News for Alumni & Friends
Citizens Serving Communities to Shape Lives and Save Lives
Inside this Issue...
CAP credited with saving lives,
Spaatzen named Puerto Rico's Secretary of State, call for sweethearts,
video corner, Florida member serves despite health issues, Air Force Association partnership inspires STEM careers, from the history files, alumni and friends spotlight, what's on your bookshelf?, CAP's final salute, and more!
When We Say "We Save Lives" We Mean it!
CAP Credited With 3 Saves in MA Plane Rescue
An incredible story of how far radar technology has advanced and a rescue behind it all.
But WAIT... There's More!
CAP's Cell Phone Forensics Team Locate Two in NH and MT
Civil Air Patrol’s National Cell Phone Forensics Team began the new year by helping searchers locate missing men on opposite sides of the country, in New Hampshire and Montana, only a few hours apart.
But That's Not All...
Our Emergency Response Is Amazing, Too.
Civil Air Patrol members are conducting damage assessment in support of various federal, state and local agencies as part of the response to a series of earthquakes and aftershocks off the southern coast of Puerto Rico.
“Civil Air Patrol has a legacy of serving its communities in times of trouble,” said Lt. Col. Rick Woolfolk, CAP deputy incident commander for the Puerto Rico response.“ Our teams are in the field gathering information that will help in the rescue and recovery efforts underway.”
And, Speaking of Puerto Rico...
Former Spaatz Cadet Named
Puerto Rico Secretary of State
Puerto Rico’s new secretary of state and lieutenant governor, Elmer Roman, received CAP’s top cadet honor, the Gen. Carl A. Spaatz Award, in September 1989 as a member of the Puerto Rico Wing. Less than one-half of 1% of all cadets achieve the Spaatz Award.
Roman previously served as Puerto Rico’s secretary of public safety, and before that he served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense in Washington, D.C., as director, Joint Capability Technology Demonstration, and oversight executive for Building Partnerships and Irregular Warfare.
Next Month:
CAP Highlights Sweethearts!
Last year, we highlighted CAP couples who met through their work with Civil Air Patrol, either as cadets or senior members. Send us your story and a photograph of when you first met or married and now. We'd love to share with our readers.
Did you meet your spouse through Civil Air Patrol?
Thanks for asking, but I found my spouse outside of CAP.
I am not married, but thanks for asking!
My child (or someone in my family) met their spouse through CAP!
FL Member Serves Despite Life-Threatening Condition
Capt. Chuck Vaughn is addressing his current difficult situation just like he’s addressed everything else in his life — head-on, with confidence and intelligence and a never-give-up attitude.
Vaughn serves as the public affairs officer of the Florida Wing’s Jacksonville Composite Squadron, as an aerospace educator and as an event planner. He has attended every squadron meeting for six years, and until recently very few knew of his health struggles...
National Chaplain Corps Recruiting Officer Highlights Recruiting in Ads
Chaplain, Col. Charlie Sattgast, Chaplain Corps Recruiting, filmed this video spot during a recent marketing seminar. Did you know Civil Air Patrol is recruiting chaplains?
Thanks to Air Force Association Partnership, Educators Guide Youth Toward Aviation-Related STEM Careers
Great partnership efforts with the
Indiana Wing
Air Force Association Aerospace Education, P-47 Memorial Chapter.
Photo Credit: River City Cadet Squadron-GLR-IN-220
From the History Files...
CAP Coastal Patrol Base 10, Beaumont, TX
Photo Credit: circa 1941, submitted by James Parsley, Congressional Gold Medal recipient, Arlington, TX
Alumni & Friends Spotlight
Alexis (Wilson-Kirk) Ritter
Why did you join CAP?
My mom actually got me involved in CAP. I was obsessed with the movie Top Gun and wanted to join the United States Navy via going to college at the United States Naval Academy, but I went to an all-girls school and Junior ROTC wasn’t an option for me. She found the local squadron and from my first meeting, I was hooked! I loved the Junior ROTC feel, and then I learned what we actually did, and being able to help people really appealed to me.
Current career?
I currently work for The Boeing Company in St. Louis, MO. After rising to Cadet Commander within my squadron, I went away to Purdue University (unfortunately, my asthma disqualified me from serving in the USN) to pursue a degree in Aeronautical Technology. While at Purdue, I obtained an internship with McDonnell Douglas my junior year and was hired full-time upon my graduation. I began at the company writing technical manuals for the F-15, F/A-18, and AV-8B aircraft. Over the past 20+ years, I’ve spent most of my time on the F/A-18 platform working Integrated Logistics Support projects. I recently obtained my Project Management Professional Certification and currently work in our Program Management Office as a sort of “Project Management Consultant” to the F-15 Platform.
Specific CAP experience/highlight that influenced your career or your life?
CAP provided me with experiences that helped shape my career in so many ways. CAP taught me valuable leadership skills that I have used to inspire a team to complete a project on time and help improve morale. Specifically, one of my first responsibilities within our squadron was as Special Activities Officer. As SAO, I learned how to utilize my network (really my mom’s network) to create interesting activities for our cadets, and making those activities successful meant utilizing project planning skills that I continue to employ to this very day!
Anything else we didn’t ask that you would like to share?
CAP gave me skills and a circle of friends that I still rely upon 25+ years after my time as a cadet came to an end. I am so grateful for the senior members and other leaders that volunteered their time for us.
What's On Your Bookshelf?
Have you read these CAP-focused books?
Miracle on Buffalo Pass: Rocky Mountain Airways Flight 217 (Jones-2017)
America's Homefront War: CAP Against German Submarines (Thiel-2016)
Miracle in Mississippi (Steinbock-2014)
Enchanted Wing: History of New Mexico CAP Wing (Spitzmiller-2009)
Minutemen of the Air (Glines-1966)
Flying Minute Men: The Story of CAP (Neprud-1948)
CAP's Final Salute to Members
Civil Air Patrol offers friends and family the ability to make gifts in memory or honor of someone special. Tribute/memorial gifts made through the link below are listed in each issue of the
Civil Air Patrol Volunteer
Civil Air Patrol - Development
Kristina E. Jones, M.A., CFRE, Chief of Philanthropy
Donna Bass Maraman, Development Coordinator
Col John M. Knowles, CAP, Deputy Chief of Alumni Relations
(334) 953-9003 Direct
(833) IAM-4CAP Toll Free
Interested in talking about the legacy you want to leave?