Progress toward self-sufficiency can be daunting due to the multitude of obstacles hindering forward movement for families.
At MdC, we are in continuous dialog with our families to learn about the barriers that impede their progress toward self-sufficiency. One area that is weighing moms down is the need to wash school uniforms on a daily basis. This is not as simple as it might seem.
The process of washing laundry is very manual. Moms either stand outside in extreme weather and wash clothes by hand with a hose, or some rent a washing machine. However, the machine they rent is missing the electronic components. So first, they use a hose to fill the machine to the desired level. They then manually move the dial through the cycles, adding and removing the hose as needed. Clothes are then hung to dry and hope there is not a sudden desert rain or wind storm.
Laundry is just one of the daily challenges families face. Washing dishes outside, lack of running water in the home, floors of dirt, and long days of work and/or transportation challenges are just some of the realities of life and the barriers we are working to overcome with our families.
Laundry is just one small thing we can do to make life a little easier.