We have 13 private rooms available for new attendees to the

Getting Away with Murder Course!

Register today!

Getting Away with Murder:

The Challenges of Staged Crime Scenes

(A Focus on Intimate Partner Homicides)


October 24-28, 2022

Estes Park, CO (High Peak Camp)

Space is limited

Help us develop a national team of professionals trained in handling Staged Crime Scene cases! Libby Caswell’s case will be one of four cases our attendees will work on during this AMAZING course. Join us! Register TODAY and bring a team!

What happened in Room 319? Family questions cause of death of young mother

Libby Caswell was 21 years-old when she died. Her death would light a fire under her mother, Cindy Caswell, and a team of experts from the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention to shine a light on what they think really happened.

The most glaring evidence, Smock said, were the markings on Libby's neck.

He demonstrated the pattern found on Libby's neck at autopsy on a mannequin head.

"This demonstrates the mark that goes circumferentially around the neck, not consistent with a hanging," Smock said in his demonstration.

Smock explains that when someone dies hanging, you will see an inverted "V" pattern on the back of the neck with a space nearing the base of the skull. He said the circumferential pattern on Libby's neck tells him she was strangled.

2020 Press Conference:

Justice for Libby

Join the leading experts in the country from the Training Institute in Strangulation Prevention, a program of Alliance for HOPE International, in a dynamic, hands-on 3.5-day course on strangulation and suffocation murders. High Peak Camp near Estes Park, Colorado will be the perfect location for this brand-new course from our nationally respected Institute. Evenings will be free for those wishing to go into nearby Estes Park or enjoy time at the Alliance’s new retreat Center, H7 at Hope Mountain, just down the road from High Peak Camp.

Crime scene staging research has found that most offenders who stage crime scenes are male, most victims are female, and the most common victim-offender relationship involving staging is intimate partner relationships. Therefore, this course focuses on detecting staged crime scenes in intimate partner-related deaths.

Seasoned investigators, medical examiners, and prosecutors can be misdirected by killers and can close highly suspicious cases as accidents, suicides, or undetermined cause of death cases. This course will identify the primary mistakes made in staged crime scene cases and walk attendees through the pathway to build prosecutable homicide cases. Attendees will work on actual case and meet the surviving family members of the victims. Well-being and relationship building will also be a priority during this unique course with team activities, zip lining, miniature golf, hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park, disc golf, basketball, and game room activities available.

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