Double your donation!

We have a matching donation challenge!

Brothers Keith and Scott Martin went to camp in the 1960s. Like most kids who go to GCC, the experience stuck with them for their entire lives.

Now, the Martin family is giving back, BIG.

When Scott unexpectedly passed away, Keith and their sister, Chrys, decided to do something special to recognize his memory. So they're making a legacy gift of $100,000 to the Gales Creek Camp Endowment Fund that will provide financial support for Gales Creek Campers in perpetuity.

Now the Martins are inviting you to join them.

They're stepping forward again with a pledge to match every donation made directly to the Campership Fund through October, up to $10,000.

Learn more and double your donation here

Hope-Mongering parent/caregiver support sessions

This month:

Ask a Young Adult - Spooky Version

With your GCC Counseling Staff!

Hey, can you eat that?

Halloween presents some unique challenges for kids with diabetes (and their parents). That's why we've recruited some of our resident experts for our latest Hope-Mongering session! Stop on by to ask several members of our counseling staff how their parents approached the holiday when they were kids, what they might have done differently, and everything in between. Hear what other parents have to say, too.

Don't worry if your curiosity extends beyond trick 'r treating. These young adults will be happy to answer your questions on any diabetes-related topic. Our panel ranges from recent high-school graduates to those working full-time in the rat-race. Yes, Camp Director Jeb! is still a young person (kind of), even if he is off his parents' health insurance. Come to think of it, you may even want to ask about that, too..

Join the conversation October 17th at 7pm!

Hope Mongering is always free!

Sign up for Hope-Mongering here

About Hope-Mongering:

Each month we recruit an array of key voices to host a series of conversations: parents, young adults who grew up with T1D, health coaches, educators, dietitians, T1D doctors and nurses, and of course the GCC summer camp crew. It's a magic formula for conversation on raising a young person with T1D. We'd love for you to join us and add your voice, or just sit back and listen. Feel free to bring topics or questions.

See previous sessions and hot takes on our YouTube Channel here!

LAST CHANCE! Did your camper lose something at GCC this year?

Check our lost and found bin here

Let us know if you want anything back and we'll figure out how to get it to you. After October, everything will be handed off to our favorite thrift store.

Watch out! All current camp session videos are on YouTube

Why not check them out right now?

Click here to watch all the videos!

Bonus pics for those who scrolled all the way down

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