We have your solution to power outages!
Do you need a home generator?
Your safety and comfort matter to us!

A backup generator is a fast solution to keep your home powered when the electricity goes out! While losing power may be a minor inconvenience to some, it can be terrifying for others with security or health issues that rely on electricity for their wellbeing. With the growing work-from-home population and children attending school online, a missed day of income and education is not an option. Connected Technology has qualified-staff available to install generators immediately. Never worry about losing power again! 

Our friendly staff is waiting to help schedule your appointment!

Can I afford it? 
We can work with every budget to help keep you safe, comfortable and connected!

What are my options?
We prefer to use generators from Honeywell and Generac. We find these are high-quality products that provide the most reliability for our customers. We provide generator installations that provide the following options: 
  • Whole-house circuit protection with automatic transfer
  • Partial-house circuit protection with automatic transfer
  • Portable generators for partial house protection with manual transfer

How does it work?
A whole house or partial house generator has an automatic transfer switch that sends generator power to your home and will continue providing power until your main power source returns. You can monitor the status from an app on your phone! The manual generator needs to be turned on, but can keep your essentials powered when the electrical grid fails you! Whether your time is spent on Netflix, Fortnite or Zoom, you’ll never miss a beat! 

Are there other options?
Yes! The generators are ready for install immediately, but you can also consider the Tesla Powerwall, a whole house battery backup. The cost is comparable (potentially less with rebates). Read a comparison here:

You can also read more about the Tesla Powerwall on our website.
Connected Technology | (916) 824-1800 | CSLB Lic. # 996560