Dear Generations Incorporated Community,

As an organization we recognize and hear the pain of our communities.  We stand in solidarity and add our voice to the protests sweeping the nation to demand radical solutions that affirm black and brown lives.

We can do more. The work of Generations Incorporated has never been solely about literacy.  We are deeply rooted in the community and our commitment to breaking down barriers to student success. The largest and most pronounced barrier remains systemic racism and inequality. Part of our mission statement reads , “ We serve communities where opportunity gaps exist to ensure that all students have the resources to become literacy proficien t.”  Yet, this visionary statement of our mission remains far too elusive. 

We must do more.  As an organization we remain dedicated to making Generations Incorporated an anti-racist multicultural institution.  We have a long way to go, but we will not sit idly by as the virus of racism and inequality continues to ravage our community.  

We WILL do more. We encourage you to stand with us, in solidarity, against the racial inequity that continues to plague our nation. The children served by Generations Incorporated need us now more than ever. They don’t just need our literacy support, they also need us to prioritize racial justice and anti-racism in everything we do.

We are committed to seeing that the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tamar Rice, Eric Garner, Philando Castile and countless others are not in vain.  We are continuing our work in earnest — work that is imperative in eliminating systemic racism and oppression. 

In Solidarity,
Wes Enicks
Executive Director
Generations Incorporated |