” (John 20:19) Lockdowns don’t stop Jesus. The marching orders he gave his friends then (“As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you”) are the same you and I have from him today. It is why you and I are involved in Youth for Christ. He has sent us to share his love with young people.

We would not be authentic with you if we didn’t share that this time is challenging for Youth for Christ International financially. We know it may be for you, too. We also know that some people are okay and, in fact, you may be blessed with resources to help during this time. If that is the case for you, would you consider giving a gift to Youth for Christ International this month? Young people will be blessed by your sacrifice.

Dave Brereton
International Director of Youth for Christ

P.S. Exciting outreach is happening. Lockdowns don't stop Jesus. Thanks for your partnership!
The YFC Prayer Team would love to pray for you and any concerns you may have. Please let us know by clicking the image above.
Your generosity ensures that lost young people have the opportunity to be followers of Jesus. You are reaching young people everywhere.