Cambodian Community Dream Organization, Inc.
Thanks to our Staff, BoD and Volunteers
We want to start the New Year with a big shout out to our team on the ground who change lives on a daily basis, giving 100% of their time and effort. 
Our 29 member Staff is very dedicated and work in hard conditions. While taking photos of newly built toilet block, three of them got stuck in a rainstorm and had to spend 3 hours in the rain and then navigate muddy roads for the 40 mins drive back to Siem Reap.
Thanks to our fearless team leader, Leangseng Hoy, who encourages the staff to be their best. Leading by example, he manages the organization and finds time on weekends and evenings to study at two universities for a Doctorate and a MBA in Business Management. He is the main inspiration of the CCDO Staff Scholarship program.
We are grateful to the team who never complain when we add new projects to their already full workload. Our newest idea comes to life through the big heart of our Education Coordinator, Sovoan Sem. A mother of two herself she says that it brings her joy to help the individual families with our Twin Program, twining and sponsoring rural babies with babies of our supporters around the world.
Our CCDO Board of Directors stretches from USA to Ireland, to Thailand. A special gratitude to those who get up very early for a board meeting or end up late at night on the same call spectrum. Thanks to Isabel Rosa who diligently transcribes the minutes.

Thank you to those board members who open their homes to fundraising, especially, Jenn Forney, for always saying yes to hosting in her beautiful California home.

Gratitude to our passionate member from Denver, Carol Duster, who not only has CCDO on her personal monthly donation payroll but has encouraged her family and friends to make donations for our literacy program. The annual Moonlight Pizza she organizes in her community raised funds for library books in 5 schools.
Thanks to Cecilia Nehrer from Bastion Foundation, who continuous to advocate for grants, and keeps us on our toes with thoughtful commenting on our quarterly reports.

Our Financial team of Board Members has ensured that the flow of funds is well documented and is completely transparent. CCDO is proud of the results of the external audit suggested by Paul, Andrew and Kathy. Thank you!

Bringing it closer to home, Thanks to our ASEAN Advisory Panel who are creating more CCDO awareness in Asia.

A special shout out to Bernard Ng of BHN Architecture in Singapore, who has been diligently guiding the building of our preschools to ensure that his awesome design is built to specifications. 

A truly special thanks to creative volunteer, Brian Bibi (in The Netherlands), whose newsletter artwork is spectacular & innovative.

We consistently have 35% rate of our newsletters opened.
One of our silent support volunteers is Andree Thompson in Canada. She manages our Search Engine Optimization making sure we spend our Google Adwords grant with those magical clicks.

Our Website Host, Trinex Internet Solutions on the West Coast of Canada, is always there to tweak the site and add specific Donate Buttons. Thanks to Gary Anglin and George Goodman.
Saving the best for last, our Vice President, Ksenija Olmer, is our true north guide star. Between Granny Duty and Traveling the World, she can always be relied upon to read all the reports and make suggestions to make sure that we nourish the soul of our organization and continue to grow in a responsible manner.
Thanks to all our donors and supporters who with their generosity, are the true Dream Makers and allow us to continue to flourish.

Happy Holidays
May 2022 find you healthy and happy.
Jenni Lipa
President & Founder
Ordinary people can do extraordinary things
to change lives, one child at a time.