We are excited to re-open the office
at Dreamweavers!

May 26th - Administrative & Speech Staff back in the office!
June 1st - In-office Speech Therapy sessions resume!
If you prefer to continue teletherapy, please let your therapist know. We are happy to make that accommodation.
The last few months have been challenging. We can’t thank you enough for your patience and support! We are working diligently to ensure the safety of our employees and the people receiving our services. 

Here's what your therapists and administrative staff may look like when you visit our office!
Here's what we're doing to
keep you safe!
The following CDC recommended procedures have been implemented to provide the safest therapeutic environment possible:

  •  All staff will complete a health screening questionnaire prior to beginning work each day.
  • Screening will include questions regarding personal illness, illness in the home, and recent travel outside of the state or country. Therapists will not be allowed to work if they or anyone in their home is sick.
  • Caregivers will be asked to complete the same questionnaire before each therapy session. If anyone in your home is sick, we ask that you reschedule the appointment.
  • The waiting room will remain closed. We have removed all toys, books, magazines, etc. from our waiting room. All common areas and surfaces will be sanitized throughout the day.
  • Please park in the rear of the building. All clients will enter and exit through the back door, which is closest to the bathroom. Therapists and children will wash their hands before and after each therapy session.
  • Please text your therapist upon arrival. Therapist will pick up your child at your car. Caregivers will wait in their car unless participating in therapy. The therapist will bring your child back to your car at the end of the session.
  • Additional time will be scheduled in between sessions to sanitize all items used during therapy, as well as frequently touched surfaces.
  • Therapists will wear masks and/or face shields during therapy. We ask that caregivers wear masks, if available, during pick up and drop off at your car. Please help us keep our therapists well!
  • HEPA Air purifiers are in all therapy offices and common areas.
  • Our doors will remain locked to ensure no outside visitors.
Your input is important to us!
If you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns please reach out to us right away. You can send us a message through our website by clicking here: https://www.dreamweaversnc.com/contact-us.html , contact your child’s therapist directly, or reach out to our Safety Officer, Blayke Turrubiartes at 704-865-5981. 

Our goal is to provide an environment where everyone feels safe and secure. We appreciate your help and support! 
We look forward to seeing you soon!