12:40pm: “Messages from the Ascended Masters" w/ Tamara Conner
About Tamara: In 2015, my husband and I was guided to go to Mt. Shasta, California. There I met my Lemurian Family the Telosians. From that time forward, we have been called to help them in various ways. In one my meditations Saint Germain asked me to step forward to assist humanity with classes on the Seven Sacred Flames and Ascension Ceremonies. These classes have been profound in helping others to grow spiritually and to attain their mastery.
Description: The Ascended Masters are bringing important messages in order to help us thru these shifts that humanity is going through right now!
1:20pm: “Practical Astrology for Everyday Life” w/ Wendy Griffin
About Wendy: Wendy is the co-owner of Artio Artisanals with her husband Bear. She left her teaching career in 2017 to pursue her spiritual path, began handcrafting spiritual tools and giving spiritual guidance to others through her readings. She practices several forms of divination, including runes and tarot, is an intuitive, and is currently an active student and teacher of astrology.
Description: We will briefly discuss some foundations of astrology and how to map out a natal chart. Then, we will discuss the current astrological transits happening this month, how those may impact our lives and the best ways to capitalize on or counter those energies.
2:00pm: “Letting Go Through Body Work & Dance” w/ Miabella & Mishaele Richardson-Harrell
About Miabella: With over 40 years of experience in the ancient art of belly dance, Miabella has traveled and performed all over the world sharing her joy of this dance. She now shares her passion with her students and helps them to become one with their bodies and to find their inner Goddess.
About Mishaele: Mishaele has over 20 years of experience working with clients as a medical massage therapist, lymphatic drainage therapist, CranioSacral therapist, and Reiki Master. She also helps those with trauma/PTSD. She is passionate about helping others overcome their past and will intuitively help you in your path to healing.
Description: Miabella and Mishaele will do a belly dance demonstration and invite you to learn a few moves so that you too can feel the energy of movement flow through you. Mishaele will briefly talk about how we hold our emotions in our body, how trauma is stored in our body, and how PTSD massage and energy healing will help release the years of negative emotions that have limited you and told you that you aren’t enough. And it all starts with a single breath.
2:40pm: “Messages from Loved Ones” w/ Michelle Henderson
About Michelle: Michelle Henderson is a Certified Spiritual Advisor with Psychic and Medium Certificates through the Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development. Her goal through mediumship is to reassure others that there is an afterlife and to find closure after a loved one passes over. She also wants to validate that there is a spiritual realm that helps everyone along their life’s journey. With every mediumship reading, she wants her clients to find spiritual uplifting and grasp that there is hope on the other side during a difficult time, and know that they are not alone!
Description: Michelle Henderson Medium will connect with loved ones on the other side, bringing through incredible details, and loving & healing messages. Michelle can only provide personal messages to as many guests as time allows & a message is not guaranteed. The healing messages that come through will touch many hearts and benefit everyone.
3:20pm: “Maintaining the Love Connection even after your Animal has Crossed Over” w/ Mary Helen Schmidt
About Mary Helen: Mary Helen has been an animal communicator for about 15 years and she is also a Shamanic and Quantum-Touch practitioner. Her purpose is to help us have a deeper understanding that our animals are aware physically, emotionally and spiritually. Mary Helen teaches animal communication where those concepts are revealed in a much deeper way.
Description: Mary Helen will be leading you through a meditation to connect you with one member of your animal family who has crossed over.
4:00pm: “Empaths & the Challenges of Earth School” w/ JeanAnn St Grace
About JeanAnn: JeanAnn is a Medium who uses her channel to help people gain understanding of their life’s journey and to see the possibilities that lie before them. In her healing practice she uses modalities, such as Soul Contract, Human Design, Reiki, and Divine Healing, to help people become conscious and engaged, aligning their Mind, Body and Soul to build the Heaven on Earth we all desire and deserve. JeanAnn lives in Texas, but with the gift of Zoom, she works with clients across the United States and the World.
Description: The Earth School isn’t easy, and as Empaths and Highly Sensitive people, we can find ourselves struggling with the density of everyday living. Crowds, stores, noise and other things feel overwhelming and it’s a struggle to get through the day. I’ll share some tips and open up for questions to discuss how to Excel at Earth School while honoring the beauty and uniqueness of our sensitive natures.
4:40pm: “Group Healing w/ our Angels & Quantum-Touch” w/ Jason Carlson
About Jason: Jason is a Quantum-Touch Level 1 Instructor, Gathering of Angels Instructor and the Director & Co-Founder of the Holistic Fair. As a Practitioner of Healing, his heart’s desire is to lovingly assist others along their own path and growth processes with empowerment.
Description: Jason is leading a fun-filled heart centered Group Healing, working with the loving assistance of our Angels and the energetic modality he teaches, Quantum-Touch.
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